The test daemon watches the content of files in a directory and if any of them changes (the content is edited), it runs the tests.
Put the tdaemon somewhere where it's executable.
Simply run this:
$ python /path/to/
The daemon starts watching the current directory and subdirectories. As soon as
one file changes, the daemon runs nosetests
and you may watch the result.
If you want to run the daemon from another directory than your current directory, just run:
$ /path/to/your/project
For example, try out py.test
$ --test-program=py
is the default test program, but you may use others.
The available test programs are:
- nosetests (keyword is
) - django (keyword is
) - py.test (keyword is
) - symfony (keyword is
) - jelix (keyword is
) - phpunit (keyword is
Bear in mind that if you want to use one of these program, you must install them on your system.
Note : When you're using django, the path to the project must be the path where
Most test programs allow you to test using specifig arguments, to test a small
part of your project, or using a specific setting. If you want to append
specific arguments to your command line, use the --custom-args
like this::
$ --custom-args="myapp.MyTestClass" --test-program=django
The above command will execute the following command in the current directory:
$ ./ myapp.MyTestClass
Please refer to the test program manual / documentation to find out which additional argument you may use here.
WARNING: Please note that every time you're going to use this option, it will require your confirmation. You are being warned that any command that would break your system, erase some important data, etc. is YOUR PLAIN FAULT!. Not mine. So BE CAREFUL. Please.
The tdaemon
first checks the total filesize you want to scan. If the total
file size exceeds his quota (which is 25MB by default), the program asks you if
you still want to go on with this. You may be informed that scanning large
directories may take some time, and thus alter the daemon performances.
You can change this quota by using the --size-max
argument. For example:
$ tdaemon --size-max=100
With this argument, the programm will only ask for your permission to proceed with a total archive of more than 100MB.
[ ] Extend the test utilities to other languages
[ ] Add an "ignore" option to ignore other files (logs, sqlite database,
image files, etc)
[ ] Check other pythonic dependencies (django, py.test). Won't be possible
for non-python test-programs, though
[X] implements py.test, if possible
[X] Fixing bug: when a file vanished, the program fails.
[X] I remember I made the first bits of the code after reading an article...
[X] Find the link and name of the original author
[X] add appropriate credits
[X] Bugfix: When doing (e.g.) hg commit, it opens temporary files that are
detected as "changed", and the daemon starts tests. It should be ignored
(ref. ignore-directories)
[X] Feature: If the scanned directory size if larger than the option limit,
asking for the user to accept processing or not. Default option limit is 25MB
[X] OBSOLETE: Add the possibility to run a custom command.
(eg. ``python test myapp.MyTest``)
[X] Erase the custom command option. Too dangerous
[X] Check the only default dependency: ``nosetests``.
[X] Add an "custom argument" option. The user may want to run specific
commands, but the only way to do so is to send arguments rather than the
whole external command. Tests must pass, though (no `&`, for example)