My name is Dmitry, and I'm an experienced developer with Effector
, Redux
, React
, NextJs
, and Typescript
Among my recent achievements, I would like to highlight the creation and successful launch of an MVP project that attracted investments from shareholders affiliated with "Skolkovo."
I value the practice of writing unit tests, as I have rich experience working with fast-growing companies that often overlook this practice.
Completed an extensive B2B web application with 295 screens on 11 pages and acted as the sole developer of the interface.
The work actively used code generation for types and some parts of the client application, according to the open-API specification. Duration: 1 year.
Tech Stack: TypeScript

- Collaborated on a cool internal B2B startup with a 7-member team, crafting an excellent product and securing funding from Skolkovo Innovation Center.
- Localized the award-winning B2C website into English within the set deadline, enabling participation in a foreign exhibition and creating a case for attracting foreign clients.
- Led two front-end developers, architecture implementation, task planning, and assignment.
- Conducted 15 interviews with React developer candidates, hired three talented people, and fired one.
- Developed and promoted games-related E2E projects with a community of 15,000 players.
A few sites that I have maintained as a Frontend Engineer:
- Optimized the FCP metric on the Employer's corporate website to achieve a 0.5 Lighthouse score, which positively impacted the brand.
- Localized the award-winning website into English within the set deadline, enabling participation in a foreign exhibition and resulting in the creation of a case for attracting foreign clients. Mentions: Behance, Dribble: One, Two, Three, 1st Place on: GoldenSite 2022, WDA
- Kana Quiz (Forked with some features)
- Minesweeper Game (Alpha)
- Abstract Landing Page [source]
- Electron App [source]
- Test Message Feed [source]
- Tic Tac Toe Game [source]
- Frontend Mentor Challenges [source]
- Improvements for "the book of shaders".
- Minesweeper based on Pixi.js + shaders.
In 2015, I developed an unofficial trading system for Warframe players because, at that time, the game lacked a developed trading system.
Players had to manually analyze the trading chat or send out their offers for exchange. The site offered a search and product database, price ratings, and other marketing tools that made life easier for players.
This project was one of my early works that gained popularity in a particular social group.
It was a purely client-side web application. However, I partially used a CMS for routing and a PHP template engine. I enjoyed creating it simply because it was aesthetically pleasing and one-of-a-kind. I aimed to make the interface closely resemble the original game's interface.
- A spinner for loot boxes (no financial investments, just for fun)
- Collection of player statistics
- Userbar generator with overlay options.
BDO Boss Tracker
It was a small application that analyzed messages in the Discord gaming channel and displayed the gathered information on the website in infographic form.
The application helped Black Desert Online players increase their efficiency in boss hunting by reducing the difficulties associated with calculating boss respawn times. It also provided up-to-date information from other game servers. The project's architecture involved social engineering, as player-generated data on bosses was collected from specific Discord chat channels.