- San Jose, CA
- http://gouravtiwari.blogspot.com
akamai-cloudlet-manager Public
A Ruby interface to simplify akamai-cloudlet updates
rpm Public
Forked from newrelic/newrelic-ruby-agentNew Relic RPM Ruby Agent
Ruby Other UpdatedAug 23, 2016 -
stream-it Public archive
Simple Blog application with HTTP Streaming
optimizely_server_side Public
Forked from ankit8898/optimizely_server_sideWrapper for providing optimizely-sdk server side experience in cached config way
Ruby UpdatedAug 11, 2016 -
jquery.liveaddress Public
Forked from msoftware/jquery.liveaddressLiveAddress API jQuery Plugin
JavaScript GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJul 16, 2016 -
rewire Public
Forked from jhnns/rewireEasy monkey-patching for node.js unit tests
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMay 18, 2016 -
TiFlexiGrid Public
Forked from prodz18/TiFlexiGridAn Alloy Widget for creating grid layouts.
JavaScript UpdatedSep 4, 2015 -
google-instant-hangouts Public
Forked from ankit8898/google-instant-hangoutsRuby Gem to Easily add Google+ Hangouts to any web page. (https://github.com/google/instant-hangouts)
JavaScript UpdatedApr 26, 2015 -
audit_rails Public archive
audits trails for crud and link tracking with analytics on charts
docs Public
Forked from mongodb/docsThe MongoDB Documentation Project Source.
Python UpdatedApr 20, 2015 -
frontend-guidelines Public
Forked from bendc/frontend-guidelinesSome HTML, CSS and JS best practices.
UpdatedApr 11, 2015 -
awesome-ruby Public
Forked from markets/awesome-ruby💎 A collection of awesome Ruby libraries, tools, frameworks and software
UpdatedApr 11, 2015 -
ConsumerAppSinatra Public archive
freetreesraleigh.github.io Public
Forked from freetreesraleigh/freetreesraleigh.github.ioofficial website for prachar advertising
HTML UpdatedMar 18, 2015 -
react-flux-cart Public
Forked from scotch-io/react-flux-cartCode for the tutorial by @kenwheeler: Create a Shopping Cart Using React.js and Flux
JavaScript UpdatedOct 29, 2014 -
acts_as_paranoid Public
Forked from ActsAsParanoid/acts_as_paranoidActiveRecord plugin allowing you to hide and restore records without actually deleting them.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedAug 11, 2014 -
google-contacts Public
Forked from varunlalan/google-contactsSimplifies using the Google Contacts V3 API
Ruby GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedAug 9, 2014 -
funchat Public
Simple, funchat app, as we are exploring and learning nodejs, angularjs and socket.io
jasmine Public
Forked from jasmine/jasmineDOM-less simple JavaScript testing framework
JavaScript UpdatedJul 18, 2014 -
reveal.js Public
Forked from hakimel/reveal.jsThe HTML Presentation Framework
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 16, 2014 -