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An open source user-empowering data visualization Vue 3 components library for eloquent data storytelling


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A user-empowering data visualization Vue components library for eloquent data storytelling.

Available components


Mini charts






npm i vue-data-ui

You can declare components globally in your main.js:

import { createApp } from "vue";
import App from "./App.vue";
// Include the css;
import "vue-data-ui/style.css";

// You can declare Vue Data UI components globally
import { VueUiRadar } from "vue-data-ui";

const app = createApp(App);

app.component("VueUiRadar", VueUiRadar);

Or you can import just what you need in your files:

<script setup>import {(VueUiRadar, VueUiXy)} from "vue-data-ui";</script>

Since v.2.0.38, you can also use the "VueDataUi" universal component, just specifying which component you are using. You can of course use the slots provided, if the target component has them.

<script setup>
import { ref } from "vue";
import { VueDataUi } from "vue-data-ui";
// Include the css;
import "vue-data-ui/style.css";

const config = ref({...});
const dataset = ref([...]);





Note that the following utility components are not supported by the universal VueDataUi component and must be imported individually:

  • Arrow
  • VueUiIcon
  • VueUiPattern


Types are available in the 'vue-data-ui.d.ts' file under the types directory of the package.


This repo contains a boilerplate implementation of the vue-data-ui package in Nuxt

Customizable tooltips

Charts with tooltips have a config option to customize tooltip contents:

customFormat: ({ seriesIndex, datapoint, series, config }) => {
  return `<div>${ ... }</div>`;

Data formatting

Data labels can be customized using the formatter config attribute (since v2.3.29 on all chart components):

// the formatter attribute is generally placed under label or dataLabel config attribute objects

const config = ref({
  formatter: ({ value, config }) => {
    return `formatted ${value}`;


#svg slot

Most Vue Data UI chart components include a #svg slot you can use to introduce customized svg elements (shapes, text, etc).

<VueUiXy :dataset="dataset" :config="config">
  <template #svg="{ svg }">
    <foreignObject x="100" y="0" height="100" width="150">
      <div>This is a custom caption</div>

The svg slot also works when using the VueDataUi universal component, if the component it wraps supports it.

#legend slot (since v.2.0.41)

All charts expose a #legend slot except for:

  • VueUiCirclePack
  • VueUiDumbbell
  • VueUiFlow
  • VueUiFunnel
  • VueUiHeatmap
  • VueUiRelationCircle
  • VueUiSparkHistogram
  • VueUiSparkStackbar
  • VueUiSparkbar
  • VueUiSparkgauge
  • VueUiSparkline
  • VueUiThermometer
  • VueUiTimer
  • VueUiTiremarks
  • VueUiWheel

The legend slot also works when using the VueDataUi universal component, if the component it wraps supports it. It is recommended to set the show legend config attribute to false, to hide the default legend.

<VueUiDonut :config="config" :dataset="dataset">
  <template #legend="{ legend }">
    <div v-for="item in legend">{{ }}</div>

Tooltip #tooltip-before & #tooltip-after slots

Customize tooltip contents with #tooltip-before and #tooltip-after slots. It is that easy to include an image, another chart or any other content into your tooltips. It's an alternative to the config option tooltip.customFormat, in case richer tooltip content is needed.

Both slots expose the following object:


The following charts bear these slots:

  • VueUiAgePyramid
  • VueUiCandlestick
  • VueUiDonut
  • VueUiGalaxy
  • VueUiHeatmap
  • VueUiHistoryPlot
  • VueUiMolecule
  • VueUiNestedDonuts
  • VueUiOnion
  • VueUiParallelCoordinatePlot
  • VueUiQuadrant
  • VueUiQuickChart
  • VueUiRadar
  • VueUiRings
  • VueUiScatter
  • VueUiSparkStackbar
  • VueUiStackbar
  • VueUiTreemap
  • VueUiVerticalBar
  • VueUiWordCloud
  • VueUiXy *
  • VueUiXyCanvas
  • VueUiwaffle

* VueUiXy slots specifically expose the following additional attributes:


<VueUiDonut :config="config" :dataset="dataset">
  <template #tooltip-before={ datapoint, seriesIndex, dataset, config }">
      This content shows first
  <template #tooltip-after={ datapoint, seriesIndex, dataset, config }">
      This content shows last

The #tooltip-before & #tooltip-after slots also works when using the VueDataUi universal component, if the component it wraps supports them.

Add a watermark using the #watermark slot

You can use the #watermark slot to include any watermark content with your own styling. This slot exposes the isPrinting boolean you can use to display the watermark only when producing a pdf or an image.

<VueUiDonut :config="config" :dataset="dataset">
  <template #watermark="{ isPrinting }">
      style="font-size: 100px; opacity: 0.1; transform: rotate(-10deg)"

Customization of the zoom reset button with the #reset-action slot

Available for the following components:

  • VueUiQuickChart (for line & bar types only)
  • VueUiXy
  • VueUiDonutEvolution
  • VueUiCandlestick
  • VueUiWordCloud

The config option zoom.useResetSlot must be set to true to use the slot.

<VueUiXy :config="config" :dataset="dataset">
  <template #reset-action="{ reset }">
    <button @click="reset()">RESET ZOOM</button>


If for some reason you can't access the documentation website and need to get the default config object for a component:

import { getVueDataUiConfig } from "vue-data-ui";

const defaultConfigXy = getVueDataUiConfig("vue_ui_xy");

Themes (since v2.2.9)

All charts are set by default without a theme, and use the default color palette.

5 themes are available for all charts:

  • zen
  • hack
  • concrete
  • celebration (v2.4.70+)
  • celebrationNight (v2.4.70+)

Any color provided in dataset props will override the colors used by the theme for datapoints.

To use a theme, set the theme attribute of the config prop, for example:

const donutConfig = ref({
  theme: 'zen',

Available components : details

Type definitions are available in the vue-data-ui.d.ts file in the dist/types directory.

Universal component

Name dataset type config type emits / exposed methods slots custom tooltip themes
VueDataUi (depends on component) (depends on component) (depends on component) (depends on component) (depends on component) (depends on component)

Quick chart

From the dataset you pass into the props, this component will produce the most adapted chart (either a line, bar or donut chart)

Name dataset type config type emits / exposed methods slots custom tooltip themes
VueUiQuickChart VueUiQuickChartDataset VueUiQuickChartConfig @selectDatapoint, @selectLegend, generatePdf, generateImage, toggleTooltip #legend, #tooltip-before, #tooltip-after, #reset-action, #watermark, #chart-background

Mini charts

Name dataset type config type emits / exposed methods slots custom tooltip themes
VueUiSparkline VueUiSparklineDatasetItem[] VueUiSparklineConfig @selectDatapoint #svg, #before, #chart-background
VueUiSparkbar VueUiSparkbarDatasetItem[] VueUiSparkbarConfig @selectDatapoint #data-label, #title
VueUiSparkStackbar VueUiSparkStackbarDatasetItem[] VueUiSparkStackbarConfig @selectDatapoint #tooltip-before, #tooltip-after
VueUiSparkHistogram VueUiSparkHistogramDatasetItem[] VueUiSparkHistogramConfig @selectDatapoint #chart-background
VueUiSparkGauge VueUiSparkGaugeDataset VueUiSparkGaugeConfig #chart-background
VueUiSparkTrend number[] VueUiSparkTrendConfig #chart-background
VueUiGizmo VueUiGizmoDataset VueUiGizmoConfig
VueUiBullet VueUiBulletDataset VueUiBulletConfig generatePdf, generateImg, getData #svg, #legend, #watermark, #chart-background


Name dataset type config type emits / exposed methods slots custom tooltip themes
VueUiAgePyramid Array<Array<string / number>> VueUiSparklineConfig generatePdf, generateImage, generateCsv, toggleTable, toggleTooltip #svg, #legend, #tooltip-before, #tooltip-after, #watermark, #chart-background
VueUiCandlestick Array<Array<string / number>> VueUiCandlestickConfig generatePdf, generateImage, generateCsv, toggleTable, toggleTooltip #svg, #legend, #tooltip-before, #tooltip-after, #reset-action, #watermark, #chart-background
VueUiCirclePack VueUiCirclePackDatasetItem[] VueUiCirclePackConfig @selectDatapoint, getData, generatePdf, generateImage, generateCsv, toggleTable #svg, #legend, #watermark, #chart-background , #pattern, #zoom-label, #data-label
VueUiChestnut VueUiChestnutDatasetRoot[] VueUiChestnutConfig @selectRoot, @selectBranch, @selectNut, getData, generatePdf, generateCsv, generateImage, toggleTable #svg, #legend, #watermark, #chart-background
VueUiDonutEvolution VueUiDonutEvolutionDatasetItem[] VueUiDonutEvolutionConfig @selectLegend, getData, generatePdf, generateCsv, generateImage, toggleTable #svg, #legend, #reset-action, #watermark, #chart-background
VueUiDonut VueUiDonutDatasetItem[] VueUiDonutConfig @selectDatapoint, @selectLegend, getData, generatePdf, generateCsv, generateImage, toggleTable, toggleLabels, toggleTooltip #svg, #legend, #dataLabel, #tooltip-before, #tooltip-after, #plot-comment, #watermark, #chart-background, #pattern
VueUiDumbbell VueUiDumbbellDataset[] VueUiDumbbellConfig getData, generatePdf, generateCsv, generateImage, toggleTable #svg, #legend, #watermark, #chart-background
VueUiFlow VueUiFlowDatasetItem[] VueUiFlowConfig getData, generatePdf, generateCsv, generateImage, toggleTable #svg, #watermark, #chart-background
VueUiFunnel VueUiFunnelDatasetItem[] VueUiFunnelConfig getData, generatePdf, generateCsv, generateImage, toggleTable #svg, #watermark, #chart-background
VueUiGalaxy VueUiGalaxyDatasetItem[] VueUiGalaxyConfig @selectDatapoint, @selectLegend, getData, generatePdf, generateCsv, generateImage, toggleTable, toggleTooltip #svg, #legend,#tooltip-before, #tooltip-after, #chart-background
VueUiGauge VueUiGaugeDataset VueUiGaugeConfig generatePdf, generateImage #svg, #legend, #watermark, #chart-background, #pattern
VueUiHeatmap VueUiHeatmapDatasetItem[] VueUiHeatmapConfig generatePdf, generateCsv, generateImage, toggleTable, toggleTooltip #svg, #tooltip-before, #tooltip-after, #watermark, #chart-background
VueUiHistoryPlot VueUiHistoryPlotDatasetItem[] VueUiHistoryPlotConfig @selectDatapoint, @selectLegend, getData, generatePdf, generateCsv, generateImage, toggleTable, toggleTooltip #svg, #legend, #tooltip-before, #tooltip-after, #watermark, #chart-background
VueUiMolecule VueUiMoleculeDatasetNode[] VueUiMoleculeConfig @selectNode, getData, generatePdf, generateCsv, generateImage, toggleTable, toggleLabels, toggleTooltip #node, #svg, #tooltip-before, #tooltip-after, #watermark, #chart-background
VueUiMoodRadar VueUiMoodRadarDataset VueUiMoodRadarConfig getData, generatePdf, generateCsv, generateImage, toggleTable #svg, #legend, #watermark, #chart-background
VueUiNestedDonuts VueUiNestedDonutsDatasetItem[] VueUiNestedDonutsConfig @selectDatapoint, @selectLegend, getData, generatePdf, generateCsv, generateImage, toggleTable, toggleLabels, toggleTooltip #svg, #legend, #tooltip-before, #tooltip-after, #watermark, #chart-background
VueUiOnion VueUiOnionDatasetItem[] VueUiOnionConfig @selectLegend, getData, generatePdf, generateCsv, generateImage, toggleTable, toggleTooltip #svg, #legend, #tooltip-before, #tooltip-after, #watermark, #chart-background
VueUiParallelCoordinatePlot VueUiParallelCoordinatePlotDatasetItem[] VueUiParallelCoordinatePlotConfig @selectLegend, @selectDatapoint, getData, generatePdf, generateCsv, generateImage, toggleTable, toggleLabels, toggleTooltip #svg, #legend, #tooltip-before, #tooltip-after, #plot-comment, #watermark, #chart-background
VueUiQuadrant VueUiQuadrantDatasetItem[] VueUiQuadrantConfig @selectLegend, @selectPlot, @selectSide, getData, generatePdf, generateCsv, generateImage, toggleTable, toggleLabels, toggleTooltip #svg, #legend, #tooltip-before, #tooltip-after, #watermark, #chart-background
VueUiRadar VueUiRadarDataset VueUiRadarConfig @selectLegend, getData, generatePdf, generateCsv, generateImage, toggleTable, toggleTooltip #svg, #legend, #tooltip-before, #tooltip-after, #watermark, #chart-background
VueUiRings VueUiRingsDatasetItem[] VueUiRingsConfig @selectLegend, getData, generatePdf, generateCsv, generateImage, toggleTable, toggleTooltip #svg, #legend, #tooltip-before, #tooltip-after, #watermark, #chart-background, #pattern
VueUiScatter VueUiScatterDatasetItem[] VueUiScatterConfig getData, generatePdf, generateCsv, generateImage, toggleTable, toggleTooltip #svg, #legend, #tooltip-before, #tooltip-after, #watermark, #chart-background
VueUiStackbar VueUiStackbarDatasetItem[] VueUiStackbarConfig @selectLegend, @selectDatapoint, @selectTimeLabel, getData, generatePdf, generateCsv, generateImage, toggleTable, toggleLabels, toggleTooltip #svg, #legend, #time-label, #tooltip-before, #tooltip-after, #reset-action, #watermark, #chart-background, #pattern
VueUiStripPlot VueUiStripPlotDataset[] VueUiStripPlotConfig @selectDatapoint, getData, generatePdf, generateCsv, generateImage, toggleTable, toggleLabels, toggleTooltip #svg, #legend, #tooltip-before, #tooltip-after, #watermark, #chart-background
VueUiThermometer VueUiThermometerDataset VueUiThermometerConfig generatePdf, generateImage #svg, #watermark, #chart-background
VueUiTiremarks VueUiTiremarksDataset VueUiTiremarksConfig generatePdf, generateImage #svg, #legend, #watermark, #chart-background
VueUiTreemap VueUiTreemapDatasetItem[] VueUiTreemapConfig @selectLegend, @selectDatapoint, getData, generatePdf, generateCsv, generateImage, toggleTable, toggleTooltip #svg, #rect, #legend, #tooltip-before, #tooltip-after, #watermark
VueUiVerticalBar VueUiVerticalBarDatasetItem[] VueUiWheelConfig @selectLegend, getData, generatePdf, generateCsv, generateImage, toggleTable, toggleSort, toggleTooltip #svg, #legend, #tooltip-before, #tooltip-after, #watermark, #chart-background, #pattern
VueUiWaffle VueUiWaffleDatasetItem[] VueUiWaffleConfig @selectLegend, getData, generatePdf, generateCsv, generateImage, toggleTable, toggleTooltip #svg, #legend, #tooltip-before, #tooltip-after, #watermark, #pattern
VueUiWheel VueUiWheelDataset VueUiWheelConfig generatePdf, generateImage #svg, #watermark, #chart-background
VueUiWordCloud VueUiWordCloudDatasetItem[] / string VueUiWordCloudConfig getData, generatePdf, generateImage, generateCsv, toggleTooltip #svg, #reset-action, #watermark, #tooltip-before, #tooltip-after, #chart-background
VueUiXyCanvas VueUiXyCanvasDatasetItem[] VueUiXyCanvasConfig @selectLegend, getData, generatePdf, generateCsv, generateImage, toggleTable, toggleLabels, toggleStack, toggleTooltip #legend, #tooltip-before, #tooltip-after, #reset-action, #watermark
VueUiXy VueUiXyDatasetItem[] VueUiXyConfig @selectLegend, @selectX, @selectTimeLabel, getData, generatePdf, generateCsv, generateImage, toggleTable, toggleLabels, toggleStack, toggleTooltip #svg, #legend, #time-label, #tooltip-before, #tooltip-after, #reset-action, #plot-comment,#watermark, #chart-background, #pattern

3D charts

Name dataset type config type emits / exposed methods slots custom tooltip themes
VueUi3dBar VueUi3dBarDataset VueUi3dBarConfig generatePdf, generateImage, toggleTable #svg, #watermark, #chart-background

Data tables

Name dataset type config type emits / exposed methods slots themes
VueUiTable VueUiTableDataset VueUiTableConfig
VueUiTableHeatmap VueUiTableHeatmapDatasetItem[] VueUiTableHeatmapConfig generatePdf, generateCsv, generateImage #caption, #rowTitle, #cell, #sum, #average, #median
VueUiTableSparkline VueUiTableSparklineDatasetItem[] VueUiTableSparklineConfig generatePdf, generateCsv, generateImage
VueUiCarouselTable VueUiCarouselTableDataset VueUiCarouselTableConfig generatePdf, generateImage, generateCsv, toggleAnimation, pauseAnimation, resumeAnimation #caption, #th, #td


Name dataset type config type emits / exposed methods slots
VueUiRating VueUiRatingDataset VueUiRatingConfig @rate, getData,toggleReadonly #layer-under, #layer-above
VueUiSmiley VueUiRatingDataset VueUiSmileyConfig @rate, getData,toggleReadonly


Name dataset type config type emits / exposed methods slots
VueUiAccordion VueUiAccordionConfig #arrow, #title, #content
VueUiAnnotator VueUiAnnotatorDataset VueUiAnnotatorConfig @toggleOpenState, @saveAnnotations
VueUiCursor VueUiCursorConfig
VueUiDashboard VueUiDashboardElement[] VueUiDashboardConfig @change #content
VueUiDigits number VueUiDigitsConfig
VueUiKpi number VueUiKpiConfig #title, #value, #comment-before, #comment-after
VueUiMiniLoader VueUiMiniLoaderConfig
VueUiScreenshot VueUiScreenshotConfig @postImage, shoot, close
VueUiSkeleton VueUiSkeletonConfig
VueUiTimer VueUiTimerConfig @start, @pause, @reset, @restart, @lap #time, #controls, #laps, #chart-background
VueUiIcon see below


Tailor made icons are available through the VueUiIcon component:

<VueUiIcon name="arrowRight" :size="24" stroke="#6376DD" />

All names of available icons are available in the vue-data-ui.d.ts file under the VueUiIconName type.

User options

User options menu is accessible in the burger menu located on the top right of charts, and visible by default. To hide user options menu, set to false:

const config = ref({
  userOptions: {
    show: false

User options menu can be set to appear only when hovering the component:

const config = ref({
  userOptions: {
    show: true,
    showOnChartHover: true, // Default: false
    keepStateOnChartLeave: true, // Set to false to always close the menu when hovering out of the chart

Predefined actions in user options menu depend on the type of chart. Some charts have more or less actions available. Action buttons contain an predefined icons by default.

To hide a given action, set the userOption.buttons, for example:

const config = ref({
  userOptions: {
    show: true,
    buttons: {
      pdf: false,
      fullscreen: false,
      // all other actions will be visible by default (list of all actions below)

You can use slots to override the content of action buttons. What happens when the button is clicked is taken care of by the component, except for the optionFullscreen slot.

<VueUiDonut :config="config" :dataset="dataset">
  <template #optionPdf> GENERATE PDF </template>

  <!-- This is the only action where scoped content is provided -->
  <template template #optionFullscreen="{ isFullscreen, toggleFullscreen }">
    <div @click="toggleFullscreen(isFullscreen ? 'out' : 'in')">

User options actions available per chart:

Chart name User options actions slot names
VueUi3dBar optionPdf, optionImg, optionCsv, optionTable, optionFullscreen, optionAnnotator
VueUiAgePyramid optionTooltip, optionPdf, optionImg, optionCsv, optionTable, optionFullscreen, optionAnnotator
VueUiBullet optionPdf, optionImg, optionFullscreen, optionAnnotator
VueUiCandlestick optionTooltip, optionPdf, optionImg, optionCsv, optionTable, optionFullscreen, optionAnnotator
VueUiCarouselTable optionPdf, optionImg, optionCsv, optionAnimation, optionFullscreen
VueUiChestnut optionPdf, optionImg, optionCsv, optionTable, optionFullscreen, optionAnnotator
VueUiCirclePack optionPdf, optionImg, optionCsv, optionTable, optionFullscreen, optionAnnotator
VueUiDonut optionTooltip, optionPdf, optionImg, optionCsv, optionTable, optionLabels, optionFullscreen, optionAnnotator
VueUiDonutEvolution optionPdf, optionImg, optionCsv, optionTable, optionFullscreen, optionAnnotator
VueUiDumbbell optionPdf, optionImg, optionCsv, optionTable, optionFullscreen, optionAnnotator
VueUiFlow optionPdf, optionImg, optionCsv, optionTable, optionFullscreen, optionAnnotator
VueUiFunnel optionPdf, optionImg, optionCsv, optionTable, optionFullscreen, optionAnnotator
VueUiGalaxy optionTooltip, optionPdf, optionImg, optionCsv, optionTable, optionFullscreen, optionAnnotator
VueUiGauge optionPdf, optionImg, optionFullscreen, optionAnnotator
VueUiHeatmap optionTooltip, optionPdf, optionImg, optionCsv, optionTable, optionFullscreen, optionAnnotator
VueUiHistoryPlot optionTooltip, optionPdf, optionImg, optionCsv, optionTable, optionFullscreen, optionAnnotator
VueUiMolecule optionTooltip, optionPdf, optionImg, optionCsv, optionTable, optionLabels, optionFullscreen, optionAnnotator
VueUiMoodRadar optionPdf, optionImg, optionCsv, optionTable, optionFullscreen, optionAnnotator
VueUiNestedDonuts optionTooltip, optionPdf, optionImg, optionCsv, optionTable, optionLabels, optionFullscreen, optionAnnotator
VueUiOnion optionTooltip, optionPdf, optionImg, optionCsv, optionTable, optionFullscreen, optionAnnotator
VueUiParallelCoordinatePlot optionTooltip, optionPdf, optionImg, optionCsv, optionTable, optionLabels, optionFullscreen, optionAnnotator
VueUiQuadrant optionTooltip, optionPdf, optionImg, optionCsv, optionTable, optionLabels, optionFullscreen, optionAnnotator
VueUiQuickChart optionTooltip, optionPdf, optionImg, optionFullscreen, optionAnnotator
VueUiRadar optionTooltip, optionPdf, optionImg, optionCsv, optionTable, optionFullscreen, optionAnnotator
VueUiRelationCircle optionPdf, optionImg, optionFullscreen, optionAnnotator
VueUiRings optionTooltip, optionPdf, optionImg, optionCsv, optionTable, optionFullscreen, optionAnnotator
VueUiScatter optionTooltip, optionPdf, optionImg, optionCsv, optionTable, optionFullscreen, optionAnnotator
VueUiSparkHistogram (no user options menu)
VueUiSparkStackbar (no user options menu)
VueUiSparkTrend (no user options menu)
VueUiSparkbar (no user options menu)
VueUiSparkgauge (no user options menu)
VueUiSparkline (no user options menu)
VueUiStackbar optionTooltip, optionPdf, optionImg, optionCsv, optionTable, optionLabels, optionFullscreen, optionAnnotator
VueUiStripPlot optionTooltip, optionPdf, optionImg, optionCsv, optionTable, optionLabels, optionFullscreen, optionAnnotator
VueUiTableHeatmap optionPdf, optionImg, optionCsv, optionFullscreen
VueUiTableSparkline optionPdf, optionImg, optionCsv, optionFullscreen
VueUiThermometer optionPdf, optionImg, optionFullscreen, optionAnnotator
VueUiTiremarks optionPdf, optionImg, optionFullscreen, optionAnnotator
VueUiTreemap optionTooltip, optionPdf, optionImg, optionCsv, optionTable, optionFullscreen, optionAnnotator
VueUiVerticalBar optionTooltip, optionPdf, optionImg, optionCsv, optionTable, optionSort, optionFullscreen, optionAnnotator
VueUiWaffle optionTooltip, optionPdf, optionImg, optionCsv, optionTable, optionFullscreen, optionAnnotator
VueUiWheel optionPdf, optionImg, optionFullscreen, optionAnnotator
VueUiWordCloud optionPdf, optionImg, optionCsv, optionTable, optionFullscreen, optionAnnotator
VueUiXy optionTooltip, optionPdf, optionImg, optionCsv, optionTable, optionLabels, optionFullscreen, optionStack, optionAnnotator
VueUiXyCanvas optionTooltip, optionPdf, optionImg, optionCsv, optionTable, optionLabels, optionFullscreen, optionStack, optionAnnotator

Custom palette

It is possible to provide a custom palette in the config prop through config.customPalette (string[]) for the following components:

  • VueUi3dBar
  • VueUiChestnut
  • VueUiCirclePack
  • VueUiDonut
  • VueUiDonutEvolution
  • VueUiFlow
  • VueUiGalaxy
  • VueUiGauge
  • VueUiHistoryPlot
  • VueUiMolecule
  • VueUiNestedDonuts
  • VueUiOnion
  • VueUiParallelCoordinatePlot
  • VueUiQuadrant
  • VueUiQuickChart
  • VueUiRadar
  • VueUiRelationCircle
  • VueUiRings
  • VueUiScatter
  • VueUiSparkStackbar
  • VueUiSparkbar
  • VueUiStackbar
  • VueUiStripPlot
  • VueUiTableSparkline
  • VueUiThermometer
  • VueUiTreemap
  • VueUiVerticalBar
  • VueUiWaffle
  • VueUiWordCloud
  • VueUiXy
  • VueUiXyCanvas

If the array of colors provided in customPalette is too small for the dataset, remaining colors will be computed from the default internal palette. Accepted color formats: HEX, RGB, HSL, named colors.

Responsive charts

By default, all charts will scale to the width of their container. However the folowing charts can be made fully responsive, making them better to use in resizable containers:

Component Responsive feature implemented
VueUi3dBar -
VueUiBullet -
VueUiCarouselTable -
VueUiChestnut -
VueUiCirclePack -
VueUiDonutEvolution -
VueUiFlow -
VueUiGalaxy -
VueUiHeatmap -
VueUiMolecule -
VueUiMoodRadar -
VueUiSparkHistogram -
VueUiSparkStackbar -
VueUiSparkTrend -
VueUiSparkbar -
VueUiSparkgauge -
VueUiTableHeatmap -
VueUiTableSparkline -
VueUiThermometer -
VueUiTiremarks -

To activate responsiveness, set the config.responsive attribute to true:

const config = ref({
  responsive: true,
  // rest of your config

Important: when using the responsive feature, charts must be placed inside a container with fixed dimensions. Avoid setting a 100% height to this container, as it will result in the chart growing infinitely.

Big data optimization (since v2.4.11)

Very large datasets (> 5k or > 10k datapoints) will cause the browsers rendering engines to slow down, caused by too many SVG DOM elements to render. The following charts use the LTTB algorithm (Largest-Triangle-Three-Bucket) beyond a certain threshold to downsample the rendered dataset while preserving its shape. These components are the most susceptible to be used with very large datasets:

Component Default Threshold Remark
VueUiXy 500
VueUiXyCanvas 10000 Since this chart uses canvas, threhsold can be set higher
VueUiQuadrant 500
VueUiScatter 500
VueUiSparkline 500
VueUiSparkTrend 500

The downsample threshold for each component can be set in the config prop passed to components:

const config = ref({
  downsample: {
    threshold: 500,
  ...// rest of your config

Chart custom background (since v2.4.59)

A #chart-background slot is available on most charts to customize their background, to display a gradient, an image, etc. The content placed inside this slot has pointer-events set to none, so it does not interfere with the components' interactivity.

<VueUiXy :config="config" :dataset="dataset">
  <template #chart-background>
      style="width: 100%; height: 100%; background: radial-gradient(at top left, red, white)"

The following components do not support this slot, because it would not make sense:

  • VueUiCarouselTable
  • VueUiGizmo
  • VueUiIcon
  • VueUiKpi
  • VueUiRating
  • VueUiSmiley
  • VueUiSparkStackbar
  • VueUiSparkbar
  • VueUiTableHeatmap
  • VueUiTableSparkline
  • VueUiTreemap
  • VueUiWaffle
  • VueUiXyCanvas

Pattern slot (v2.4.67+)

A #pattern slot is available on some components to apply custom patterns on datapoints for further customization. The slot exposes the seriesIndex, and a patternId which must be used on the pattern element to be recognized. A pattern element must be used inside this slot. It will be injected inside a defs element of the component.

<VueUiDonut :config="config" :dataset="dataset">
  <template #pattern="{ seriesIndex, patternId }">
    <!-- Apply a patattern on the first datapoint only -->
      v-if="seriesIndex === 0"
      <polygon points="0,0 2,5 0,10 5,8 10,10 8,5 10,0 5,2" />

The #pattern slot is available on the following components:

  • VueUiCirclePack
  • VueUiDonut
  • VueUiGauge
  • VueUiRings
  • VueUiStackbar
  • VueUiVerticalBar
  • VueUiWaffle
  • VueUiXy

A set of 12 readymade patterns are available through the VueUiPattern component:

import { VueUiPattern } from "vue-data-ui";
<VueUiDonut :dataset="dataset" :config="config">
  <template #pattern="{ seriesIndex, patternId }">
    <VueUiPattern :id="patternId" name="bubbles" v-if="seriesIndex === 0" />
    <VueUiPattern :id="patternId" name="squares" v-if="seriesIndex === 1" />

VueUiPattern accepts the following props:

  • id: string, required. Pass the patternId provided by the #pattern slot
  • name: string, required. The name of the pattern to use
  • fill: string, optional. The backgroundColor of the pattern. Transparent by default to show the datapoint base color
  • stroke: string, optional. Default: #2D353C
  • strokeWidth: number, optional. Default: 1
  • scale: number, optional. Default: 1

List of available patterns:

pattern name

Utility functions

A set of uility functions is available:

import {
} from "vue-data-ui";


import { abbreviate } from "vue-data-ui";

const text = "lorem ipsum dolor sit amet";
const abbreviated = abbreviate({
  source: text,
  length: 5,
}); // Result: LIDSA


import { darkenColor } from "vue-data-ui";

const color = "#FF0000";
const darkened = darkenColor(color, 0.5); // Result: #800000ff


import { lightenColor } from "vue-data-ui";

const color = "#FF0000";
const lightened = lightenColor(color, 0.5); // Result: #ff8080ff


import { shiftColorHue } from "vue-data-ui";

// Color format can be HEX (with or without alpha channel), RGB, RGBA, or named color
const color = "#FF0000";
const shifted = shiftColorHue(color, 0.1); // Result: #ff9900ff


import { createTSpans } from "vue-data-ui";

const textContent = createTSpans({
  content: "This is an example of multiline text",
  fontSize: 16,
  fill: "#1A1A1A",
  maxWords: 3,
  x: 10,
  y: 20,
<!-- The output must be used inside a svg text element with `v-html`, for example in a #data-label slot, or in your own svg -->
