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376 lines (292 loc) · 20.7 KB


0.9.3 (2021-12-30)

  • Feature: Support PHP 8.1 release. (#208 by @clue)

  • Fix: Fix automatic vertex ID generation when using vertex IDs with strings. (#204 by @viktorprogger)

  • Improve test suite and use GitHub Actions for continuous integration (CI). (#207 by @clue)

0.9.2 (2020-12-03)

  • Feature: Support PHP 8 and PHPUnit 9.3. (#200 by @SimonFrings)

0.9.1 (2019-10-02)

  • Fix: Deleting vertex with loop edge no longer fails. (#149 by @tomzx)

  • Fix: Fix returning directed loop edges and adjacent vertices from vertex twice. (#170 by @clue)

  • Minor documentation updates and fixes. (#153 by @marclaporte and #163, #164 and #172 by @clue)

  • Improve test suite to move tests to Fhaculty\Graph\Tests namespace, update test suite to support PHPUnit 6 and PHPUnit 5 and support running on legacy PHP 5.3 through PHP 7.2 and HHVM. (#148 by @tomzx and #150 and #162 by @clue)

  • Originally planned to add a new AttributeAware::removeAttribute() method, but reverted due to BC break. Change will be reconsidered for next major release. (#138 and #171 by @johnathanmdell and @clue)

0.9.0 (2015-03-07)

  • BC break: Split off individual components in order to stabilize core graph lib. (#120)

  • BC break: Remove Exporter from Graph and Graph::__toString() (trivial graph format exporter has been split off). (#122)

  • BC break: Vertices can no longer be sorted by (in/out)degree (degree algorithm has been split off). (#128)

  • Apply PSR-4 layout under src/ and add tests to achieve 100% test coverage. (#127 & #129)

0.8.0 (2014-12-31)

  • Feature: Add general purpose Attributes. (#103)

  • BC break: Split off all GraphViz-related classes to a separate graphp/graphviz package. (#115)

  • Feature: The base Graph, Vertex and EdgeBase classes can now be extended in order to implement a custom behavior. As such, one can now also instantiate them using the normal new operator instead of having to use Graph::createVertex() family of methods. (#82)

  • BC break: Rename Algorithm\Directed::isDirected() to remove its ambiguity in regards to mixed and/or empty graphs (#80)

    Old name New name
    Algorithm\Directed::isDirected() Algorithm\Directed::hasDirected()
  • Feature: Add new Algorithm\Directed::hasUndirected() and Algorithm\Directed::isMixed() in order to complement the renamed Algorithm\Directed::hasDirected() (#80)

  • BC break: Walk::factoryCycleFromVertices() no longer tries to auto-complete a cycle if the first vertex does not match the last one, but now throws an InvalidArgumentException instead (#87)

  • Feature: Support loop Walks, i.e. a walk with only a single edge from vertex A back to A (#87)

  • Fix: Stricter checks for invalid cycles, such as one with an invalid predecessor-map or no edges at all (#87)

  • Fix: The Algorithm\ShortestPath\MooreBellmanFord now also works for unweighted edges. This also fixes an issue where Algorithm\DetectNegativeCycle didn't work for unweighted edges. (#81)

  • Fix: The Algorithm\MinimumCostFlow algorithms now work again. The reference to a non-existant class has been updated. Also fixed several issues with regards to special cases such as disconnected or undirected graphs. (#74)

  • BC break: Remove unneeded alias definitions of getVertexFirst(), getVertexSource() and getVertexTarget() (#76):

    Old name New name
    Graph::getVertexFirst() Graph::getVertices()->getVertexFirst()
    Walk::getVertexSource() Walk::getVertices()->getVertexFirst()
    Walk::getVertexTarget() Walk::getVertices()->getVertexLast()

0.7.1 (2014-03-12)

  • Fix: Throwing an UnexpectedValueException if writing GraphViz Dot script to a temporary file fails and remove its debugging output (#77 and #78 @Metabor)

  • Fix: Improved GraphViz support for MS Windows (#99)

0.7.0 (2013-09-11)

  • Feature: Add new Set\Vertices and Set\Edges classes that handle common operations on a Set of multiple Vertex and Edge instances respectively. (#48)

  • BC break: Move operations and their corresponding constants concerning Sets to their corresponding Sets:

    Old name New name
    Edge\Base::getFirst() Set\Edges::getEdgeOrder()
    Edge\Base::getAll() Set\Edges::getEdgesOrder()
    Edge\Base::ORDER_* Set\Edges::ORDER_*
    --- ---
    Vertex::getFirst() Set\Vertices::getVertexOrder()
    Vertex::getAll() Set\Vertices::getVerticesOrder()
    Vertex::ORDER_ Set\Vertices::ORDER_*
  • BC break: Each getVertices*() and getEdges*() method now returns a Set instead of a primitive array of instances. Most of the time this should work without changing your code, because each Set implements an Iterator interface and can easily be iterated using foreach. However, using a Set instead of a plain array differs when checking its boolean value or comparing two Sets. I.e. if you happen to want to check if an Set is empty, you now have to use the more explicit syntax $set->isEmpty().

  • BC break: Vertex::getVertices(), Vertex::getVerticesEdgeTo() and Vertex::getVerticesEdgeFrom() now return a Set\Vertices instance that may contain duplicate vertices if parallel (multiple) edges exist. Previously there was no easy way to detect this situation - this is now the default. If you also want to get unique / distinct Vertex instances, use Vertex::getVertices()->getVerticesDistinct() where applicable.

  • BC break: Remove all occurances of getVerticesId(), use getVertices()->getIds() instead.

  • BC break: Merge Cycle into Walk (#61). As such, its static factory methods had to be renamed. Update your references if applicable:

    Old name New name
    Cycle::factoryFromPredecessorMap() Walk::factoryCycleFromPredecessorMap()
    Cycle::factoryFromVertices() Walk::factoryCycleFromVertices()
    Cycle::factoryFromEdges() Walk::factoryCycleFromEdges()
  • BC break: Remove Graph::isEmpty() because it's not well-defined and might be confusing. Most literature suggests it should check for existing edges, whereas the old behavior was to check for existing vertices instead. Use either of the new and more transparent methods Algorithm\Property\GraphProperty::isNull() (old behavior) or (where applicable) Algorithm\Property\GraphProperty::isEdgeless() (#63).

  • BC break: Each of the above methods (Walk::factoryCycleFromPredecessorMap(), Walk::factoryCycleFromVertices(), Walk::factoryCycleFromEdges()) now actually makes sure the returned Walk instance is actually a valid Cycle, i.e. the start Vertex is the same as the end Vertex (#61)

  • BC break: Each Algorithm\ShortestPath algorithm now consistenly does not return a zero weight for the root Vertex and now supports loop edges on the root Vertex (#62)

  • BC break: Each Algorithm\ShortestPath algorithm now consistently throws an OutOfBoundsException for unreachable vertices (#62)

  • BC break: A null Graph (a Graph with no Vertices and thus no Edges) is not a valid tree (because it is not connected), adjust Algorithm\Tree\Base::isTree() accordingly. (#72)

  • BC break: Remove all occurances of getNumberOfVertices() and getNumberOfEdges() (#75 and #48):

    Old name New name
    $set->getNumberOfVertices() count($set->getVertices())
    $set->getNumberOfEdges() count($set->getEdges())
  • BC break: Replace base Set class with Set\DualAggregate interface. This is unlikely to affect you, but might potentially break your custom inheritance or polymorphism for algorithms. (#75)

  • Feature: Add Algorithm\ShortestPath\Base::hasVertex(Vertex $vertex) to check whether a path to the given Vertex exists (#62).

  • Feature: Support opening GraphViz images on Mac OS X in default image viewer (#67 @onigoetz)

  • Feature: Add Algorithm\MinimumSpanningTree\Base::getWeight() to get total weight of resulting minimum spanning tree (MST). (#73)

  • Feature: Each Algorithm\MinimumSpanningTree algorithm now supports undirected and mixed Graphs, as well as null weights for Edges. (#73)

  • BC break: Each Algorithm\MinimumSpanningTree algorithm now throws an UnexpectedValueException for unconnected Graphs (and thus also null Graphs). (#73)

  • Feature: Add Walk::factoryFromVertices() (#64).

  • Fix: Checking Walk::isValid() (#61)

  • Fix: Missing import prevented Algorithm\ShortestPath\MooreBellmanFord::getCycleNegative() from actually throwing the right UnderflowException if no cycle was found (#62)

  • Fix: Calling Exporter\Image::setFormat() had no effect due to misassignment (#70 @FGM)

0.6.0 (2013-07-11)

  • BC break: Move algorithm definitions in base classes to separate algorithm classes (#27). The following methods containing algorithms were now moved to separate algorithm classes. This change encourages code-reuse, simplifies spotting algorithms, helps reducing complexity, improves testablity and avoids tight coupling. Update your references if applicable:

    Old name New name Related ticket
    Set::getWeight() Algorithm\Weight::getWeight() #33
    Set::getWeightFlow() Algorithm\Weight::getWeightFlow() #33
    Set::getWeightMin() Algorithm\Weight::getWeightMin() #33
    Set::isWeighted() Algorithm\Weight::isWeighted() #33
    - - -
    Graph::getDegree() Algorithm\Degree::getDegree() #29
    Graph::getDegreeMin() Algorithm\Degree::getDegreeMin() #29
    Graph::getDegreeMax() Algorithm\Degree::getDegreeMax() #29
    Graph::isRegular() Algorithm\Degree::isRegular() #29
    Graph::isBalanced() Algorithm\Degree::isBalanced() #29
    Vertex::getDegree() Algorithm\Degree:getDegreeVertex() #49
    Vertex::getDegreeIn() Algorithm\Degree:getDegreeInVertex() #49
    Vertex::getDegreeOut() Algorithm\Degree:getDegreeOutVertex() #49
    Vertex::isSink() Algorithm\Degree:isVertexSink() #49
    Vertex::isSource() Algorithm\Degree:isVertexSource() #49
    Vertex::isIsolated() Algorithm\Degree::isVertexIsolated() #49
    - - -
    Set::isDirected() Algorithm\Directed::isDirected() #34
    - - -
    Graph::isSymmetric() Algorithm\Symmetric::isSymmetric() #41
    - - -
    Graph::isComplete() Algorithm\Complete::isComplete() #43
    - - -
    Set::hasFlow() Algorithm\Flow::hasFlow() #47
    Graph::getBalance() Algorithm\Flow::getBalance() #30, #47
    Graph::isBalancedFlow() Algorithm\Flow::isBalancedFlow() #30, #47
    Vertex::getFlow() Algorithm\Flow::getFlowVertex() #47
    - - -
    Vertex::isLeaf() Algorithm\Tree\Undirected::isVertexLeaf() #44
    - - -
    Set::hasLoop() Algorithm\Loop::hasLoop() #51
    Vertex::hasLoop() Algorithm\Loop::hasLoopVertex() #51
    - - -
    Set::hasEdgeParallel() Algorithm\Parallel::hasEdgeParallel() #52
    Edge\Base::hasEdgeParallel() Algorithm\Parallel::hasEdgeParallelEdge() #52
    Edge\Base::getEdgesParallel() Algorithm\Parallel::getEdgeParallelEdge() #52
    - - -
    Graph::isEdgeless() Algorithm\Property\GraphProperty::isEdgeless() #54
    Graph::isTrivial() Algorithm\Property\GraphProperty::isTrivial() #54
    Walk::isCycle() Algorithm\Property\WalkProperty::isCycle() #54
    Walk::isPath() Algorithm\Property\WalkProperty::isPath() #54
    Walk::hasCycle() Algorithm\Property\WalkProperty::hasCycle() #54
    Walk::isLoop() Algorithm\Property\WalkProperty::isLoop() #54
    Walk::isDigon() Algorithm\Property\WalkProperty::isDigon() #54
    Walk::isTriangle() Algorithm\Property\WalkProperty::isTriangle() #54
    Walk::isSimple() Algorithm\Property\WalkProperty::isSimple() #54
    Walk::isHamiltonian() Algorithm\Property\WalkProperty::isHamiltonian() #54
    Walk::isEulerian() Algorithm\Property\WalkProperty::isEulerian() #54
  • BC break: Remove unneeded algorithm alias definitions (#31, #50). The following alias definitions have been removed, their original/actual name has already existed before and continues to work unchanged. Update your references if applicable:

    Old/removed alias definition Actual name
    Graph::isConnected() Algorithm\ConnectedComponents::isSingle()
    Graph::hasEulerianCycle() Algorithm\Eulerian::hasCycle()
    Graph::getNumberOfComponents() Algorithm\ConnectedComponents::getNumberOfComponents()
    Graph::getNumberOfGroups() Algorithm\Groups::getNumberOfGroups()
    Graph::isBipartit() Algorithm\Bipartit::isBipartit()
    Vertex::hasPathTo() Algorithm\ShortestPath\BreadthFirst::hasVertex()
    Vertex::hasPathFrom() Algorithm\ShortestPath\BreadthFirst::hasVertex()
    Vertex::getVerticesPathTo() Algorithm\ShortestPath\BreadthFirst::getVertices()
    Vertex::getVerticesPathFrom() Algorithm\ShortestPath\BreadthFirst::getVertices()
  • BC break: Graph::createVertices() now returns an array of vertices instead of the chainable Graph (#19)

  • BC break: Move Loader\UmlClassDiagram to separate fhaculty/graph-uml repo (#38)

  • BC break: Remove needless Algorithm\MinimumSpanningTree\PrimWithIf (use Algorithm\MinimumSpanningTree\Prim instead) (#45)

  • BC break: Vertex::createEdgeTo() now returns an instance of type Edge\Undirected instead of Edge\UndirectedId (#46)

  • BC break: Edge\Base::setCapacity() now consistently throws an RangeException instead of InvalidArgumentException if the current flow exceeds the new maximum capacity (#53)

  • Feature: New Algorithm\Tree namespace with algorithms for undirected and directed, rooted trees (#44)

  • Feature: According to be above list of moved algorithm methods, the following algorithm classes have been added (#27):

    • New Algorithm\Weight (#33)
    • New Algorithm\Degree (#29, #49)
    • New Algorithm\Directed (#34)
    • New Algorithm\Symmetric (#41)
    • New Algorithm\Complete (#43)
    • New Algorithm\Flow (#30, #47)
    • New Algorithm\Tree (#44)
    • New Algorithm\Loop (#51)
    • New Algorithm\Parallel (#52)
    • New Algorithm\Property (#54)
  • Feature: Graph::createVertices() now also accepts an array of vertex IDs (#19)

  • Feature: Add Algorithm\Property\WalkProperty::hasLoop() alias definition for completeness (#54)

  • Feature: Add Algorithm\Property\WalkProperty::isCircuit() definition to distinguish circuits from cycles (#54)

  • Fix: Checking hamiltonian cycles always returned false (#54)

  • Fix: A Walk with no edges is no longer considered a valid cycle (#54)

  • Fix: Various issues with Vertex/Edge layout attributes (#32)

  • Fix: Getting multiple parallel edges for undirected edges (#52)

0.5.0 (2013-05-07)

  • First tagged release (See issue #20 for more info on why it starts as v0.5.0)