A standardized Neovim configuration template with best practices and modern plugins
Features • Requirements • Installation • Customization • Plugins • Key Mappings • Contributing • License
- 📦 Plugin Management - Modern plugin system with lazy.nvim
- ⚡ Performance - Fast startup time with lazy loading
- 🧠 Completion - Powerful completion with blink.cmp
- 🔍 Diagnostics - Advanced diagnostics with Trouble
- 🎨 Beautiful UI - Modern look with Catppuccin and Noice
- 📂 File Explorer - Integrated explorer with Snacks
- 🔭 Fuzzy Finding - Telescope for searching files, text, and much more
- 📊 Performance - Profiling tools built-in for optimization
- ⌨️ Keymaps - Comprehensive mappings with which-key integration
- 🧩 Modular - Well-structured and modular configuration
- Neovim 0.8 or higher (0.9+ recommended)
- Git 2.19.0 or higher
- A Nerd Font (optional but recommended)
- ripgrep for Telescope (optional)
- fd for faster file finding (optional)
- lazygit for Git integration (optional)
# Backup your existing config if needed
mv ~/.config/nvim ~/.config/nvim.bak
# Clone the template
git clone https://github.com/greggh/neovim-config-template.git ~/.config/nvim
# Start Neovim - plugins will be installed automatically
If you want to understand the template before installing:
# Clone to a temporary location
git clone https://github.com/greggh/neovim-config-template.git /tmp/nvim-template
# Look through the files
cd /tmp/nvim-template
The easiest way to customize is by creating a lua/user/init.lua
-- In lua/user/init.lua
return {
-- Override options
options = {
tabstop = 4,
background = "light",
-- Add your own plugins
plugins = {
{ "another/plugin", config = true },
-- Execute custom code
setup = function()
-- Any custom code you want to run
vim.g.my_custom_var = "value"
├── init.lua # Entry point
├── lua/
│ ├── config/ # Core configuration
│ │ ├── autocmd.lua # Auto commands
│ │ ├── keymaps.lua # Key mappings
│ │ ├── lazy.lua # Plugin manager setup
│ │ └── options.lua # Vim options
│ ├── plugins/ # Plugin configurations
│ │ ├── coding/ # Coding plugins (treesitter, completion)
│ │ ├── colorscheme/ # Themes and colors
│ │ ├── diagnostics/ # Linting and diagnostics
│ │ ├── lsp/ # LSP configurations
│ │ └── ui/ # UI enhancements
│ └── utils/ # Utility functions
└── tests/ # Tests for your config
This template includes a carefully selected set of plugins:
- lazy.nvim - Modern plugin manager
- plenary.nvim - Lua functions library
- blink.cmp - Advanced completion (placeholder)
- nvim-treesitter - Syntax highlighting
- telescope.nvim - Fuzzy finder
- which-key.nvim - Keybinding helper
- todo-comments.nvim - Highlight TODOs
- trouble.nvim - Diagnostics list
- catppuccin - Modern colorscheme
- lualine.nvim - Status line
- noice.nvim - UI enhancements
- snacks.nvim - File explorer (placeholder)
See the lua/plugins
directory for the complete list and configurations.
This template uses Space as the leader key. Here are some important mappings:
Mapping | Description |
<leader>e |
Toggle file explorer |
<leader>ff |
Find files |
<leader>fg |
Live grep |
<leader>fb |
Find buffers |
<leader>gg |
Open LazyGit |
<leader>xx |
Open diagnostics list |
<leader>pp |
Generate profile report |
<leader>nn |
Open notifications panel |
For a complete list, press <leader>
to see a which-key popup, or check lua/config/keymaps.lua
Built-in profiling tools help you optimize your configuration:
Mapping | Description |
<leader>pp |
Generate profile report |
<leader>ps |
Show profile summary |
<leader>pL |
List all profile logs |
<leader>pa |
Analyze plugin performance |
<leader>pc |
Clean up profile logs |
Enable profiling by starting Neovim with:
Have questions or ideas? Join the conversation in GitHub Discussions.
- Questions: For help with configuration or troubleshooting
- Ideas: Suggest new features or improvements
- Show and Tell: Share your customizations and setups
- General: For any other topics related to this configuration
Contributions are welcome! Check out CONTRIBUTING.md for guidelines.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/greggh/neovim-config-template.git cd neovim-config-template
Install development dependencies:
- Neovim 0.8+
- Luacheck for linting
- StyLua for formatting
Set up pre-commit hooks (important first step!):
This will enable automatic formatting, linting, and testing before each commit. Make sure to run this before making any changes to ensure code quality.
├── lua/ # Lua configuration files
│ ├── config/ # Core configuration modules
│ ├── plugins/ # Plugin configurations
│ └── utils/ # Utility functions
├── plugin/ # Plugin files that are always loaded
├── tests/ # Test suite
├── .github/ # GitHub workflows and templates
├── .githooks/ # Git hooks for development
├── scripts/ # Development and utility scripts
├── .stylua.toml # StyLua configuration
├── .luacheckrc # Luacheck configuration
└── init.lua # Main entry point
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
- lazy.nvim - The plugin manager that makes this configuration possible
- Kickstart.nvim - Inspiration for some aspects of this template
- Neovim - The foundation of modern text editing
- hooks-util - Git hooks framework used in this project
Made with ❤️ by greggh