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254 lines (150 loc) · 8.42 KB

File metadata and controls

254 lines (150 loc) · 8.42 KB


  • 0.2.1

    • Fix SyncedClock so it gets correct URL for server
  • 0.2.0

    • change happyfuntimes to a library only. No more virtual console
  • 0.0.47

    • Handle ipv6

    • Handle case where computer name is not set on OSX

  • 0.0.44

    • Switched from HANDJS to PEP for pointerevents support Should fix sticky buttons

    • Added fake hft ping to prevent error message in installation mode

  • 0.0.43

    • Removed launchpad dependency

    • Added node version to htf version

  • 0.0.41

    • Fixed broken how.html
  • 0.0.40

    • Don't allow games for a different platform to be installed.

    • Remove css cursor: pointer from controllers as it was messing up Android.

  • 0.0.39

    • Games have context menu with "GetInfo", "Uninstall" and/or "Remove"

    • Add drag and drop install support. You can drag a zip file onto HappyFunTimes and it will install it.

    • Change instructions to use game sys messages. That way both HTML and Unity (etc..) can use the same system for instructions

    • Move langauges.js to server That way both HTML and Unity can use the same language strings

    • Allow Unity to use HFT_INSTUCTIONS and HFT_INSTRUCTIONSPOSITION environment variables to specify instructions.

    • Make main page reconnect to happyfuntimes if happyfuntimes exits and is then restarted

  • 0.0.38

    • Fix bug where it wasn't always able to start controllers in unity based projects.
  • 0.0.37

    • Added happyFunTimes.ignore to package.json

      It's an array of strings in the format of .gitignore (see git docs) not including the double asterix syntax.

    • Fixed gamedisconnect message so it includes the id of the game that disconnected.

    • Fixed touch buttons so no timeout is needed.

      I think I maybe (or maybe not) finally understand pointer events enough to not need a timeout to make sure they don't stick. Crossing my fingers.

    • Added consoleTarget option to commonui. Valid values are "game" and "html".

      If "html" console.log and console.error are retargeted to HTML. options.debug needs to be true to see that html. If "game" console.log and console.error are sent back to the game. This can be used to try to debug something when there's no way to connect a debugger.

    • Make hft start --port option work.

    • Fixed hft remove --bad.

      It was removing everything.

    • Fixed notifications for added/removed games.

      It broke when support for running uninstalled games like hft-gamepad-api was added.

    • Made it save 5 backups of installed-games.json.

  • 0.0.36

    • Added --instructions which puts a scrolling banner on top of each game that says something like "connect to HappyFunTimes wifi, on iOS just wait, on Android use Chrome and go to "".

    • Added --langs to specify which languages games should use.

      For controllers, if you support multiple languages you should probaby use navigator.language but for the games since they are running on my computer I needed a way to choose.

    • Added --wifi-name, --wifi-pass

      This is to specify the name and password in the connect messages. See --instructions.

    • Hacked in more name support

      gameclient now gets name and sends it automatically when controller starts. On the one hand it feels "impure" to do it this way. On the other pragmatism wins.

    • Fixed bug in hftSettings. haveVersion should only check for version not fail if if version is old.

  • 0.0.35

    • Fixed a bug where if the page did not have the focus the controller would not get redirected to the game.

      I think that was in there for the app. The idea being if the app is in the background it shouldn't join the game. Unfortunately it also made it so typing in a URL often didn't work because when the URL bar has the focus the page itself does not.

  • 0.0.34

    • Made Unity version pay attention to needNewHFT flag.

    • Made controlellers report to game if they need new apiVersion.

    • Added orientationOptional to CommonUI.setupStandardControllerUI.

      Setting it to true makes the commonUI not tell the user to orient their phone if their phone doesn't support orientation. Example usage is are the device orientation examples. They want the phone to be in portrait but as of iOS 8.3 Safari doesn't support orientation. So the message that used to come up would be confusing as the user orients their phone.

    • Added --optimize-controller option.

      This is probably only useful for installation mode. If you're using require.js (the standard way HappyFunTimes controllers work) then happyfuntimes can try to concatinate and compress most of the JavaScript used for your controller. This means the phones have to download less files which make it faster to get started and less likely there will be an error.

      Note: I have no actual testing to know that this makes much difference but when we showed off Tonde-Iko at Steam Carnival I noticed some people having trouble connecting or it taking a long time, probably missed a packet or something with unreliable WiFi.

      So I decided do some optimizations. I added the --minify flag and I also put all 12 or 14 avatar images into 1 file. --optimize-controller does the --minify part automatically.

    • Made happyfuntimes reload package.json when they are edited.

      I hope there's no issues with half saved files

  • 0.0.33

    • Fix for firefox. I totally broke it around 0.0.27. Firefox needed different stuff for making scripts load at runtime.
  • 0.0.32

    • Fixed fullscreen for Android Chrome.

      I have no idea how this ever worked when I tested it before. Hopefully it works now.

  • 0.0.31

    • Made Touch.setupVirtualDPads use the middle of the referenceElement if offsetX or offsetY is not set for that dpad.

      This is better because it means if things change size based on CSS or other stuff there's nothing to do. The code will just work.

  • 0.0.30

    • Added --no-check-for-app.

    • Added hft/0.x.x/scripts/runtime/live-settings.js so HFT can deliver live setttings easily.

      a little worried there's too many ways to deliver options. As in code is not organized. To games data comes in index.html through a template. Maybe that should change to /game/<gameid>/scripts/runtime/live-game-settings.js? One difference is we allow minifying on game but minifying is at runtime so that doesn't seem like it would matter.

    • Added

  • 0.0.29

    • Fixed touch pad code.

      Issue was it was possible for button to get stuck down because we don't always get pointerup events. Also didn't handle pointerout then sliding back on to button.

    • Added GameClient.log and GameClient.error.

      Allows the controller to send debug messages that make it to game.

    • Added way for game to supply files for controller.

      This allows games to participate in HappyFunTimes without being registered. So for example

  • 0.0.28

    • CommonUI now handles orientation.

      Pass orientation to CommonUI.setupStandardControllerUI and if it can force the orientation it will. If it can't it will add the appropriate HTML/CSS so a message appears to turn the phone in the wrong orientation.

    • Added app suppport.

      HFT tries to redirect to native mobile app.

    •, NetPlayer.busy and NetPlayer.hft_namechange and NetPlayer.hft_busy events.

    • Added code to disablecontext menus.

      Wondering if I should just always do this.

  • 0.0.27

    • Make hft-publish optionally use HFT_PUBLISH_USER for user:pass.

    • Send headers so hopefully browser never caches.

    • Switch to node 0.12.

    • Made "Install" message pop to front.

  • 0.0.26

    • Add session ids. See Netplayer.sessionId.

    • Switch docs to use handlebars.

    • Add