Title: Multiple Computers Description: How to make a game that runs across mutliple computers.
First off you might be interested in this video to see what running across multiple computers means
<iframe width="853" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/aFMNmKYE8KM?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>The game above spans 6 monitors. Each monitor has its own computer. Players can jump from monitor to monitor and walk up and down a large level.
You can download that sample here.
If you hft add
it to your happyfuntimes, then run happyfuntimes and click
on the game you'll get a launcher screen that looks like this.
This is only for testing. It is the standard game.html
and scripts/game.js
combination that is
usually run when picking an HTML5 game. I did this because
setting up and testing multiple machines is a pain in the ass so I wanted
an easy way to test stuff.
The real game is defined in realgame.html
and scripts/realgame.js
In a normal HappyFunTimes HTML5 game the game creates a GameServer
For multi machine game you should do this
var server = new GameServer({
allowMultipleGames: true,
id: someIdUniqueToThisMachine
master: someVariableTrueForOneMachineOnly
Those options explained
The default for HappyFunTimes is if a game with the same gameId connects HappyFunTimes will disconnect the old game. This is an assuption that you're probably doing development, left a version of your game running in a tab somewhere, You open a new tab, start the game. If HappyFunTimes didn't disconnect the old game you'd probably spend 10 minutes trying to figure out why things are working.
When making a game that supports multiple machines though you need HappyFunTimes
to keep all of them connect so you set allowMultipleMachines
to true.
This id