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WebGPU Dev Extension

This is an extension to help with WebGPU development


The latest published version is available here:

  • Chrome
  • [Firefox (TBD)]
  • [Safari (TBD)]

Otherwise you can install top of tree locally by downloading or cloning this repo and then adding it as a developer. For example in Chrome

  1. go to about://extensions
  2. enable developer mode
  3. pick "Load Unpacked"
  4. Select the "extension" folder from this repo

NOTE! Extension doesn't appear issue!!!

Currently, the plugin UI does not work if you are stopped at a breakpoint in the debugger. Unpause execution in the debugger or close the DevTools and the UI should appear. (PRs/ideas welcome! See this issue)


WebGPU Debug Helper

This injects the webgpu-debug-helper. The WebGPU Debug Helper shows errors (see next option). It also throws on encoder errors. Normally GPUCommandEncoder, GPURenderPassEncoder, GPUComputePassEncoder and GPURenderBundleEncoder do not emit errors. Instead, they just record the first error and then you don't actually get the error until you end the pass and finish the encoder. With this option checked, most of the encoder errors will throw a JavaScript error immediately.

What is the point of this option vs the next (show error)? Show error is a small script that only checks functions on GPUDevice and GPUQueue as those are the only objects that actually emit errors in WebGPU.

WebGPU Debug Helper is a very large script. It might be buggy so I've kept both options so if you find a bug you can try to use the less capable but simpler "Show Errors" option. Of course if you do find a bug, please create an issue and with a repo.

Show Errors

This has 3 points

  1. A WebGPU app can suppress errors by capturing them with pushErrorScope and popErrorScope as well as adding an uncapturederror listener to the device. Turning on this feature still prints the errors to the JavaScript console, even when they are captured.

  2. WebGPU errors happen asynchronously and so often do not provide info where the error happened. This is an attempt to add that info for some (but not all) errors.

  3. The parameters of the function that caused the error are not always available. This is an attempt to include those parameters.

Show Shader Errors

If a shader module gets an error, shows the entire shader in the JS console.

Normally shader errors only show the line the error happened on.

Add Descriptors

Adds the descriptors used to create many objects to those objects. For example: When you call createView on a texture you pass in a descriptor. That descriptor is not reflected in the view itself which can make it hard to see what's going on. This adds that data onto the view so you can inspect it in the debugger or in the error messages printed by "Show Errors". Similarly, bindGroups, bindGroupLayouts, pipelines, pipelineLayouts, pass encoders, query sets, samplers, shader modules, external textures, ...

Force Mode

Lets you choose one of 'none', 'low-power', 'high-performance', 'compatibility-mode' and 'force-fallback-adapter'

Dump Shaders

Dumps the pages shaders

Auto Label

Adds labels to objects that don't have them. So for example buffers will get labels 'buffer1', 'buffer2', etc... which should help you tell them apart in the debugger. Canvas textures, textures from getCurrentTexture, are labelled "canvasTexture<num>[<id-of-html-element>]".

Show Adapter Info

Shows the adapter info anytime requestAdapter is called. This is useful to see which GPU was selected on a dual GPU computer.

Track Pass State

Add a state property to a GPURenderPassEncoder, GPUComputePassEncoder and GPURenderBundleEncoder that tracks the current pipeline, bindGroups, vertexBuffers, indexBuffer, viewport, etc.... so you can inspect them in the debugger.

DevTools Custom Formatters

Shows GPUBuffer.usage and GPUTexture.usage with named bits as well as GPUAdapter.features and GPUDevice.features

GPUTexture and GPUBuffer

  • without this checked: GPUTexture { ... usage: 6, ... }
  • with this checked: GPUTexture { ... usage: 6 (COPY_DST|TEXTURE_BINDING), ... }

GPUDevice and GPUAdapter

  • without this checked: GPUDevice.features
  • with this checked: GPUDevice.features: ['shader-f16', 'timestamp-query', ...]

note: You must turn on custom formatters in the DevTools (Settings->Preferences->Console->Custom formatters).

Count Active Devices

Prints to the console the number of active WebGPU devices

Block Features

Lets you block webgpu features. For example, type in shader-f16 and the shader-f16 feature will be blocked. You can use this to test that your code, that is supposed to run without the feature, actually runs without the feature.

Enter one or more features separated by space, comma, or new line. * is a wildcard so * = all, texture* = all features that start with texture. *f16 = all features that end in f16.

API Breakpoints

Adds a debugger statement to the specified WebGPU API functions.

Enter one or more API method names separated by space, comma, or new line. * is a wildcard so * = all. Each match is for whole string so

eg. *destroy adds breakpoints to GPUDevice.destroy, GPUBuffer.destroy, GPUQuerySet.destroy and GPUTexture.destroy where as *fer.des* would only add a breakpoint to GPUBuffer.destroy. Names are API.methodName so entering copyTextureToBuffer matches nothing. Use *copyTextureToBuffer or the full name like GPUCommandEncoder.copyTextureToBuffer.

In DevTools, for each breakpoint added there is a disable variable you can set to disable the breakpoint for that particular API method.

Disable WebGPU

Returns null from requestAdapter.

Remove WebGPU

Removes navigator.gpu and other GPU classes

rAF Skip Frames

Skips requestAnimationFrames. For example, if you're on a 120fps device like an M1 Mac and you enter 3 then 3 out of 4 frames will be skipped, effectively making your app run at 30fps. Default = 0

Remember this is not instant. You must refresh the page for it to take affect.

Time Mult

Multiplies the time passed to the requestAnimationFrame callback, as well as, and setTimeout(callback,time) and setInterval(callback, time) by this number.

For some apps, if you set this to 0.1 your app will run at 10% speed. If you set it 10 your app will run at 10x speed. Default = 1

Remember this is not instant. You must refresh the page for it to take affect.

Emulate Compat

Experiment to show what places would fail in compatibility mode


Attempt to capture WebGPU calls to an HTML file using webgpu_recorder


I don't know all the procedures for other browser but in Chrome, load the extension by cloning this repo and then

  1. go to about://extensions
  2. enable developer mode
  3. pick "Load Unpacked"
  4. Select the "extension" folder from this repo

From there, most of JavaScript files that augment the WebGPU API are live. If you edit them, just re-loading the page using the extension will pick the changes. For UI files, and for gpu-content-script.js, the script that injects the other scripts into your page, it will only update when you pick the refresh button in about://extensions. The refresh button looks like a circular arrow ↺ inside each individual extension's info.


A browser extension to help with WebGPU debugging






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