I have been using this script for a few years and has saved me dozens if not hundreds of hours submitting takedown requests. Since I started my own content site I have had to take down thousands of videos. Pornhub is more of the more popular sites people upload videos to and thus the need for a script. They rely on making the process as tedious as possible to discourage content creators from submitting requests. With the help of this script most of the hassle is gone and you can get back to more important tasks.
If you find this script helpful toss me a nod on Twitter @bondagejunkies
If you need help, I can provide some minimal support at john@bondagejunkies.com
AutoHotKey is what runs the script. You can download it for free here: https://autohotkey.com/
Next, Download "pornhub.ahk" from this repository.
Once you have it installed you'll need to edit the pornhub.ahk file from this repository with your own information. Once you have done that you can double-click the script and AutoHotKey will launch it. You'll see a green and white "H" in your system tray. The default key to run the script is Ctrl-F12. You can test it out by open Notepad and pressing Ctrl-12.
If you need to tweak the file simple making your changes with Notepad and save. Right-click the green H icon and select reload script and test it again. It's important that all your details are correct before using it for real.
To submit a takedown request you need to provide company details along with a link to the offending video(s). Below I've listed a few methods and tools I use for doing that. Before you get started I suggest setting up a spreadsheet (I prefer Google Docs) with a few columns. I have columns to track the offending website, when I submitted the URL takendown, when it was takendown, and the URL itself.
You won't always find large batches of stolen videos. The easiest method is to simply copy the URL by hand and paste it into your spreadsheet. I tend to work off multiple computers so this is why a Google Sheet is handy. I paste them in the document and continue on my way.
Using a tool called Copy All URLs (link below) I can use my middle mouse button to open offtening videos onto a new tab. Because of Pornhubs related video feature more of my videos are suggested below. Before long I can have 20-30 tabs of my videos. With this plug-in for Chrome it will copy all of them into your clipboard. From there you can paste into your spreadsheet.
link: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/copy-all-urls/djdmadneanknadilpjiknlnanaolmbfk
Recently I found a playlist with hundreds of my videos. While the Tab Copy method would have worked it would have been tedious. Instead I used a plug-in called Link Klipper (link below). This lets you drag a box around all the video (or the entire page) and collect all the URLs. Unless your dealing with several dozen or hundreds of videos Method 2 is ideal to stick with.
link: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/link-klipper-extract-all/fahollcgofmpnehocdgofnhkkchiekoo
- Open the DMCA page on PornHub here: https://www.pornhub.com/information#dmcaform
- Open your spreadsheet and copy 10 URLs into your clipboard. Make use you ONLY copy Pornhub URLs.
- Click the first text box on the form so the cursor is blinking there. Should be just under "Location (URL)".
- Press Ctrl-F12.
If everything worked then the entire form should be filled out. Verify everything is correct. The Google reCaptcha might bother your with verification but once you're past that hit submit. Repeat the steps above until you've submitted all the URLs.