A Clojure test-runner compatible with tests written using clojure.test
Keep your existing deftest
s, but gain flexibility around how you run
This version, io.synple/circleci.test "0.5.0-alpha2"
updates the
junit reporter to be compatible with org.clojure/data.xml
(current stable) and v0.2.0-alpha5 (latest alpha, that includes xml
namespace and clojurescript support).
We're expecting to merge these updates into the main circleci release soon.
Add [io.synple/circleci.test "0.5.0-alpha2"]
to your :dependencies
under :dev
It's recommended to use this set of Leiningen aliases:
:aliases {"test" ["run" "-m" "circleci.test/dir" :project/test-paths]
"tests" ["run" "-m" "circleci.test"]
"retest" ["run" "-m" "circleci.test.retest"]}
You can pass a selector to lein test
(see below) or run just a list of
individual tests with lein tests my.test.ns my.other.test.ns
From inside a repl, you can run all loaded test namespaces with
or pass in a list of symbols to just test a few
namespaces. Run individiual tests with (circleci.test/test-var #'my.test.ns/my-test)
As with Leiningen's built-in test
task, you can tag tests with metadata
that allows you to run just a selection of your tests.
You can put a keyword argument on the command-line invocation before
specifying which test namespaces to run, and it will cause all deftest
forms which aren't tagged with that metadata to be skipped.
$ lein run -m circleci.test :integration my.first.test.ns
If you need more flexibility in your test selectors you can define arbitrary
selector functions in dev-resources/circleci_test/config.clj
{:selectors {:all (constantly true)
:acceptance (fn [m] (or (:integration m) (:functional m)))
:default (complement :flaky)}}
If you have the Leiningen :aliases
set up as per above, you can pass
in a test selector as a command-line argument:
$ lein test :acceptance
In order to gather metadata about your test runs, you can configure
to emit output
in JUnit XML format by
putting this in your dev-resources/circleci_test/config.clj
(require '[circleci.test.report.junit :as junit])
{:test-results-dir "target/test-results"
:reporters [circleci.test.report/clojure-test-reporter
Unlike clojure.test
, you can use more than one reporter at a time. It's
recommended to add your :test-results-dir
directory to the ignored list of
your version control system.
If you use the junit test reporter, you can run circleci.test.retest/-main
re-run only the set of tests which previously failed. Adding an alias in
is recommended:
:aliases {"test" ["run" "-m" "circleci.test/dir" :project/test-paths]
"retest" ["run" "-m" "circleci.test.retest"]}
Use circleci.test/test-var
to run a single test fn:
(circleci.test/test-var #'my.test.ns/my-test)
Use circleci.test/run-tests
to run all the tests in one or more namespaces:
(circleci.test/run-tests 'my.test.ns)
(circleci.test/run-tests 'my.test.ns 'my.other.test.ns)
There is also a circleci.test/run-all-tests
function; however please note that
this only runs tests in namespaces that have already been loaded rather than
running all tests that exist on disk.
In addition to :once
and :each
fixtures from clojure.test
, you can define
global fixtures that are only run once for the entire test run, no matter how
many namespaces you run. This should be declared in your config file rather in
any one individual test file though; otherwise it may not get loaded:
(require '[clojure.spec.test.alpha :as stest])
{:global-fixture (fn [f]
Clojure codebases that follow functional programming techniques should follow
the "functional core/imperative shell" model in which most functionality is
implemented with pure functions, while an outer layer of imperative code ties
things together. Ideally in this case most tests should be unit tests, which
only concern themselves with pure functions and do no I/O. However, it's easy
for impurity to accidentally sneak into a test. In order to prevent this, you
can use the circleci.test.isolation/enforce
test fixture.
(use-fixtures :each (isolation/enforce))
(deftest accidentally-uses-io
(is (re-find #"cx") (get-in (read-parse "sample3") [:body :content 3])))
(def sample3 (read-sample "sample3"))
(deftest actually-pure
(is (re-find #"cx") (get-in (parse sample3) [:body :content 3])))
(deftest ^:io intentionally-uses-io
(let [sample3 (read-sample "sample3")
parsed (parse sample3)]
(is (re-find #"cx") (get-in parsed [:body :content 3]))))
The first test is not a unit test because it calls read-parse
, a function
that performs I/O. The isolation/enforce
fixture will cause it to fail, while
the second one will succeed because it only calls parse
, which is pure. The
third test will also pass because it has explicitly been flagged with ^:io
The default isolation blocks use of network and file access and whitelists
s which are tagged with ^:io
and ^:integration
. You can pass
arguments to isolation/enforce
which will provide a fixture that looks for
different set of selector tags or uses a different predicate to determine
which things to block:
(defn deny? [permission]
(instance? java.net.SocketPermission permission))
(use-fixtures :each (isolation/enforce [:io :network] deny?))
In this example we only block tests which use SocketPermission
. The deny?
predicate will be passed an instance of java.security.Permission
and must return a boolean indicating whether that permission should be denied.
In this case only deftest
forms with ^:io
or ^:network
selector tags
will not have that restriction applied.
This feature sets the JVM's SecurityManager and will not work with code that assumes it has control of that class.
- supports more than one test reporter at a time
- includes elapsed time measured with
when reporting the end of adeftest
- test fixtures are run when testing a single test, not just a set of tests
fixtures are run exactly once per invocation, whether testing an entire namespace or a single test- test selectors are a part of the library, not a monkeypatch
- Invoking a test-fn directly will not run any fixtures at all, exactly like
. This is due to behaviour fromclojure.test/deftest
and can't be worked around without forcing use of a differentdeftest
You can get code coverage support while using this library by using
version 1.0.10 or higher of Cloverage
specifying circleci.test
as your test runner.
Don't force people to re-write tests just to use a different test runner.
Maintain compatibility with the clojure.test
assertion expansions such as
Must be possible to use more than one test reporter at a time, for instance it's desirable to produce Junit XML and console output during a test run.
Copyright © 2017-2018 Circle Internet Services and contributors
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.