This package instruments your application for performance monitoring with New Relic.
Make sure you have a New Relic account before starting. To see all the features, such as slow transaction traces, you will need a New Relic Pro subscription (or equivalent).
As with any instrumentation tool, please test before using in production.
- Getting started
- Security
- Configuration
- RUM / browser timings
- Transactions and request naming
- Licensing
- Contributions
- Known issues
- Install node. The agent runs on v0.8 and higher, but some features (e.g. error tracing) depend on features introduced in v0.10. Development work on this module is done with the latest non-development release of Node.
- Verify your version of node came with a new enough version of npm using
npm -v
. We require version 1.4.28 or newer, and recommend using the latest release. Read more about upgrading npm here. - Install this module via
npm install newrelic
for the application you want to monitor. - Copy
into the root directory of your application. - Edit
and replacelicense_key
's value with the license key for your account. - Add
as the first line of the app's main module.
If you wish to keep the configuration for the module separate from your
application, the module will look for newrelic.js in the directory referenced
by the environment variable NEW_RELIC_HOME
if it's set.
When you start your app, New Relic should start up with it and start reporting
data that will appear within the New Relic UI
after a few minutes. Because the agent minimizes the amount of bandwidth it
consumes, it only reports data once a minute, so if you require the module in
tests that take less than a minute to run, it won't have time to report data to
New Relic. The module will write its log to a file named newrelic_agent.log
in the application directory. If New Relic doesn't send data or crashes your
app, the log can help New Relic determine what went wrong, so be sure to send
it along with any bug reports or support requests.
If you're running on a version of npm before 1.4.28, or are interested in moving up to latest follow these steps:
- Run
npm -v
to make sure you have npm installed and working. - If you are on linux/smartos/osx/*nix run
ls -l $(which npm)
and check to see if the file is owned by "root" or "admin". If so, prefix the next command withsudo
. - Run
npm install -g npm@latest
to upgrade npm itself.
Warning: An existing installation of npm can break if it is used to upgrade itself without root privileges while the npm executable is owned by root.
We take security (and the protection of your and your users' privacy) very seriously. See for details, but the brief version is that if you feel you've found a security issue, contact us at
The module can be tailored to your app's requirements, both from the server and
via the newrelic.js configuration file you created. For complete details on
what can be configured, refer to
which documents the available variables and their default values.
In addition, for those of you running in PaaS environments like Heroku or
Microsoft Azure, all of the configuration variables in newrelic.js
counterparts that can be set via environment variables. You can mix and match
variables in the configuration file and environment variables freely;
environment variables take precedence.
Here's the list of the most important variables and their values:
: Your New Relic license key. This is a required setting with no default value.NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME
: The name of this application, for reporting to New Relic's servers. This value can be also be a comma-delimited list of names. This is a required setting with no default value. (NOTE: as a convenience to Azure users, the module will useAPP_POOL_ID
as the application name if it's set, so you can use the name you chose for your Azure Web Server without setting it twice.)NEW_RELIC_NO_CONFIG_FILE
: Inhibit loading of the configuration file altogether. Use with care. This presumes that all important configuration will be available via environment variables, and some log messages assume that a config file exists.NEW_RELIC_HOME
: path to the directory in which you've placed newrelic.js.NEW_RELIC_USE_SSL
: Use SSL for communication with New Relic's servers. Enabled by default.NEW_RELIC_LOG
: Complete path to the New Relic agent log, including the filename. The agent will shut down the process if it can't create this file, and it creates the log file with the same umask of the process. Setting this tostdout
will write all logging to stdout, andstderr
will write all logging to stderr.NEW_RELIC_LOG_LEVEL
: Logging priority for the New Relic agent. Can be one oferror
, ortrace
are pretty chatty; unless you're helping New Relic figure out irregularities with the module, you're probably best off usinginfo
or higher.
For completeness, here's the rest of the list:
: Whether or not the agent should run. Good for temporarily disabling the agent while debugging other issues with your code. It doesn't prevent the module from bootstrapping its instrumentation or setting up all its pieces, it just prevents it from starting up or connecting to New Relic's servers. Defaults to true.NEW_RELIC_ERROR_COLLECTOR_ENABLED
: Whether or not to trace errors within your application. Values aretrue
: Comma-delimited list of HTTP status codes to ignore. Maybe you don't care if payment is required? Ignoring a status code means that the transaction is not renamed to match the code, and the request is not treated as an error by the error collector. Defaults to ignoring 404.NEW_RELIC_IGNORE_SERVER_CONFIGURATION
: Whether to ignore server-side configuration for this application. Defaults to false.NEW_RELIC_TRACER_ENABLED
: Whether to collect and submit slow transaction traces to New Relic. Values aretrue
: Threshold of web transaction response time (in seconds) at which a transaction trace will count as slow and be sent to New Relic. Can also be set toapdex_f
, at which point it will set the trace threshold to 4 times the current ApdexT. Defaults toapdex_f
: Set the initial Apdex tolerating / threshold value in seconds. This is more often than not set from the server. Defaults to 0.100.NEW_RELIC_CAPTURE_PARAMS
: Whether to capture request parameters on slow transaction or error traces. Defaults to false.NEW_RELIC_IGNORED_PARAMS
: Some parameters may contain sensitive values you don't want being sent out of your application. This setting is a comma-delimited list of names of parameters to ignore. Defaults to empty.NEW_RELIC_NAMING_RULES
: A list of comma-delimited JSON object literals:NEW_RELIC_NAMING_RULES='{"pattern":"^t","name":"u"},{"pattern":"^u","name":"t"}'
See the section on request and transaction naming for details. Defaults to empty.NEW_RELIC_IGNORING_RULES
: A list of comma-delimited patterns:NEW_RELIC_IGNORING_RULES='^/socket\.io/.*/xhr-polling,ignore_me'
Note that currently there is no way to escape commas in patterns. Defaults to empty.NEW_RELIC_TRACER_TOP_N
: Increase this number to increase the diversity of slow transaction traces sent to New Relic. Defaults to 1. See the description inlib/config.default.js
, as this feature is exceedingly hard to summarize.NEW_RELIC_HOST
: Hostname for the New Relic collector. You shouldn't need to change this.NEW_RELIC_PORT
: Port number on which the New Relic collector will be listening. You shouldn't need to change this either.NEW_RELIC_PROXY_URL
: A fully-qualified URL to an http/https proxy. The proxy URL may include basic authentication. The use ofNEW_RELIC_PROXY_URL
overrides other proxy settings.NEW_RELIC_PROXY_HOST
: Proxy hostnameNEW_RELIC_PROXY_PORT
: Proxy user name (basic auth only).NEW_RELIC_PROXY_PASS
: Whether to collect internal supportability metrics for the agent. Don't mess with this unless New Relic asks you to.NEW_RELIC_DEBUG_TRACER
: Whether to dump traces of the transaction tracer's internal operation. It's unlikely to be informative unless you're a New Relic Node.js engineer and it has a significant performance cost, so use with care.NEW_RELIC_BROWSER_MONITOR_ENABLE
: Whether to generate browser timing (RUM) headers or not.NEW_RELIC_LABELS
: Sets the label names and values to associate with the application. The list is a semi-colon delimited list of colon-separated name and value pairs
New Relic's instrumentation can extend beyond your application into the
client's browser. The newrelic
module can generate <script>
headers which,
when inserted into your HTML templates, will capture client-side page load
Headers must be manually injected, but no extra configuration is necessary to enable browser timings.
- Insert the result of
into your html page. - The browser timing headers should be placed in the beginning of your
tag.- As an exception to the above, for maximum IE compatability, the results of
should be placed after anyX-UA-COMPATIBLE HTTP-EQUIV
meta tags.
- As an exception to the above, for maximum IE compatability, the results of
- Do not cache the header, call it once for every request.
Below is an example using express
and jade
; Express is a popular web
application framework, and jade
is a popular template module. Although the
specifics are different for other frameworks, the general approach described
below should work in most cases.
The simplest way to insert browser timing headers is to pass the newrelic
module into your template, and call newrelic.getBrowserTimingHeader()
within the template.
var newrelic = require('newrelic');
var app = require('express')();
// In Express, this lets you call newrelic from within a template.
app.locals.newrelic = newrelic;
app.get('/user/:id', function (req, res) {
doctype html
!= newrelic.getBrowserTimingHeader()
title= title
link(rel='stylesheet', href='/stylesheets/style.css')
block content
By defaults calls to newrelic.getBrowserTimingHeader()
should return valid
headers. You can disable header generation without removing your template
code. In your newrelic.js
file, add the following to disable header
exports.config = {
// ... other config
browser_monitoring : {
enable : false
You can also set the environment variable NEW_RELIC_BROWSER_MONITOR_ENABLE=false
It is safe to leave the header generation code in place even when you're not
using it. If browser timings are disabled, or there is an error such that
working headers cannot be generated, the newrelic
module will generate an
innocuous HTML comment. If the newrelic
module is disabled entirely no
content will be generated.
In order to get the most value out of New Relic for Node.js, you may have to do a little work to help us figure out how your application is structured. New Relic works on the assumption that it can group requests to your application into transactions, which are defined by giving one or more request paths a name. These names are used to visualize where your app is spending its time (in transaction breakdowns), to identify slow requests, and to group scoped metrics. For example, this can identify slow database queries by showing which requests are spending a long time waiting on the database.
If you're using Express, Restify or Hapi with their default routers and are satisfied with your application being represented by those frameworks' route matchers, you may not need to do anything. However, if you want more specific names than are provided by your framework, you may want to use one or more of the tools described further on.
The simplest way to tell that you need to read further in this document is if
you feel too many of your requests are being lumped together under the
catch-all name /*
. All requests that aren't otherwise named by the module
will end up grouped under /*
If you've been working with Node for a while, you're probably accustomed to thinking of your application's requests in terms of raw URLs. One of the great things about Node is that it makes it so easy and simple to work with HTTP, and that extends to things like parsing URLs and creating your own strategies for naming and routing requests for services like RESTful APIs. This presents a challenge for New Relic, because we need to keep the number of names we're tracking small enough that we can keep the New Relic user experience snappy, and also so we don't overwhelm you with so much data that it's difficult for you to see the problem spots in your applications. URLs are not a good fit for how New Relic sees performance.
Another of Node's great strengths is that it provides a lot of tools that build
on top of the http
module to simplify writing web services. Unfortunately,
that variety greatly complicates things for us, with our limited resources, and
so we offer a few different tools to help you give us the information we need
to provide you useful metrics about your application:
- we can read the route names from the Express, Restify, and Hapi routers, if you're using them (and as said above, for many of you, this may be all you need)
- we offer an API for naming the current request, either with simple names or, if you prefer, grouped into controllers with actions
- and we support rules stored in your module's configuration that can mark requests to be renamed or ignored based on regular expressions matched against the request's raw URLs (also available as API calls)
Requests are mapped to transaction names using a deterministic process:
- On an incoming request, the module creates a New Relic transaction that includes the HTTP request method and other metadata. As a fallback (for use in the error tracer), each transaction is named after its raw request URL.
- When a framework using a supported router is in use, the agent copies the framework name, route path and request method onto the transaction as its transaction name.
- Within handlers, you can make calls to the module's API to explicitly set the name of the route to whatever you want, or mark the route to be ignored (or explicitly not ignored, see the below discussion of rules). As noted below, the last API call wins when there is more than one.
- When the transaction is finished (i.e. the response has been completely streamed out to the client), any naming or ignoring rules you have specified in your configuration are applied. NOTE: Older versions of the module only applied these rules if nothing else had named the transaction, which made using rules with router-based automatic naming impossible. You must be using the latest version of New Relic to combine naming and ignoring rules with naming set by the router instrumentation.
- Finally, New Relic may have its own rules that it applies to the transaction name, either because the request is for something New Relic rolls up by default (i.e. static assets like images or CSS files), or because New Relic is applying rules to remedy metric grouping issues.
- If nothing has named the transaction after steps 1-5, the transaction is
, which puts that request in the undifferentiated, default bucket for requests. This will typically only happen in situations where your application uses either no framework, or a framework with a router that isn't currently supported by New Relic.
Let's go through the naming tools one at a time.
Express is the most popular web framework in use within the Node community, and
a number of important services are also using Restify. Both frameworks map
routes to handlers, and both use a similar pattern to do so: they match one or
more HTTP methods (e.g. GET
or the ever-popular OPTIONS
– let's hear it for
CORS) along with a potentially parameterized path (e.g. /user/:id
) or a
regular expression (e.g. /^/user/([-0-9a-f]+)$/
). New Relic will capture
both those pieces of information in the request name. If you have support for
slow transaction traces and have enabled capture_params
, the transaction
trace will also have the request's parameters and their values attached to it.
Likewise, request parameters and their values will be attached to any errors
recorded by the agent.
The only important thing to know about New Relic's support for Express, Restify, or Hapi is that if you're dissatisfied with the names it comes up with, you can use the API calls described below to come up with more descriptive names. Also, if you use a different web framework or router and would like to see support for it added, please let us know.
The API is what's handed back from require('newrelic')
, so
var newrelic = require('newrelic');
is all you need. Please note that you still need to ensure that loading the New Relic module is the first thing your application does, as it needs to bootstrap itself before the rest of your application loads, but you can safely require the module from multiple modules in your application – it will only initialize itself once.
Name the current request. You can call this function anywhere within the context of an HTTP request handler, at any time after handling of the request has started, but before the request has finished. A good rule of thumb is that if the request and response objects are in scope, you can set the name.
Explicitly calling newrelic.setTransactionName()
will override any names set
by Express, Restify or Hapi routes. Calls to newrelic.setTransactionName()
will overwrite each other. The last call made
before the request ends wins.
VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not include highly variable information like GUIDs, numerical IDs, or timestamps in the request names you create. If your request is slow enough to generate a transaction trace, that trace will contain the original URL. If you enable parameter capture, the parameters will also be attached to the trace. The request names are used to group requests for New Relic's many charts and tables, and those visualizations' value drops as the number of different request names increases. If you have 50 or so different transaction names, you're probably pushing it. If you have more than a couple hundred, you need to rethink your naming strategy.
Name the current request using a controller-style pattern, optionally including
the current controller action. If the action is omitted, New Relic will include
the HTTP method (e.g. GET
) as the action. The rules for when you can
call newrelic.setControllerName()
are the same as they are for
Explicitly calling newrelic.setControllerName()
will override any names set by
Express, Restify, or Hapi routes. Calls to newrelic.setTransactionName()
will overwrite each other. The last one to run
before the request ends wins.
See the above note on newrelic.setTransactionName()
, which also applies to
this function.
If you don't feel like putting calls to the New Relic module directly into your application code, you can use pattern-based rules to name requests. There are two sets of rules: one for renaming requests, and one to mark requests to be ignored by New Relic.
If you're using, you will have a use case for ignoring rules right out of the box. You'll probably want to add a rule like the following:
// newrelic.js
exports.config = {
// other configuration
rules : {
ignore : [
This will keep long-polling from dominating your response-time metrics and blowing out the apdex metrics for your application.
A list of rules used to set the name of the transaction to name
when the URL
matches pattern
Can also be set via the environment variable NEW_RELIC_NAMING_RULES
, with
multiple rules passed in as a list of comma-delimited JSON object literals:
Each rule is defined using the following format:
// required
pattern : "pattern",
name : "name",
// optional
precedence: 1,
terminate_chain: true,
replace_all: false
Additional attributes are ignored.
Note: these rules take precedence over automatic naming from router instrumentations and are applied to the URL path, not the name returned by the router instrumentation.
The pattern used to match the URL. It can be set as either a string or a JavaScript
regular expression literal. For example, "^/abc/123$"
is equivalent to /^\/abc\/123$/
The pattern can be written to match the complete URL, or just a part of it.
The value that is used to replace the URL (or part of it) that matches the pattern. It is also possible to use regular expression group references. See examples below.
By default the rules are evaluated in reverse order (from last to first). If you find
this behavior counterintuitive, the execution order can be reversed by setting the feature
flag reverse_naming_rules
to false. Furthermore, if you prefer to have complete
control over the order, each rule can be given a precedence
attribute. The precedence
is an integer number, and rules are evaluated in ascending order. If precedence is not
explicitly defined, it will be set to 500 by default.
When set to true, no further rules will be evaluated if this rule is a match. The default is true.
Setting this to false is useful when multiple rules should be used together. For example, one rule could be replacing a common pattern in many different URLs, while subsequent rule(s) would be more specific.
When set to true, all matches of the pattern will be replaced. Otherwise, only the first
match will be replaced. The default is false. Using the g
flag with regular expression
literal will have the same effect. For example:
pattern: '[0-9]+',
replace_all: true
will have the same effect as
pattern: /[0-9]+/g
The agent comes with a command-line tool for testing naming rules. For more information run the following command in terminal window in a directory where your app is installed.
node node_modules/.bin/newrelic-naming-rules
Match full URL:
pattern: "^/items/[0-9]+$",
name: "/items/:id"
Replace the first match in any URL:
pattern: "[0-9]+",
name: ":id"
will result in:
=> /orders/:id
=> /items/:id
=> /orders/:id/items/123
Replace all matches in any URL:
pattern: "[0-9]+",
name: ":id",
replace_all: true
will result in:
=> /orders/:id/items/:id
Using regular expression match group references:
pattern: '^/(items|orders)/[0-9]+$',
name: '/\\1/:id'
will result in:
=> /orders/:id
=> /items/:id
A list of patterns for matching incoming request URLs to be ignored. When using ignoring rules with instrumented routers, the matches are still made against the URL paths, not the name returned by the router instrumentation. Patterns may be strings or regular expressions.
Can also be set via the environment variable NEW_RELIC_IGNORING_RULES
, with
multiple rules passed in as a list of comma-delimited patterns:
Note that
currently there is no way to escape commas in patterns.
Programmatic version of
above. Naming rules can not be removed
until the Node process is restarted. They can also be added via the module's
configuration. Both parameters are mandatory.
Programmatic version of rules.ignore
above. Ignoring rules can not be removed
until the Node process is restarted. They can also be added via the module's
configuration. The pattern is mandatory.
Set a custom parameter value to be attached to a transaction trace and/or error in the New Relic UI. This must be called within the context of a transaction, so it has a place to set the custom parameters.
Tell the module explicitly whether or not a given request should be ignored.
Allows you to explicitly filter out long-polling routes or requests you know
are going to be time-consuming in an uninteresting way, and also allows you
to gather metrics for requests that would otherwise be ignored. Note that
to prevent a transaction from being ignored with this function, you must
pass false
as the parameter – in this case null
or undefined
will be
If your app is doing its own error handling with domains or try/catch clauses, but you want all of the information about how many errors are coming out of the app to be centrally managed, use this call. Unlike most of the calls here, this function can be used outside of route handlers, but will have additional context if called from within transaction scope. If custom parameters are passed in on an object literal, they will be passed back to New Relic for display.
Use this method to gracefully shut down the agent. When called with
set to true, the agent will send any pending data to
the New Relic servers before shutting down. This is useful when you want to shut down
the Node process and make sure that all transactions and/or errors are captured by
New Relic.
Example of collecting pending data before shutting down the process:
newrelic.shutdown({ collectPendingData: true }, function(error) {
Custom transaction should be used for instrumenting
or other
varieties of socket servers, and background jobs. These are things that the
agent can't automatically instrument because without your knowledge of your
application, the agent can't tell when they should begin and end.
Read more at:
is the name of the web transaction. It should be pretty static, not
including anything like user ids or any other data that is very specific to the
request. handle
is the function you'd like to wrap in the web transaction.
Both custom and auto instrumentation will be captured as part of the
If called within an active web transaction, it will act as a nested tracer. If
called within an active background transaction, it will create a new,
independent transaction and any calls within the handle
will be bound to the
new web transaction.
Custom transactions must be ended manually by calling endTransaction()
Timing for custom transaction starts from when the returned wrapped function is
called until endTransaction()
is called.
is the name of the job. It should be pretty static, and not include job
ids or anything very specific to that run of the job. group
is optional, and
allows you to group types of jobs together. This should follow similar rules as
the name
. handle
is a function that encompases your background job. Both
custom and auto instrumentation will be captured as part of the transaction.
If called within an active background transaction, it will act as a nested
tracer. If called within an active web transaction, it will create a new
transaction and any calls within the handle
will be bound to the new,
independent background transaction.
Custom transactions must be ended manually by calling endTransaction()
Timing for custom transaction starts from when the returned wrapped function is
called until endTransaction()
is called.
This takes no arguments and must be called to end any custom transaction. It will detect what kind of transaction was active and end it.
is the name of the tracer. It will show up as a segment in your
transaction traces and create its own metric. handle
is the function to be
bound to the tracer.
Timing is from when createTracer
is called until the handle
done executing.
This should be called inside of a transaction to get data. If it is called
outside of a transaction it will just pass through.
is the metric name to record, it must be a string that begins with
typically followed by segments for category
and label
is either a numerical value to associate with the metric sample,
or an object representing multiple samples for the metric. If value
an object, it must include keys for count
, total
, min
, max
, and
is the metric name to record, it must be a string that beings with
typically followed by segments for category
and label
is optional, but must be an integer if provided. amount
the number of times to increment the metrics count
, it defaults to 1.
This is the Node-specific version of New Relic's transaction naming API documentation. The naming API exists to help us deal with the very real problem that trying to handle too many metrics will make New Relic slow for everybody, not just the account with too many metrics. If, in conversation with New Relic Support, you see discussion of "metric explosion", this is what they're talking about.
While we have a variety of strategies for dealing with these issues, the most severe is simply to blacklist offending applications. The main reason for you to be careful in using our request-naming tools is to prevent that from happening to your applications. We will do everything in our power to ensure that you have a good experience with New Relic even if your application is causing us trouble, but sometimes this will require manual intervention on the part of our team, and this can take a little while.
We owe a debt to all of the beta testers and users who have provided us with feedback, and in some cases significant pieces of code. (If you wish to contribute, please see in this directory.) In particular, we're indebted to these people:
- Hernan Silberman, for his work on the memcached instrumentation.
- Jeff Howell <>, for coming up with a much simpler way to instrument node-mongodb-native, as well as pointing out a problem with the Connect instrumentation.
Information about changes to the module are in
- New Relic for Node is only supported on Node.js 0.8 and newer. Some features may behave differently between 0.8, 0.10 and 0.11 / 0.12. The agent is optimized for newer versions of Node.
- There are irregularities around transaction trace capture and display. If you notice missing or incorrect information from transaction traces, let us know.
- There are
over 20,00030,00040,000A LOT of modules on npm. We can only instrument a tiny number of them. Even for the modules we support, there are a very large number of ways to use them. If you see data you don't expect on New Relic and have the time to produce a reduced version of the code that is producing the strange data, it will be used to improve the module and you will have the Node team's gratitude. - The CPU and memory overhead incurred by New Relic for Node is relatively minor (~1-10%, depending on how much of the instrumentation your apps end up using). GC activity is significantly increased while the agent is active, due to the large number of ephemeral objects created by metrics gathering.
- When using Node's included clustering support, each worker process will open its own connection to New Relic's servers, and will incur its own overhead costs.
- custom metrics
- explain plans
- garbage collector instrumentation
- thread profiling
- X-ray transactions (depends on thread profiling)
- capacity planning
New Relic for Node is free-to-use, proprietary software. Please see the full license (found in LICENSE in this distribution) for details on its license and the licenses of its dependencies.