A repository containing templates and scripts for #Obsidian to support the #Zettelkasten method for note-taking.
Obsidian is a note-taking and knowledge management app from Shida Li and Erica Xu. It works on top of a local folder of plain text Markdown files and lets you turn a collection of plain text files into a rich network of linked thought.
More about: https://obsidian.md
Zettelkasten is a personal tool for thinking and writing created by Niklas Luhmann. It has hypertextual features to make a web of thought possible. The difference to other systems is that you create a web of thoughts instead of notes of arbitrary size and form, and emphasize connection, not a collection.
More about: https://www.soenkeahrens.de/en/takesmartnotes
Copy templates to your Obsidian template folder location to make them available as templates within Obsidian. More about: https://help.obsidian.md/Plugins/Templates
Or use it as part of the Obsidian-Zettelkasten-Starter-Kit.
- Book Search - Easily creates book notes from Google Books API.
- DataView - Provides a query language for filtering, sorting, and extracting data from Markdown pages.
- Frontmatter Tag Suggest - Autocompletes tags in the YAML frontmatter.
- Projects - Manage and visualize notes for project management.
- Update Time on Edit - Saves the metadata of the file with the time it was updated.
- Wikipedia - Gets the first section of Wikipedia and pastes it into your active note.
- Auto Link Title - Fetches the webpage to extract link titles when they're pasted, creating a markdown link with the correct title set.
- Banners - Adds banner images to your notes.
- Callout Manager - Creating and configuring callouts.
- Charts - Easily create interactive charts for your notes.
- File Explorer Note Count - Shows number of elements under all available folders within file explorer.
- Homepage - Use any note, canvas, or workspace as a homepage
- Paste image rename - Allows to rename the image if you want images to be named and organized clearly.
- PlantUML - Renders PlantUML Diagrams in Obsidian.
- Table-to-CSV-Exporter - Exports table data from reading mode into a CSV file.
- Tag Wrangler - Rename, merge, toggle, and search the tag pane.
- View Count - Tracks the view count for each file in your vault.
You first may have a look at my note examples created from these templates: EXAMPLES.
- Note Template -> needs plugin: DataView
- Prompt Template -> needs plugin: DataView
- Question Template -> needs plugin: DataView
- Book Template -> needs plugin: Book Search + DataView
- Person Template -> needs plugin: DataView
- Quote Template -> needs plugin: DataView
- Recipe Template -> needs plugin: DataView
- Term Template -> needs plugin: DataView + Wikipedia
- Tool Template -> needs plugin: DataView
- BuJo - Future Log
- BuJo - Monthly Log -> needs plugin: DataView
- BuJo - Weekly Log
- BuJo - Daily Log
- Meeting Notes Template
- OKR Template -> needs plugin: DataView
- Structure Template -> needs plugin: DataView
- E-book Template -> needs plugin: Better Word Count + -> needs plugin: DataView
- Post Template -> needs plugin: DataView
- Back Matter Snippet
- Book Frontmatter Snippet
- Dataview Table Snippet -> needs plugin: DataView
- DataviewJS Quote Snippet -> needs plugin: DataView
- E-book Back Matter Snippet
- Frontmatter Snippet
More about: https://forum.obsidian.md/t/use-tags-but-how/
More about: https://forum.obsidian.md/t/16-obsidian-templates-for-zettelkasten-to-start-with/49098/58
- Where can I discuss my own experiences with these templates?
- What are the rules for using Properties with YAML Frontmatter?
- How to use Tags and Nested Tags in Obsidian?
- How can I learn more about Obsidian and Zettelkasten?
Obsidian Templates © 2022-25 by Edmund Gröpl is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
Please leave feedback here in the GitHub discussions or file a new issue if you found a bug or have a feature request. You can reach me via Mastodon too: https://darmstadt.social/@groepl