e-Finder is a generic tool for detection and extraction of multigene elements from assembled genomes using profile HMMs. e-Finder executes hmmsearch program (HMMER package) to run similarity searches using profile as queries against translated sequences of the assembled genomes. Any region containing a cluster of genes can be detected, such as transposons, CRISPR-Cas systems, prophages, operons, etc.
E-Finder does not need to be installed. The user should only download the e-finder.pl file.
- transeq program: EMBOSS package - http://emboss.sourceforge.net/
- hmmsearch program: HMMER3 package - http://hmmer.org/
- tblastn program: BLAST package – http://blast.ncbi/nlm/nih/gov
perl e-finder -df <file> -i <file> -s|-e <decimal> <optional parameters>
-df|dataset_file <file> : Dataset (FASTA file)
-dd|dataset_dir <directory> : Dataset directory.
-i|input_file : Input file (single or multiple profile HMMs).
-ce|circular<yes|no> : Assume that the element is originally derived from a circular element (e.g. a prophage derived
from a circular phage genome). Default: no.
-conf <file> : Use a configuration file that lists all parameters for execution, overriding any parameter of
the command line.
-cpu|cpu_threads <integer> : Number of threads to be used by hmmsearch. If not specified, e_Finder determines the number of
threads available in the multiprocessor server and uses by default half of this value.
-ed|element_distance <integer> : Minimum distance between elements. Default = 5000.
-ex|extension <fna|faa|fasta> : Extension for input files. When using PATRIC database data, we suggest using fna, since this is
the extension of the contig nucleotide sequence files provided in this resource. Default: fna.
-e|e-value | -s|score <decimal> : E-value (-e) or score (-s) threshold value. E-value (-e) or score (-s) threshold value. Report
hmmsearch hits that present values equal to or lower than the E-value or equal to or larger than
the score. Only one of these parameters and the respective value shall be provided. Default = -e 10.
-fs|flanking_size <integer> : Size (in bp) of the 5’ and 3’ flanking regions that will be excised together with the multigene
element. If a 0 (zero) value is used, e-Finder will extract the sequence comprised between the start
codon of the first gene and the stop codon of the last gene. Default = 5000.
-gc|genetic_code <integer> : Genetic code to define start codons and perform conceptual translation of the genes. e-Finder uses
numbering codes defined on the NCBI Genetic Codes page and implemented on transeq (EMBOSS package):
0 (Standard); 1 (Standard with alternative initiation codons); 2 (Vertebrate Mitochondrial);
3 (Yeast Mitochondrial); 4 (Mold, Protozoan, Coelenterate Mitochondrial and Mycoplasma/Spiroplasma);
5 (Invertebrate Mitochondrial); 6 (Ciliate Macronuclear and Dasycladacean); 9 (Echinoderm Mitochondrial);
10 (Euplotid Nuclear); 11 (Bacterial); 12 (Alternative Yeast Nuclear); 13 (Ascidian Mitochondrial);
14 (Flatworm Mitochondrial); 15 (Blepharisma Macronuclear); 16 (Chlorophycean Mitochondrial);
21 (Trematode Mitochondrial); 22 (Scenedesmus obliquus); 23 (Thraustochytrium Mitochondrial).
Default: 0.
-h|help : Display help screen.
-ic|ignore_cutoff <yes|no> : Ignore cutoff scores in the profile HMMs and use a custom value defined by parameters -e or -s
for all input models. If -r no is used, e-finder will use the cutoff scores specified in the
respective CUTOFF SCORE tag of each profile HMM. For models not containing cutoff values, e-finder
will use the cutoff value specified by the parameter -e ou -s. If none of these parameters has been
specified, the program will then use hmmsearch's default cutoff value (-E 10). Default = yes.
-gc | ignore_genomes : List of genomes previously analysed. These genomes will be ignored by this execution.
-id|intergenic_dist <integer> : Maximum distance (in bp) between intergenic regions. This value is adopted for all intergenic distances
between any pair of genes. If the -synteny parameter is used, its values take precedence over those set
for -id. Default = 5000.
-mg|min_gene <integer> : Minimum number of genes. This parameter specifies the minimum number of genes that must be found for a
sequence to be considered positive. For instance, if profile HMMs from four different proteins are used
and the user specifies -mg 2, any sequence containing at least two of the four markers will be considered
for downstream analysis of the remaining criteria. Default = 2.
-o|output <string> : This is the directory where e-Finder will store all output directories/file. All similarity search results
are stored in the all_results subdirectory. If the user specifies an output directory that already exists,
e-Finder inspects the all_results subdirectory and uses the hmmsearch results from the previous run. This
feature saves processing time since it skips the relatively slow similarity search step. For each run,
e-Finder creates a run_# (e.g. run_1, run_2, run_3, etc.) subdirectory where all output files are stored.
Default = output_dir.
-ol|overlap <integer> : Maximum allowed overlap distance (in bp) between open reading frames in the same coding strand. If a 0 (zero)
value is used (default), no overlap is allowed.
-pl|patric_list <string> : Input file in PATRIC-like (https://www.patricbrc.org) tabular format. This two-column file lists accession codes
and organism names, respectively, and provides information for e-Finder to generate a final CSV file reporting all
found multigene regions associated with the respective organism names.
-sf|size_filter <integer> : Minimum size (bp) of the excised element, not including user-defined flanking regions (parameter -fs). Default: 1000.
-synteny <string> : Define gene order and maximum allowed distance (kb) between genes. Each marker is defined by a letter and the distances
can be specified by decimals. Intergenic distances defined for parameter -synteny take precedence over those set for -id.
If parameter -synteny is not specified, e-Finder will accept any sequences presenting the minimum number of genes (specified
in parameter -mg), with any intergenic distances (up the maximum value defined by parameter -id).
-Circular element: a,2000,b,1500,c,3000,d,3500,e,2500.
-Linear element: a,2000,b,1500,c,3000,d,3500,e.
-v|version : display program’s version.
Follow the instructions in the e-Finder manual file to learn how to use e-Finder program and interpret the results.
If you use this program for your publication, please cite:
Oliveira, L.S. and Gruber, A. (2021) Rational design of profile HMMs for viral classification and discovery. In Nakaya, H. (Ed.), Bioinformatics. Exon Publications, Brisbane, Australia, pp. 151-170.
To report bugs, to ask for help and to give any feedback, please contact Arthur Gruber (argruber@usp.br) or Liliane S. Oliveira (liliane.sntn@gmail.com).