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TABAJARA - Tool for Alignment Block Analysis Joining Appropriate Rational Approaches

TABAJARA is a computational tool for rational design of profile HMMs. Starting from a multiple sequence alignment (MSA), TABAJARA is able to find blocks that are either conserved across all sequences or discriminative for two specific groups of sequences.


Tabajara does not need to be installed. The user should only download the file.


TABAJARA requires the program hmmbuild (HMMER3 package - ( to build profile HMMs. The program must be located in a directory listed in the PATH of the operating system.


perl -i <input_file> -o <output_directory>

Mandatory parameters:

-i|input_file <file name>	 	Input file (multiple alignment in FASTA or CLustal formats).

-m|method <c|d>                         Method to select blocks. Options:
                                         c - Conservation
                                         d - Discrimination

NOTE: When using -m d, the parameter -c becomes mandatory, otherwise this parameter is optional:

-c|category <string>                    Name of major category to be analysed.


When using -fl no (default), the following parameters are also mandatory:

-b|minimum_block_size <integer>         Minimum block size (must be ≥ w).

-t|threshold <decimal>    		Threshold of the alignment position for block extraction  (valid values: 0 to 1).

-p|percentage <integer>    		Percentage of positions in sliding window with score ≥ t.

-w|window_size <integer>   		Window size for block extraction.

Optional parameters:

-conf           			Configuration file

-clean <yes|no>				Remove all intermediate files during the execution of Tabajara (default = yes).

-cs|cutoff_score <yes|no>               Insert cutoff scores in the profile HMMs (default = no).

-di|discard_sequences <yes|no>    	Discard identical sequences (default = no).

-fl|full_length <yes|no>                Use full-length sequence for model construction (default = no).

-gc|gap_cutoff <integer>                Gap cutoff. Do not score columns that contain more than gap cutoff fraction gaps (default = 30).

-gs|gap_sequence <decimal>              Percentage of allowed gaps in each sequence.

-hb|hmmbuild_parameters <string>        Any set of hmmbuild's valid parameters can be entered under double quotes.
                                            Example: -hb \"--wblosum --wid 0.8\". Default: no parameters.

-h|help                                 Help.

-mb|maximum_block_size <integer>        Maximum block size.

-md|maximum_distance <integer>          Maximum accepted distance for two alignment blocks to be joined as a single block.

-o|output                               Output directory.

-pc|minimum_category_rate               Minimum percentage of categories in the training set that must meet the criteria defined by 
					the parameter pd for profile HMMs built in conservation mode (default = N).

-pd|minimum_detection_rate <decimal>    Minimum detection rate (in percentage) of training set (MSA) sequences by the constructed HMM.
                                        This is equivalent to the minimum accepted sensitivity of the model (default = 80).

-pt|maximum_percentage_ratio <decimal>  This parameter applies for the validation of HMMs designed for group discrimination. Given two groups,
                                        A (selected category) and B (remaining sequences), an hmmsearch is performed with the constructed model against the training set (MSA) sequences. The highest score obtained by group B sequences must be lower
                                        than n % (defined by parameter -pt) of the lowest score obtained by group A sequences, otherwise the model
                                        is not accepted (default = 80).

-sa|sequence_amount <integer>           Minimum sequence amount of MSA to construct hmm (default = 2).

-sr|search_more_regions <yes|no>        This parameter is used to search for more subregions in a previously selected region (default = no).

-sv|score_value <decimal>               This parameter is used to calculate the minimum score for HMMs designed by Tabajara. The minimum score will be used as                                               suggested score if calculated score is lower than this score. This minimum score is calculated by
                                        mutiplying the value of -sv by HMM length (default = 1)

-v|version                              Version.

-wg|discard_windows <yes|no>            Discard sliding windows presenting gaps (default = no).


Follow the instructions in the TABAJARA_manual.pdf file to learn how to use Tabajara program and interpret the results.


If you use this program for your publication, please cite:

Oliveira, L.S. and Gruber, A. (2021) Rational design of profile HMMs for viral classification and discovery. In Nakaya, H. (Ed.), Bioinformatics. Exon Publications, Brisbane, Australia, pp. 151-170.

Ibrahim, B. et al. (2018). Bioinformatics Meets Virology: The European Virus Bioinformatics Center's Second Annual Meeting. Viruses 10(5):256. doi: 10.3390/v10050256.


To report bugs, to ask for help and to give any feedback, please contact Arthur Gruber ( or Liliane S. Oliveira (


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