- Chemnitz, Germany
- http://www.thomas-guettler.de/
- @guettli
- u/guettli
- in/thomas-g%C3%BCttler-34b37b108
Prettier is an opinionated code formatter.
</> htmx - high power tools for HTML
🎉 performant confetti animation in the browser
⚡️Faster subsequent page-loads by prefetching in-viewport links during idle time
📈 A small, fast chart for time series, lines, areas, ohlc & bars
Development repository for the CodeMirror editor project
Shim to insulate apps from spec changes and prefix differences. Latest adapter.js release:
A collection of JSON schema files including full API
Tom Select is a lightweight (~16kb gzipped) hybrid of a textbox and select box. Forked from selectize.js to provide a framework agnostic autocomplete widget with native-feeling keyboard navigation.…
🗿 Mini jQuery alternative. Dependency-free animations. Locality of Behavior. Use one element or arrays transparently. Pairs with htmx. Vanilla querySelector() but better!
A super tiny Javascript library to make DOM elements draggable and movable. ~500 bytes (minified+gzipped) and no dependencies.
Jam.py is an event-driven framework for the development of database applications with a Web interface.
A JavaScript library to help you generate WAI-ARIA accessible menus in the DOM.
A simple extended helper for quilljs to transform textarea into text editor.
Visual Studio Code extension for the popular JSON-to-Go website