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A simple and easy way to control forms in React using the React Context API


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A simple and easy way to control forms in React using the React Context API

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Getting Started


With npm

npm install --save formcat

With yarn

yarn add formcat

How to use

First of all, we need to create a Field using the HOC withContextForm as the example below:

/* InputField.js */

import { withContextForm } from 'formcat'

const InputField = ({ error, ...input }) => (
  <input {...input} />

export default withContextForm(InputField)

Now we can use this component inside the Form:

import { Form } from 'formcat'
import InputField from './InputField'

function Main () {
  return (
      <InputField name="whatever" />



Props Type Default value Description
keyUpValidation Boolean false When true the validations Field works with keyUp
clearAfterSubmit Boolean false When true the form will be reset after submit
onFormChange Function undefined A callback that returns an object with name, type and value
of the current change.
onSubmit Function undefined A callback that returns an object with status and values.


For an easy submit process we can use the HOC withSubmit and create a Button that will be controlled by Form, or using the Submit component that already exists.

// Creating
import { withSubmit } from 'formcat'

const Submit = withSubmit(props => <button {...props} />)


import { Submit } from 'formcat'

// Using

  render (
      <Submit> Button Text </Submit>

Obs: This button will be enabled when Form is valid and disabled when is not valid

Custom Field

It's a field created with withContextForm.

Props Type Default value Description
error Boolean false A flag that controls the field validation
validations Array [] A list with functions validation
required Boolean false Set required validation for this field
defaultValue String "" Set initial text value
defaultChecked String "" Set initial checked for field

Using validations

We can use many validations per field using the props validations. All we need to do is create a pure function that returns true or false following the example below:

import { Form, withFormContext } from 'formcat'

const Field = withFormContext(({ error, ...input }) => (
  <input {...input} />

const Main = () => {

  // Validate if username is @guilouro
  const usernameValidation = value => (
    value === '@guilouro'

  return (

A validation function has two params value and state:

function validationName (value, state) {}
Param Type Description
value String Current field value
state Object An object with all fields value

Set values

We can set values out of Form using Ref and updateFieldValue as the example below:

Param Type Description
name String null
text String A new value for this field
import { Form, withFormContext } from 'formcat'

const Field = withFormContext(({ error, ...input }) => {}(
  <input {...input} />

const Main = () => {
  const form = useRef(null)

  const setValue = () => {
    form.current.updateFieldValue('username', '@guilouro')

  return (
      <Form ref={ref}>
        <Field name="username" />

      <button onClick={setValue}>
        Set @guilouro as value

Fields we can use

There are some simple field created with withContexForm we can use in project or use as a reference for create a new custon field


A simple input field

import { InputField } from 'formcat/fields'

  label="My Input"
Param Type Default value Description
name String null Field name
label String '' A label for this field
type String text A type for this input

Obs: And all common props


A input checkbox field

import { CheckboxField } from 'formcat/fields'

  label="My Input"
Param Type Default value Description
name String null Field name
label String '' A label for this field
defaultChecked Boolean false A flag to define the initial status

Obs: And all common props


A simple input radio field

import { RadiosField } from 'formcat/fields'

  label="My Select"
    { label: 'Item 1', value: 1 },
    { label: 'Item 2', value: 2, checked: true }
Param Type Default value Description
name String null Field name
label String '' A label for this field
options Array [] A list of objects with label, value and checked

Obs: And all common props


A simple select field

import { SelectField } from 'formcat/fields'

  label="My Select"
    { label: 'Item 1', value: 1 }
Param Type Default value Description
name String null Field name
label String '' A label for this field
options Array [] A list of objects with label and value

Obs: And all common props


A simple textarea field

import { TextareaField } from 'formcat/fields'

  label="My Text"
Param Type Default value Description
name String null Field name
label String '' A label for this field

Obs: And all common props

Error styles

Invalid fields will receive a class: className="formcat-error"


Full form

A example with all fields, validation and a populate button

Edit Formcat

Creating a custom fields

A example of the how create a custom field

Edit Creating custom fields


If you want to contribute with this component: Contributing Documentation.


A simple and easy way to control forms in React using the React Context API








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