Steps taken for the project
- Download dataset from Kaggle and open data
- Store raw csv and json data in S3 buckets
- OD_.csv for example OD_2014.csv
- stations.json
- Create a data model and schema design for ETL
- Excel spreadsheet which lists tables, columns and datatypes
- Dimensional model showing trips, station information, station status, calendar with relationships
- Code logic to ingest api data, clean it, convert to csv and dump in S3 buckets
- Python scripts used as tasks by airflow
- Manual steps to create Glue Crawlers to create data catalogue
- Create scripts for external schema in redshift to which points to Glue Data Catalog
- Create scripts for dimension and fact tables in redshift adhering to data model and schema
- Write Copy statements to populate fact and dimension tables on a schedule
- Automate the process using Airflow
- Create dags script
- Create task scripts for data cleaning and parquet conversion
- Create task script to execute ETL operations on redshift
- Other helper functions
Purpose of Final Data Model
- Data model to report on trip durations sliced by month/period of day/year
- Performance comparison of stations
- YoY growth of trips
- Case where Data was increased by 100x
- Converting data to parquet (columnar format to save storage and improve query performance)
- Improve ETL query performance by using dist-keys and sort-keys for trips fact table
- Use dist style as all for dimension tables to improve join performance
- Boost airflow cluster memory
- Pipelines would run on a daily basis by 7 am everyday
- Use airflow variables to add schedule variable which can be set directly from airflow web interface without needing to change the code
- The database needs to be accessed by 100 people
- Use Redshift workload management to improve query queuing
Choice of tool and tech
- Jupyter Notebook for proof of concept
- Airflow for job monitoring and orchestration
- Requires creation of dags with use of airflow variable for the following
- Start Date
- Historic/Incremental dag runs
- Schedule
- Catch up
- Python script for airflow tasks
- Requires creation of dags with use of airflow variable for the following
- S3 for data-lake with CSV/Json data transformed to parquet formats
- Redshift as data-warehouse for reporting purpose
- Sublime text as script editor
Data Model
STAR Schema approach with the followings tables
Fact Table
- fact_trips (data for all the trips)
Dimension Tables
- dim_station (data for general station info)
- dim_calendar (calendar data for day, month, year, holidays, week)
- Clean coding standards
- Use of pep-8 coding standards for python code
- Use proper code syntax for SQL
- Modular
- Create functions where ever possible for python scripts
- Use of common table expressions and temp tables for ETL
- At least two data quality checks
- Count of records is always greater than 0
- Null counts
- ETL process result in data model outlined in write up
- Data Dictionary of Final Data Model is included
- The Data model is appropriate for identified purpose
- At least 2 data sources
- Stations json (From Kaggle)
- Trips csv
- Stations api (From open data)
- More than a million lines of Data
- Trips CSV include over 3.2 Million rows for an year
- Hourly
- Daily (default)
- Monthly
- Airflow will need S3 and Redshift credentials to access and process data
- S3 access keys and redshift dw credentials can be securely saved in Airflow
- Airflow encrypts passwords internally making it safe
- Alternate option could be using AWS secrets manager