A simple API and user management gateway.
flowchart LR
subgraph Public Network
REQ[/Web Requests/]
subgraph Private Network
API[API Gatekeeper]
BACK1[[Backend 1]]
BACK2[[Backend 2]]
BACK3[[Backend 3]]
REQ --request to route on [Backend 1]--> API
API --request data---> BACK1
BACK1 --response---> API
API--[Backend 1] response-->REQ
API ---> BACK2
API ---> BACK3
The API Gatekeeper is a application that sits between the public web requests and your backends (monoliths, microsservices, etc.). It focus on the following use cases:
- API Gateway: api-gatekeeper allows you to expose multiple HTTP backends on the same host using the included auth.
- User Management: api-gatekeeper comes with a full featured user resource system, with scope based authentication and authorization.
- Any operating system that can run the released binaries
- A compatible database. Supported databases:
- PostgreSQL, version 12+
- Download the latest application binary from the Releases page
- Create a configuration file. There is a example on examples/config.yaml
- Start the application using the configuration file with the command:
./api-gatekeeper-linux-amd64 -config=<path to>/config.yaml
The configuration is done by a yaml file. This file path must be provided by the -config=<path to yaml>
when running the application. An example config can be found at examples/config.yaml)
Alongside the API Gateway capabilities this application is also powered with a simple user management system.
This is done using the integrated REST API, the example requests can be found on the requests.http file on this repository root;
In the moment No.