Tries to create a composed incoming handler.
Firstly, we have a hello world server.
Building Wasmtime exactly at (before Resources which ComponentizeJS does not support):
With Wasmtime built via:
cargo build --features serve --release
./target/release/wasmtime serve wasi_http_proxy_tests.wasm
where curl http://localhost:8080
returns "hello world"
We then try to compose this incoming handler with a ComponentizeJS incoming handler:
git clone
cd incoming-handler-compose
npm install
node build.js
wasm-tools compose component.wasm -d wasi_http_proxy_tests.wasm -o composed.wasm
where build.js
contains the JS "wrapper" component:
import { handle } from 'wasi:http/incoming-handler';
export const incomingHandler = {
handle (incomingRequest, outgoingResponse) {
handle(incomingRequest, outgoingResponse);
In theory this composed component should just execute the same?
wasmtime serve composed.wasm
Seems to work? But curling fails -
curl http://localhost:8080
curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 8080 after 4 ms: Couldn't connect to server
Meanthile the Wasmtime process seems to stall.