Provides a way to interact with Firewall Rules and Site Shield related information via Open APIs. Functionality includes viewing firewall rules services, subscribing and unsubscribing to firewall rules services, viewing and acknowledging Site Shield maps, and listing CIDR blocks.
- Python 3+
- pip install edgegrid-python
In order to use this module, you need to:
- Set up your credential files as described in the authorization and credentials sections of the Get Started pagegetting started guide on developer.akamai.comthe developer portal.
- When working through this process you need to give grants for the Firewall Rules Manager and Siteshield API. For Firewall Rules, the section in your configuration file should be called [firewall]. For Site Shield, the section in your configuration file should be called [site-shield]
client_secret = [CLIENT_SECRET]
host = [HOST]
access_token = [ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE]
client_token = [CLIENT_TOKEN_HERE]
client_secret = [CLIENT_SECRET]
host = [HOST]
access_token = [ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE]
client_token = [CLIENT_TOKEN_HERE]
This version includes the following functionality:
- List all firewall rules services available for subscription
- Subscribe and unsubscribe to firewall rules services
- List CIDRs for all current subscriptions or a specific firewall rules subscribed to
- List all available Site Shield maps
- List CIDRs for a specified Site Shield map
- Acknowledge a pending Site Shield map update
This is the main program that wraps this functionality in a command line utility:
This is the main program that wraps this functionality in a command line utility:
List available firewall rules services available for subscription. A service must be subscribed to before CIDRs can be displayed for that service.
% akamai firewall list-services
List current subscriptions.
% akamai firewall list-subscriptions
Subscribe to a firewall rules service (email address is mandatory).
% akamai firewall subscribe --service-id 1 --email
% akamai firewall subscribe --service-name FIRSTPOINT --email
The flags of interest are (please specify either --service-name or --service-id):
--service-id <value> ID of service to be subscribed for
--service-name <value> Name of service to be subscribed for
--email <value> Email address to subscribe for service specified
Unsubscribe from a specific firewall rules service.
% akamai firewall unsubscribe --service-id 1
% akamai firewall unsubscribe --service-name FIRSTPOINT
The flags of interest are (please specify either --service-name or --service-id):
--service-id <value> ID of service to be unsubscribed from
--service-name <value> Name of service to be unsubscribed from
--email <value> Email address to unsubscribe for service specified
List the CIDR blocks for all current subscriptions or a specific firewall rules service subscription.
% akamai firewall list-cidrs
% akamai firewall list-cidrs --file
% akamai firewall list-cidrs --service-name FIRSTPOINT
% akamai firewall list-cidrs --service-id 20
% akamai firewall list-cidrs --service-name 'Global Traffic Management - Siteshield' --json
The flags of interest are:
--service-id <value> ID of service to be unsubscribed from (optional)
--service-name <value> Name of service to be unsubscribed from (optional)
--json Display output in json format (optional)
List available Site Shield maps.
% akamai site-shield list-maps
List the CIDRs for a specified Site Shield map
% akamai site-shield list-cidrs --map-id 12345
% akamai site-shield list-cidrs --map-name
% akamai site-shield list-cidrs --map-name --json
The flags of interest are (please specify either --map-id or --map-name):
--map-id <value> ID of desired Site Shield map
--map-name <value> Name of desired Site Shield map
--json Display output in json format (optional)
Acknowledge a pending Site Shield map update.
% akamai site-shield acknowledge --map-id 12345
% akamai site-shield acknowledge --map-name
The flags of interest are (please specify either --map-id or --map-name):
--map-id <value> ID of desired Site Shield map
--map-name <value> Name of desired Site Shield map