One Click Destroy for Geo Distributed Bot Solution
One Click Destroy for Geo Distributed Bot Solution
This script will do following steps:
- Export Certificate to file [only if not in AUTOAPPROVE mode]
- Read Terraform State resources from KeyVault
- Destroy Bot environment with Terraform
- Destroy Terraform State resources
After the script is successfully executed there should be nothing left
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
BOT_NAME | String | true | Unique Bot Name | |
BOT_REGIONS | String[] | false | @("koreacentral", "southeastasia") | Regions the Bot was deployed to |
BOT_GLOBAL_REGION | String | false | japaneast | Region used for global services |
PFX_FILE_LOCATION | String | false | SSL CERT (PFX Format) file location | |
KEYVAULT_CERT_NAME | String | false | SSLcert | KeyVault certificate key name |
AUTOAPPROVE | Boolean | false | False | Terraform Automation Flag. $False -> Interactive and option to export SSL certificate, Approval $True -> Automatic Approval no export of SSL certificate |
.\OneClickDestroy.ps1 -BOT_NAME myuniquebot
.\OneClickDestroy.ps1 -BOT_NAME myuniquebot -AUTOAPPROVE $True