- Pro
cav-repo Public
The cavOS packaging system
FLSC-portfolio Public
My portfolio rewrite with the FLSC stack
nvim Public
Forked from nvim-lua/kickstart.nvimMy nvim configuration
cav-pkg Public
The CavOS package manager.
installer Public
Forked from pixiemc/installerInstaller for Pixie, written in Rust, Supporting both Windows & MacOS
Rust UpdatedNov 8, 2024 -
system24-patched Public
Forked from refact0r/system24a tui-style discord theme with a catppuccin-teal colorscheme, patching also main.css to not use google fonts.
winrevive.github.io Public
Forked from winrevive/winrevive.github.ioOur website
layl-shell Public
Forked from i486girl/layl-shelllayl-shell rewritten in rust
www-frontend Public
Frontend for my portfolio rewrite (iteration idk)
www-backend Public
Backend for my website (iteration no. idk)
exmeteo Public archive
A cli tool made in C, as a final for my Applied Programming Course.
hardcore_helper Public
A quilt mod for hardcore servers
qrcode-analytic Public
A webservice that takes in some analytics of how many people enter the website per day
qrcode-analytic-backend Public
The backend for qrcode-analytic
qrcode-analytic-frontend Public
The frontend for qrcode-analytic
password-generator Public
A simple password-generator library written in rust
discord-rpc-lastfm Public
last.fm discord rpc implemented in rust!
eula Public
changes the third line of a file called eula.txt in current directory
rebullet Public
Forked from bchao1/bulletA fork of bullet by Brian Chao (Needs PRs)
check_elevation Public
Check elevation status directly.