I am a Cloud Native DevOps Engineer, and Senior Technical Writer with over 7 years professional expertise in Software Development & Developer Education.
I love to write, code, and teach.
I'm trying to embrace constant learning, and growing. I'm currently working towards becoming a better version of myself.
- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him
- 🌱 I’m currently learning DevOps with Go, Linux, Shell Scripting, Cloud Native Technologies (K8s, Docker, Cilium, Terraform)
- 💬 Ask me about Go, Kubernetes, Cloud Native, Cilium, Technical Writing, Developer Advocacy, and Music 😉
- ⚡ Fun fact: I'm learning Muay Thai 😆
- On Self Awareness
- What is GitOps and Why Should Developers Care?
- How to Build a Deployment Pipeline With Gitlab CI/CD and Cloud Foundry
- Approaching Developer Relations in an Open Source Foundation
- How To Deploy a Static Site(Gatsby) to Kubernetes With Cloud Foundry
- How to Deploy a Django App to Kubernetes With Cloud Foundry
- Deploy a Nodejs App on Cloud Foundry Pt.3 — Hello World to Real World
- Deploy a NodeJS App on Cloud Foundry Pt. 2 — Services