A series of workshop sprints for Node.js.
Code & Learn events allow you to get started (or go further) with Node.js core contributions. Experienced contributors help guide you through your first (or second or third or fourth) commit to Node.js core. They also are available to provide impromptu guided tours through specific areas of Node.js core source code.
This is still actively under discussion.
Obviously, NodeSchool is a widely distributed community that is teaching new Node developers. While there's a lot that we can learn from NodeSchool and we will be actively engaged with that community in order to expand the geographic presence of Code + Learn, the goals are slightly different. NodeSchool, by design, doesn't make much of an effort to onboard contributors into the Node.js core project. NodeSchool also relies on building material for use by groups which by definition can't address getting contributors involved in areas of the project which are not very well or widely understood.