anaconda-nest Public
Anaconda Custom Build for Nest 2.20.2 with MPI for the Imperial College HPC cluster
windows_hardening Public
Forked from 0x6d69636b/windows_hardeningHardeningKitty and Windows Hardening settings and configurations
PowerShell MIT License UpdatedJun 7, 2023 -
HardeningKitty Public
Forked from scipag/HardeningKittyHardeningKitty - Checks and hardens your Windows configuration
PowerShell MIT License UpdatedApr 5, 2023 -
flask-api-tutorial Public
Forked from a-luna/flask-api-tutorialBoilerplate for a Flask REST API with JWT-based authentication, built with SQLAlchemy, Flask-RESTx, PyJWT, and pytest. This is a companion repo for a multi-part tutorial series on my personal website.
DscWorkshop Public
Forked from dsccommunity/DscWorkshopBlueprint for a full featured DSC project for Push / Pull with or without CI/CD
gyroflow Public
Forked from ElvinC/gyroflowVideo stabilization using IMU motion data from internal or external logs
guiscrcpy Public
Forked from srevinsaju/guiscrcpyA full fledged GUI integration for the most award winning open-source android screen mirroring system -- scrcpy located on https://github.com/genymobile/scrcpy/ by @rom1v
statping Public
Forked from statping/statpingStatus Page for monitoring your websites and applications with beautiful graphs, analytics, and plugins. Run on any type of environment.
Pachine Public
Forked from ly4k/PachinePython implementation for CVE-2021-42278 (Active Directory Privilege Escalation)
omniauth Public
Forked from omniauth/omniauthOmniAuth is a flexible authentication system utilizing Rack middleware.
PowerForensics Public
Forked from Invoke-IR/PowerForensicsPowerForensics provides an all in one platform for live disk forensic analysis
docker-dns-server Public
A docker-compose project for a DoH DNS Server using CoreDNS -> PiHole -> Cloudflared
security-guide-for-developers Public
Forked from FallibleInc/security-guide-for-developersSecurity Guide for Developers (实用性开发人员安全须知)
1 UpdatedMay 28, 2019