issues Search Results · repo:hanami/api language:Ruby
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inhanami/api (press backspace or delete to remove)I m POSTing a JSON array of objects that can have all sorts of characters. I encountered the following error:
Rack::QueryParser::InvalidParameterError: invalid %-encoding ({...}
The error message stops ...
- Opened on Nov 15, 2023
- #46
Description ✍️
After following the testing instructions provided on the README file, the following error is happening.
undefined local variable or method `app for # RSpec::ExampleGroups::Anonymous::WhenConnecting ...
- 2
- Opened on Dec 23, 2022
- #42
Hello all,
As far as I concern, the Hanami API gem is not a full framework, but a gem that will be attached in a previously created
framework, like rails or hanami base framework for example, is this ...
- 1
- Opened on Dec 23, 2022
- #41
I was trying out the helpers method until I found out that the code (PR) is not released on rubygems, yet. The current
version available on rubygems is version 0.2.0 and was released January 2021.
Are ...
- 2
- Opened on May 12, 2022
- #38
When trying to use a middleware that uses named arguments like this:
class TellQuotaMiddleware
def initialize(app, quota:)
@app = app
@quota = quota
def call(env)
status, headers, ...
- 3
- Opened on Feb 14, 2022
- #33
There seems to be a problem when adding a middleware inside a scope block with interpolation. Here is an example:
scope i do
scope :tenant_id do
use LogTenantIdMiddleware
get ...
- 1
- Opened on Oct 1, 2021
- #29
I m really enjoying hanami/api so far. Is there a way to have shared logic between block contexts? I know I can write my
own rack endpoint but I don t want to lose the block context apis, and my shared ...
- 2
- Opened on May 6, 2021
- #25
Hi @jodosha,
I m trying to test and working as puma
replacement for hanami-api @see ...
- 5
- Opened on Feb 28, 2021
- #24
Is there something similar to require sinatra/reloader so on the page refresh, I can see an updated response?
- 1
- Opened on Jan 12, 2021
- #21
Hi, I currently see Hanami API depends on Ruby 2.7.0, are there plans to support JRuby?
- 1
- Opened on Sep 28, 2020
- #18

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