Nping is a Ping tool developed in Rust. It supports concurrent Ping for multiple addresses, visual chart display, real-time data updates, and other features.
Graph View
Table View
Point View
brew tap hanshuaikang/nping
brew install nping
nping --help
- Supports concurrent Ping for multiple addresses
- Supports visual latency display
- Real-time display of maximum, minimum, average latency, packet loss rate, and other metrics
- Support IpV4 and IpV6
- Supports concurrent pinging of n ip's under one address.
- Show country and city of IP
- Add host sub-command, support to show the details of ip address corresponding to the domain name.
- Optimize UI interface, add more dynamic effects.
- When there are multiple addresses, the display will be sorted according to the average delay at the end.
nping -c 20 -i 2
nping --help
🏎 Nping mean NB Ping, A Ping Tool in Rust with Real-Time Data and Visualizations
Usage: nping [OPTIONS] <TARGET>...
<TARGET>... target IP address or hostname to ping
-c, --count <COUNT> Number of pings to send [default: 65535]
-i, --interval <INTERVAL> Interval in seconds between pings [default: 0]
-6, --force_ipv6 Force using IPv6
-m, --multiple <MULTIPLE> Specify the maximum number of target addresses, Only works on one target address [default: 0]
-v, --view-type <VIEW_TYPE> view mode graph/table/point [default: graph]
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
Thanks to these people for their feedback and suggestions for 🏎Nping!
| ThatFlower | zx4i | snail2sky | shenshouer | vnt-dev | qingyuan0o0 | Onlywzr
Thanks to these self-media for reposting and paying attention to 🏎Nping!
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