This provider is not officially supported by Disruptive Technologies or Hashicorp, it is a hobby project and should be used at your own risk.
The provider currently supports the following resources and data sources:
- Device data source
- Data Connector resource
- Data Connector data source
- Labels Resource
- Labels Data Source
- Organization Data Source
- Project data source
- Project resource
- Rules Resource
- Rules Data Source
The provider requires a DT service account. Se how to setup a service account here.
The provider requires the following variables to be set:
- The ID for the DT Service Account keyDT_API_KEY_SECRET
- The secret for the DT Service Account keyDT_OIDC_EMAIL
- The email for the DT Service Account
These variables are sensitive and should not be committed to version control.
Here is an example of how to configure the provider:
terraform {
required_providers {
disruptive-technologies = {
source = ""
provider "disruptive-technologies" {
url = ""
token_endpoint = ""
See the examples directory for example usage.