A curated collection of resources, clients and tools that make working with
GraphQL and Angular
- General Resources
- Clients
- Developer Tools
- Tutorials
- Boilerplates
- Server Side Tools
- Articles and Videos
- Stories
Angular clients for GraphQL
- Apollo: Apollo Client is a community-driven GraphQL client for Angular, JavaScript, and native platforms
Tools for better development (debugging, linting, validation etc)
- Code generators:
- apollo-codegen: Generate API code or type annotations based on a GraphQL schema and query documents
- graphql-code-generator: GraphQL code generator with flexible support for custom templates
- Linters:
- eslint-plugin-graphql: Check your GraphQL query strings against a schema
- Angular Debugging Tools
- Apollo Client Developer Tools: Chrome extension for Apollo Client developer tools
- Augury: Augury is a Google Chrome Dev Tool extension for debugging and visualizing Angular applications at runtime.
- Redux DevTools Relay outside Chrome
- GraphQL Workflows:
- GraphQL Playground: Powerful GraphQL IDE built on top of GraphiQL
- Altair GraphQL Client: A beautiful feature-rich GraphQL Client for all platforms
- GraphiQL Online: An online version of GraphiQL with a configurable endpoint and headers.
Awesome tutorials for using GraphQL with Angular
- Angular, GraphQL and Apollo
- Angular + Apollo Tutorial
- Angular GraphQL Tutorial
- (Video) Apollo Client For Angular - Making Use of GraphQL
- (Video) Apollo Angular GraphQL Optimistic UI
- Fetching Data using GraphQL Queries with Angular & Apollo Tutorial
- (Video) Using GraphQL with Angular
- (Video) Faster modern apps with Angular and GraphQL
Boilerplates and examples for a headstart in development
- Angular Apollo GraphQL
- Angular Fullstack Graphql
- Angular Todo App using Apollo Client
- Angular AppSync Starter AppAn AWS AppSync Chat Starter App written in Angular.
- Next.js With Apollo - Boilerplate for building Next.js apps with Apollo.
- Apollo Angular SSR - Apollo-Angular with SSR and Store Rehydration
- Apollo Angular
Get a GraphQL backend for your applications using these service providers
- AWS AppSync: Build data-driven apps with real-time and offline capabilities
- Graphcool: Self-Hosted GraphQL BaaS
- Hasura: Instant GraphQL APIs on Postgres
- Postgraphile: Rapidly build highly customisable GraphQL APIs
- Prisma: Turn your database into a GraphQL API.
- So what’s this GraphQL thing I keep hearing about?
- Thinking in Graphs
- What are the benefits of using GraphQL and why it surpasses REST
- How To Use GraphQL with Angular 2 (with Example)
- Angular 4 + Apollo + GraphQL
- Learn how to use GraphQL with Angular using Apollo
- Using Apollo GraphQL with Angular
- Generating Angular API clients with Apollo and GraphQL code generator
- How to Leverage GraphQL with a Headless CMS [TakeShape Tutorial]
- From REST to GraphQL
- GraphQL vs Firebase
- Apollo Client For Angular - Making Use of GraphQL
- Deploying a Angular + Apollo app with Surge.sh - How to GraphQL
- Angular2 + GraphQL = build modern web apps with GraphQL
- Modernize your Angular apps with GraphQL by Uri Goldshtein
Good and bad experiences