- Germany
- https://blog.hediet.de
- @hediet_dev
vscode-drawio Public
This unofficial extension integrates Draw.io (also known as diagrams.net) into VS Code.
vscode-browser-devtools Public
Brings the dev tools from Edge to VS Code.
node-reload Public
An advanced hot reload solution for Node apps. Works very well for developing VSCode extensions and automating websites with puppeteer.
browser-ext-github-monaco Public archive
This extension brings the famous Monaco editor to Github
vscode-debug-visualizer Public
An extension for VS Code that visualizes data during debugging.
visualization Public
A framework for visualizing data encoded as json.
ts-std Public
Personal util functions that enhance the js std library. I don't give much value on backwards compatibility, but will consider semantic versioning. If you like this library, you should fork it and …
hediet-ts-refactoring-lsp Public
A language server plugin for my own refactorings. Feel free to use them too!
ts-typed-sql Public
A fully typed sql builder. Not maintained anymore, use it for your inspiration.
blog Public
My blog where I write about TypeScript, my own projects and other cool programming related stuff.
easy-attach Public
If the desired entry point to debugging is unclear (e.g. within webpack configurations) this tool will help you by not just waiting for a debugger to connect but also launching it from scratch. Don…
ts-webpack-react-template Public
A template for applications based on TypeScript, Webpack and React.
monaco-editor Public
Forked from microsoft/monaco-editorA browser based code editor
vscode-hediet-power-tools Public
This extension provides various helper commands.
vscode-realtime-debugging Public
An extension for VS Code that visualizes how a program is being executed in real time.
visual-keyboard Public
A virtual keyboard displaying key bindings of VS Code as you type.
rxjs-playground Public
A typescript playground for rx js.
vscode-tasks-statusbar Public
This extension adds buttons to the status bar to quickly start and kill tasks.