기술 직군의 기술적인 교류, 커리어 이야기, 직군 무관 네트워킹 모두 환영합니다!
위클리 아카데미 오픈 채팅방(비밀번호: 9323)
- kakaotalk: https://open.kakao.com/o/gyvuT5Yd
- I'm 테오, Theo
- Working as a Chief Technical Officer
- Mainly using Kotlin, Java
- Have studied programming for 16 years since 2009. During that time, I developed many programs and had many opportunities to improve my skills dramatically.
- Bolta - Chief Technical Officer & Co-Founder
- Code for Korea - Maintainer & Organizer
- KSUG(Korea Spring User Group) - Organizer
- PyCon Korea - Organizer
- kakaopay - Software Engineer
- Hackle - Software Engineer
- Codestates - Simulated Technical Interviewer and Mentor
- Ministry of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea - Consultant
- Ministry of Health and Welfare, Republic of Korea - Consultant
- Ministry of the Interior and Safety, Republic of Korea - Advisor, Mentor and Consultant
- .. And more
- mongo-java-driver
- (PR) mongodb/mongo-java-driver#996
- fix minor typos in java comments(javadoc) and all that minor typos
- (PR) mongodb/mongo-java-driver#997
- fix typo in abstract method name in ServerMonitorListener
- (ISSUE) mongodb/mongo-java-driver#4719
- inquire is it bug that the maintenance timer logic for sdam
- (PR) mongodb/mongo-java-driver#999
- change the log message from INFO to DEBUG
- Justification: it's the only remaining connection-related log message that is logged at INFO (e.g. the connection-closed message is logged at DEBUG).
- (PR) mongodb/mongo-java-driver#996
- feign
- (ISSUE) OpenFeign/feign#2458
- (PR) OpenFeign/feign#2459
- ksp
- (PR) google/ksp#1088
- lift return out of 'if'
- change the modifiers to private from public
- (PR) google/ksp#1088
- kotlin-jdsl
- (PR) line/kotlin-jdsl#68
- change example code to not use platform type
- correct typo in some files
- modify to unify code style
- (PR) line/kotlin-jdsl#68
- Exposed
- (PR) JetBrains/Exposed#1582
- change some codes to not use platform type
- change 'when' expression style
- (PR) JetBrains/Exposed#1582
- postman
- (ISSUE) postmanlabs/postman-app-support#10221
- asked if Postman sends SYN to check that IPv6 is available
- (ISSUE) postmanlabs/postman-app-support#10221