Austen is an AI-powered Angular application initialized with Analogjs to generate story relationships between book characters using Mermaidjs diagrams.
- π Search and analyze any book from Open Library
- π€ AI-powered character relationship analysis
- π Generate Mermaid diagrams
- πΎ Save, download (SVG, PNG) and manage your generated graphs
- π Share graphs publicly or keep them private
- π Discover public graphs generated by other users
A character relationship graph generated for "The Wizard of Oz" by "L. Frank Baum":
init: {
'theme': 'base',
'themeVariables': {
'primaryColor': '#BB2528',
'primaryTextColor': '#fff',
'primaryBorderColor': '#7C0000',
'lineColor': '#F8B229',
'secondaryColor': '#006100',
'tertiaryColor': '#fff'
graph TD
A[Dorothy Gale] -->|Pet| B[Toto]
A -->|Family| C[Uncle Henry and Aunt Em]
A -->|Friends| D[Scarecrow]
A -->|Friends| E[Tin Woodman]
A -->|Friends| F[Cowardly Lion]
A -->|Enemy| G[The Wicked Witch of The West]
A -->|Enemy| H[The Wizard of OZ]
A -->|Helps Dorothy| I[Glinda]
D -->|Friends| E
E -->|Friends| F
B -->|In Kansas| C
Clone the repository:
git clone cd austen
Install dependencies:
npm install
Set up environment variables:
- Copy
- Fill in the required API keys:
DEEPSEEK_API_KEY=your_deepseek_api_key VITE_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_URL=your_supabase_url VITE_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_ANON_KEY=your_supabase_anon_key
- Copy
Set up Supabase:
- Create a new Supabase project
- Enable authentication
- Create graphs table in the public schema:
- id uuid primary key
- book_name text not null
- author_name text not null
- svg_graph text not null
- mermaid_syntax text not null
- emojis text
- user_id uuid
- is_public boolean default false
- created_at timestamp
Start the development server:
npm run dev
Build for production:
npm run build
Implement Like/Unlike Functionality for Graphs
- Add like button
- Implement like/unlike API endpoints in Supabase
- Add like count display
Load more graphs in the discover page
- Add a button to load more graphs
Generate a graph for a given book in the homepage
Find your generated graphs in the my graphs page
Find public graphs in the discover page
"Jane Austen Inspired Illustrations", CC-BY 4.0. Quelle: