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Waitlist Form Implementation


Your task is to implement a Waitlist Form, where users can join the waitlist using either email or phone number.

The initial form type (email or phone) must be dynamically fetched from the API. When the page loads, the application should make a request to the API and render the corresponding input field based on the response.

Once displayed, the form should allow users to manually switch between email and phone using a toggle button.

  1. Fetch the initial waitlist form type (email or phone) from the API.
  2. Render the corresponding input field based on the API response.
  3. Include a toggle button to allow users to switch between email and phone manually.
  4. Validate user input before submission.
  5. Submit the form via a POST request.
  6. Handle API errors gracefully and display validation messages.

API Documentation


1. GET /api (Determine Waitlist Type)

  • Returns whether the waitlist requires an email or phone number by default.
  • Also returns an expiration timestamp (expiresAt), which represents a future time when the form should be disabled. (Bonus exercise)

Example Request:

curl -X GET

Example Response:

{ "type": "email", "expiresAt": 1712002500000 }


{ "type": "phone", "expiresAt": 1712002500000 }

2. POST /api (Submit Waitlist)

  • Accepts a JSON payload with type (email or phone) and the corresponding value.
  • Returns success if the input is valid, otherwise returns an error.

Request Body Format:

  "type": "email",
  "value": ""

Response Examples:

Success - Email Waitlist:

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{ "type": "email", "value": "" }'

Success - Phone Waitlist:

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{ "type": "phone", "value": "+1234567890" }'

Failure - Invalid Email Format:

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{ "type": "email", "value": "invalid-email" }'

Failure - Invalid Phone Format:

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{ "type": "phone", "value": "invalid-phone" }'

Failure - Missing Type Field:

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{ "value": "" }'

Failure - Missing Value Field:

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{ "type": "email" }'


  • A React component that:
    • Fetches the input type (email or phone) from the API.
    • Renders the correct input field dynamically.
    • Includes a toggle button to switch between email and phone.
    • Validates the input before submitting.
    • Displays API response messages.
    • Is well-structured and follows best practices.
  • The solution should be functional within any React setup.

Evaluation Criteria

  • ✅ Correct usage of React hooks
  • ✅ Proper state management and controlled inputs.
  • ✅ Good error handling (display validation errors appropriately).
  • ✅ Clean and structured component design.
  • ✅ Well-formatted, readable, and maintainable code quality.

Bonus (Optional Enhancements)

  • ⏳ Implement loading states while fetching API data and submitting the form.
  • ⚠️ Add form submission success/error feedback messages.
  • 🎨 Implement better styling and UI design (CSS, Tailwind, or Styled Components)
  • ⏱️ Handle expiration timer: Using expiresAt returned from the API, display a countdown timer on the screen. Once the timer reaches zero, disable form input and prevent submission.

Good Luck! 🚀