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Full-stack clone of the Locket application for sharing images among friend groups.

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A clone of the Locket application, with the following tech stack:

  • Frontend: Android only (Java) + XML
  • Backend: Spring Boot (Java)
  • Image Cloud: Cloudinary
  • Database: PostgreSQL v17.2

Database System

Runs on PostgreSQL v17.2, currently self-hosted on a VPS (can be changed to Supabase once everyone is on board). URL postgresql://, but it's currently securely locked, and only connections from the same device would be able to connect.

Note: all text datatypes mean varchar(255). fulltext means long text.


Column DataType Constraint
id bigint primary key identity
username text unique not null
email text unique not null
password text unique not null
birthdate date
avatar_url text
role text not null default USER


Column DataType Constraint
user1 bigint primary key references users(id)
user2 bigint primary key references users(id)

Friend Requests:

Column DataType Constraint
id bigint primary key identity
sender_id bigint not null references users(id)
receiver_id bigint not null references users(id)
time timestamp not null default now


Column DataType Constraint
id bigint primary key identity
user_id bigint not null references users(id)
image_link text not null
message fulltext
time timestamp not null default now

Post Viewers:

Column DataType Constraint
post_id bigint primary key references posts(id)
user_id bigint primary key references users(id)


Column DataType Constraint
id bigint primary key identity
user_id bigint not null references users(id)
post_id bigint not null references posts(id)
content fulltext not null
time timestamp not null default now


Column DataType Constraint
post_id bigint primary key references posts(id)
user_id bigint primary key references users(id)
reaction text not null enum


Column DataType Constraint
id bigint primary key identity
sender_id bigint not null references users(id)
receiver_id bigint not null references users(id)
content fulltext not null
state text not null
time timestamp not null default now

Backend System

Currently hosted on This does not sync with Git, deploying requires rsync-ing over and re-running the .jar file. The backend is currently on Spring Boot 3, ran on Java 21.

Latest Changes (v0.5)

Note: All paginated route has the following format: total, totalPages, page, perPage, results.

  • Fix GET /profiles returning 403 even when authenticated.
  • Route GET /posts is now a paginated route. Changed params from to since and to to until.
  • Route POST /register doesn't need a birthdate field anymore.
  • Route GET /requests is now a paginated route.
  • Route POST /requests now accepts id instead of username.
  • Route DELETE /requests now accepts id instead of username.
  • Route DELETE /friends now accepts id instead of username.
  • Route POST /posts's viewers part now require IDs instead of usernames. Now also returns a proper post response.


Security is done via a header Authorization with Bearer <token>. There are routes that are unauthenticated:

  • POST /login
  • POST /register
  • GET /
  • GET /profiles (partially)

Trying to access a route that does not exist always returns 404 NOT FOUND. Trying to access an authenticated route without a valid token always returns 401 UNAUTHORIZED.

Most routes accept application/json. Except a few routes that need image data, therefore, those would accept multipart/form-data instead.

If a route accepts date, please provide yyyy-MM-dd. If a route accepts datetime, please provide yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.


  • Gets the server's active version. This is for checking if the server's up to date, for example, if you changed something and the Git's version is 1.1, but the server still says 1.0, the server hasn't been updated.
  • Returns:
    • 200 with { version: string }

You can check the Git's version in LocketBackendApplication.kt file.

POST /login

  • Logins with an existing account.
  • Accepts body:
    • username (string)
    • password (string)
  • Returns:
    • 404 if username not found
    • 403 if username found, password incorrect
    • 200 with { token: string } returned

POST /register

  • Registers a new account.
  • Accepts body:
    • username (string)
    • email (string)
    • password (string)
  • Returns:
    • 400 if some fields are missing, or email is not an email, or username is not in correct format
    • 409 if username or email is taken
    • 200 if success, returns { token: string }

GET /profiles

  • Retrieves user's information. If user is authenticated AND username is not provided, then it fetches the user's own profile. If username is provided, it will always fetch that user's profile.
  • Accepts query:
    • username (string, optional)
  • Returns:
    • 404 if username is not found OR when not authenticated and didn't provide a username
    • 200 along with { username: string, email: string, birthdate: date?, avatar: string? }

PUT /profiles

  • Updates profile's information. Provide the field to change, if no change, don't put in the body.
  • Accepts query:
    • username (string?)
    • email (string?)
    • password (string?)
    • birthdate (date?)
  • Returns:
    • 409 if username or email is already used by another user (different user id)
    • 200 with { username: string, email: string, birthdate: date?, avatar: string? }

GET /requests

  • Retrieves a list of friend requests.
  • Returns:
    • 200 with { results: { username: string, avatar: string? }[] }

POST /requests

  • Sends a friend request or accepts one.
  • Accepts body:
    • id (long)
  • Returns:
    • 409 if you already sent a request to that person
    • 403 if the target user is yourself
    • 404 if the target user can not be found
    • 204 if the target has sent you a request, you just accepted it
    • 200 if the request was sent successfully, returns { username: string }

DELETE /requests

  • Denies a friend request.
  • Accepts body:
    • id (long)
  • Returns:
    • 404 if the target can not be found
    • 204 if nothing was deleted
    • 200 if the request was deleted

GET /friends

  • Retrieves a list of my friends.
  • Accepts query:
    • page (int, default 0)
    • per_page (int, default 20)
  • Returns:
    • 200 with { results: { username: string, avatar: string? }[] }

DELETE /friends

  • Removes a friend.
  • Accepts body:
    • id (long)
  • Returns:
    • 404 if username not found
    • 204 if you weren't friends in the first place
    • 200 if friendship deleted

GET /posts

  • Retrieves a list of posts I can see, ranging in a timeframe.
  • Accepts query:
    • page (int, default 0)
    • per_page (int, default 20)
    • since (date)
    • until (date, default now)
  • Returns:
    • 200 with { results: { id: long, poster: { username: string, avatar: string? }, image: string, message: string?, time: date } }

POST /posts

  • Post an image.
  • Accepts body (multipart/form-data):
    • image (file): The image file itself, accepts 10MB max, allows PNG, JPG, WEBP.
    • message (string?): Optional, the message of the post
    • viewers (string): A comma-separated list of users to share with. Eg: 1,2,3. Empty means private.
  • Returns:
    • 400 if the file is not a valid image
    • 413 if the file is too big
    • 201 with { id: long, poster: { username: string, avatar: string? }, image: string, message: string?, time: date }

PUT /posts

  • Edit a post. If a field is provided, that field will be changed.
  • Accepts body (multipart/form-data):
    • id (long): the post ID
    • image (file?): optional image file, same as POST /posts
    • message (string?): optional
    • viewers (string?): optional
  • Returns:
    • 404 if the post ID doesn't exist
    • 403 if the post wasn't yours
    • 400 if the file is invalid image
    • 413 if the file is too big
    • 200 with { id: long, poster: { username: string, avatar: string? }, image: string, message: string?, time: date }

DELETE /posts

  • Delete a post.
  • Accepts body:
    • id (long): the post ID to delete
  • Returns:
    • 404 if the post ID was not found
    • 403 if the post's author wasn't you
    • 200 with { id: long, poster: { username: string, avatar: string? }, image: string, message: string?, time: date }

GET /messages

  • Get messages for me within a certain time frame.
  • Accepts query:
    • page (int, default 0)
    • per_page (int, default 20)
    • since (local date time)
    • until (local date time, optional)
  • Always returns 200 with a paginated object { total, totalPages, page, perPage, results: { id, sender, receiver, content, time, state }[] }

POST /messages

  • Send a new message to another user.
  • Accepts body:
    • receiver (long): The user's ID
    • content (string): The content string
  • Returns:
    • 400 if receiver is negative, or content is empty
    • 404 if the receiver ID can not be found
    • 403 if the receiver is not your friend
    • 200 with { id, sender, receiver, content, time, state }

DELETE /messages

  • Delete a sent message.
  • Accepts body:
    • id (long): the message ID
  • Returns:
    • 403 if the message is not yours
    • 204 if the message doesn't exist
    • 200 if success, returns { id, sender, receiver, content, time, state }

Image System

The image system has not been properly configured. There are currently 2 routes:

  • Hosting on Cloudinary.
  • Hosting on a self-hosted Amazon S3 Instance.

I setup with Cloudinary, but we can change to Amazon's S3 if we want.

Frontend System

  • Android API v28
  • Device: Pixel Pro (API v35)
  • Language: Java 21.0.5 Temurin


Full-stack clone of the Locket application for sharing images among friend groups.






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