This is a solution to the Tic Tac Toe challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.
Users should be able to:
- View the optimal layout for the game depending on their device's screen size
- See hover states for all interactive elements on the page
- Play the game either solo vs the computer or multiplayer against another person
- Bonus 1: Save the game state in the browser so that it’s preserved if the player refreshes their browser
- Bonus 2: Instead of having the computer randomly make their moves, try making it clever so it’s proactive in blocking your moves and trying to win
Expected behaviors:
- On the new game screen, whichever mark isn't selected for the first player is automatically assigned to the second player when the game is started.
- The first turn of the first round is always played by whoever is playing as X. For every following round, the first turn alternates between O and X.
- After a round, if the player chooses to quit the game, they should be taken back to the new game menu.
- If the restart icon in the top right is clicked, the "Restart game?" modal should show and allow the player to reset the game or cancel and continue to play.
- You can use number keys 1 to 9 to select a cell.
- You can use arrow keys ←, ↑, →, ↓ to navigate the board.
- You can use R to restart the game.
- You can use T to focus on the translation tab.
- I learned to use the
library to create dynamic translations for the website, instead of using page based routings. - I learned that there's
directive to completely disable SSR for a component. Sometimes a component doesn't render well on SSR, so for now, I think it's better to disable it. There might be a way to make it so the component rerenders on a client mount, but this doesn't seem to trigger a rerun of the component.
- Definitely had a lot of fun utilizing
and would like to continue to do so, since it feels much better than copying pages for translations.
- Website -
- Frontend Mentor - @hikawi
- Twitter - @frillymissy