A microservice for managing star objects in a star map application. This service provides APIs for managing stars, users, and user-star relationships, with real-time event streaming.
- Backend: FastAPI (Python)
- Database: Azure Table Storage
- Cache: Azure Redis Cache
- Real-time Events: Server-Sent Events (SSE)
- Deployment: Azure Container Apps
- CI/CD: GitHub Actions
- REST API for managing stars and users
- Real-time updates via Server-Sent Events
- Caching and rate limiting with Redis
- Modular and maintainable code structure
- Health checks and debug endpoints for monitoring
- Comprehensive configuration system
- Docker-based development and production environments
├── src/ # Source code directory
│ ├── api/ # API modules
│ │ ├── admin.py # Admin-related endpoints
│ │ ├── debug.py # Debug endpoints
│ │ ├── health.py # Health check endpoints
│ │ ├── sse.py # Server-Sent Events endpoints
│ │ ├── sse_publisher.py # SSE publisher utilities
│ │ ├── stars.py # Stars API endpoints
│ │ └── users.py # Users API endpoints
│ ├── config/ # Configuration management
│ │ └── settings.py # Application settings
│ ├── db/ # Database connections
│ │ ├── azure_tables.py # Azure Table Storage client
│ │ └── redis_cache.py # Redis cache client
│ ├── dependencies/ # FastAPI dependencies
│ │ └── providers.py # Dependency injection providers
│ ├── models/ # Pydantic models
│ │ ├── star.py # Star model
│ │ └── user.py # User model
│ ├── utils/ # Utility functions
│ ├── main.py # FastAPI application setup
│ └── run.py # Application entry point
├── tests/ # Test directory
│ ├── api/ # API tests
│ ├── db/ # Database tests
│ ├── models/ # Model tests
│ ├── util/ # Utility tests
│ └── conftest.py # Test fixtures and configuration
├── scripts/ # Utility scripts
│ ├── migrate.py # Migration utility
│ ├── cleanup.sh # Cleanup script
│ └── setup_dev.sh # Development setup script
├── config/ # Configuration files
│ ├── .env.example # Example environment file
│ ├── .env.development # Development environment variables
│ └── pytest.ini # pytest configuration
├── docker/ # Docker-related files
│ ├── Dockerfile # Main Dockerfile
│ ├── docker-compose.yml # Main Docker Compose configuration
│ ├── docker-compose.dev.yml # Development Docker Compose
│ ├── docker-compose.prod.yml # Production Docker Compose
│ └── nginx/ # Nginx configuration
├── docs/ # Documentation
│ ├── AZURE_DEPLOYMENT.md # Azure deployment documentation
│ └── api/ # API documentation
├── .github/ # GitHub workflows and actions
├── .vscode/ # VS Code configuration (optional)
├── probes.yaml # Container health check configuration for Azure
└── run.py # Application entry point (root level for convenience)
The project has been fully reorganized with a cleaner directory structure. All configuration files and Docker-related files are now in their respective directories:
- Environment files (
) are now in theconfig/
directory - Test configuration (
) is now in theconfig/
- All Docker-related files are now in the
- Use
python run.py start
to start the application (unchanged) - Use
python -m pytest -c config/pytest.ini
to run tests - Use
docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up
to run with Docker - Use
docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.dev.yml up
for development
- CI/CD workflows have been updated to use the new file locations
All symlinks that previously provided backward compatibility have been removed to fully commit to the new, cleaner organization structure.
A few essential files remain in the root directory for specific purposes:
- Main entry point for running the applicationrequirements.txt
- Python dependenciesprobes.yaml
- Container health check configuration for Azure Container Apps
- Docker and Docker Compose
- Python 3.10+
- Azure Storage Account (or use Azurite for local development)
- Azure Redis Cache (optional for local development)
Clone the repository
git clone <your-repo-url> cd stars_backend
Set up your environment variables
cp config/.env.example config/.env.development # Edit config/.env.development with your credentials
Start the application with Docker Compose
docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up
Access the API at http://localhost:8080
# Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Run the application in development mode
python run.py dev
The application uses a comprehensive settings management system based on Pydantic:
Configuration Files:
- Template with all available settingsconfig/.env.development
- Your local development settingsconfig/.env.{environment}
- Environment-specific settings (development, staging, production, test)
Environment-Specific Settings: The system automatically applies appropriate defaults based on your environment:
- Debugging enabled, localhost servicesstaging
- Production-like with staging endpointsproduction
- Optimized for production usetest
- Configuration for running tests
# Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Run tests
pytest -c config/pytest.ini
The application is deployed to Azure Container Apps using GitHub Actions.
- The GitHub Action workflow builds and pushes the Docker image to GitHub Container Registry
- The Azure Container App is configured to pull the latest image
# Build and push the Docker image
docker buildx build -f docker/Dockerfile --platform linux/amd64 -t ghcr.io/<your-username>/astro-app-db:latest --push .
# Update the Azure Container App
az containerapp update \
--name starmap-service \
--resource-group starmap-rg \
--image ghcr.io/<your-username>/astro-app-db:latest
The application uses a hierarchical configuration system with prefixed environment variables:
Variable | Description | Required | Default |
ENVIRONMENT | Deployment environment (development, staging, production, test) | No | development |
PORT | Application port | No | 8080 |
DEBUG | Enable debugging features | No | false |
PROJECT_NAME | API name for documentation | No | Star Map API |
VERSION | API version | No | 1.1.0 |
Variable | Description | Required | Default |
CONNECTION_STRING | Connection string for Azure Table Storage | Yes* | - |
ACCOUNT_URL | URL for Azure Storage account (used with managed identity) | Yes* | - |
USE_MANAGED_IDENTITY | Whether to use Azure Managed Identity | No | false |
Variable | Description | Required | Default |
HOST | Redis hostname | Yes | - |
PORT | Redis port | No | 6379 |
PASSWORD | Redis access key | No | - |
SSL | Whether to use SSL for Redis | No | false |
CACHE_TTL | Default cache TTL in seconds | No | 300 |
POPULAR_CACHE_TTL | Cache TTL for popular items in seconds | No | 3600 |
POPULARITY_THRESHOLD | Threshold for considering an item popular | No | 50 |
POPULARITY_WINDOW | Time window for popularity calculation in seconds | No | 3600 |
Variable | Description | Required | Default |
CORS_ORIGINS | List of allowed CORS origins in JSON format | No | ["http://localhost:3000"] |
RATE_LIMIT_TIMES | Number of requests allowed in the time window | No | 5 |
RATE_LIMIT_SECONDS | Time window for rate limiting in seconds | No | 60 |
Variable | Description | Required | Default |
FORMAT | Log format string | No | %(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s |
GET /health
- Overall health statusGET /health/liveness
- Container liveness checkGET /health/readiness
- Application readiness check
GET /stars
- List all starsPOST /stars
- Create a new starGET /stars/{star_id}
- Get a specific starPOST /stars/{star_id}/like
- Like a starDELETE /stars/{star_id}
- Delete a starGET /stars/active
- Get all active starsGET /stars/popular
- Get popular stars
GET /users
- List all usersPOST /users
- Create a new userGET /users/{user_id}
- Get a specific userPUT /users/{user_id}
- Update a userDELETE /users/{user_id}
- Delete a userGET /users/{user_id}/stars
- Get stars for a user
GET /debug/table-info
- Get information about Azure TablesGET /debug/active-stars
- Diagnose issues with active starsPOST /debug/add-test-star
- Add a test star for debugging
GET /events/stars/stream
- Stream of real-time star eventsGET /events/users/stream
- Stream of real-time user events
The application supports real-time updates through Server-Sent Events (SSE) for both stars and users:
// Connect to the stars stream
const evtSource = new EventSource('/events/stars/stream');
// Handle incoming events
evtSource.onmessage = (event) => {
const data = JSON.parse(event.data);
// data.type will be 'create', 'update', or 'delete'
// data.data contains the star information
// Connect to the users stream
const evtSource = new EventSource('/events/users/stream');
// Handle incoming events
evtSource.onmessage = (event) => {
const data = JSON.parse(event.data);
// data.type will be 'create', 'update', or 'delete'
// data.data contains the user information
Authentication Failures
- Verify your connection strings and credentials in environment variables
- Check if managed identity is properly configured (if using)
Container Startup Issues
- Check logs with
az containerapp logs show --name starmap-service --resource-group starmap-rg
- Verify environment variables are properly set
- Check logs with
Local Development Issues
- Ensure Docker is running
- Check
file contains valid credentials - Make sure ports 8080, 6379, and 10000-10002 are available
SSE Connection Issues
- Verify your client supports SSE
- Check for CORS configuration if accessing from a different domain
- Ensure the server can maintain long-lived connections
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