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Codespace PHP

This repository is ment to help you get started with PHP development environment in GitHub Codespaces or as local DevContainer. The environment will provide a PHP server, a running MySQL server, a database web admin tool adminer running and tasks, launchers and setting setup for Code. DB credentials are to be found in the .env file and also used in the sample index.php to connect to the DB as a test.

Push the button below to create a new GitHub Codespace with this repository as template.

Open in GitHub Codespaces

You can instantly start hacking on your site and view it at http://localhost:8080 after starting either the raw PHP serve mode or Apache 2, see below.

You can manage your Codespaces so you can stop the Codespaces when you stop your work and delete the Codespace when you have committed and pushed your code.

LiveShare extension for VSCode is also installed to make it possible for multiple users to hack on the same code at the same time.

DevContainer PHP

Alternatively you can pull this code or take a release of this repo and run VSCode on top of these files to do the same locally. This requires VSCode and a local Docker installed.

Tips and Tricks

The DB: MariaDB

All possible values are configured to be mariadb - Hostname, username, password and the database itself.

Starting the PHP Server

Launch it with the Run & Debug (shift+cmd+D) sidebar. There you can select either Launch My Site or Debug My Site. The first skips breakpoints in the code, the second doesn't.

The PHP files are located beneath the site directory.

Apache 2 is also configured to point at the site directory. It can be started with apache2-foreground in the Code terminal or in the background with apache2ctl start if you don't care about logs.


Should be available at localhost:8082.

Database schema and data dumps

There is defined tasks for this. Press shift+cmd+P (Or shift+ctrl+P if you are on a not Mac or just the F1 button) to get to the Command Palette. Type >Tasks: Run Task to get to Save DB Schema and Save DB Data. This will dump schema and data to the files database/schema.sql and database/data_dump.sql making the database portable. You should commit at least the schema.sql files to git. Your site will possible be prettier with some data as well.

The dumps are as safe as possibly; There is no inserted DROP TABLE statements in the schema. So run explicit drop_tables.sql (And keep it manually updated with new tables) to clear tables in your database first if needed.


The VS Code extension SQLTools is also installed and configured to use the build in MariaDB. There is a "storage" icon in the VSCode sidebar, where you can connect to the database (Just click trough the tree until there is a connection identified by a green marker in the tree and a 1 on the SQLTools icon in the sidebar). When connected you can open .sql files and do a Run on Active Connection to apply them. I.e. an easy way to import schema and data to the database.