This script helps you create and customize themes for your muOS system, creating a consistent look and feel across your system. This tool should work on Windows, MacOS and Linux.
Follow this link for a page of themes Without grid mode
Follow this link for a page of themes With grid mode
- None
Before running this script, ensure you have the following installed:
Python (Tested with version 3.12)
All Required Required Python Libraries
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Individual Libraries:
Pillow library
pip install pillow
Tkinter library
pip install tk
python-bidi library
pip install python-bidi
numpy library
pip install numpy
apt install python3-pil.imagetk python3-pil python3-bidi python3-tk python3-numpy
- To run the program from the prebuilt binaries, go to the latest release and download the program from the assets. [Windows Only]
- To run the program from source you must download this repo as a zip, unzip it, (or clone it), and then run the .py file with python
Customize the overall look and feel of the theme. A visual preview will be available to help you see the changes in real-time.
More Visual changes for the theme.
This is not implimented yet (16/10/2024) but it will be to set a size of your box art so that the text wont go behind it.
This is not implimented yet (16/10/2024) but it will be so that you can do something like having your game names show centerally justified, and everything else left.
After configuring your settings, you can generate the theme.
Specify the theme output directory (can be on the SD card, your computer, or leave blank to generate in the script's directory).
click "Generate" and the program will handle the rest.
Choose a different theme in muOS.
Please go into your MUOS/theme/active folder and remove everything in there, your system should now boot and you can choose a different (not broken) theme
Install pyinstaller
pip install pyinstaller
To build, run*:
pyinstaller ".\Custom MinUI Theme Generator for muOS.spec"
*where the .spec file is the one in the github page, modify the .spec file to work on macOS and Linux if you are able to/want to, and put it on a PR.
- Thanks to the Team of people working on MustardOS, which this theme is designed for.
- Thanks to Shaun Inman for creating MinUI, which this muOS theme is trying to emulate the look of
- Thanks to @JCR64 for creating GarlicOS-MinUIfied the inspiration for the theme and horizontal logo
- Thanks to @anthonycaccese for creating art-book-next-es-de Which is where the grid mode icons are sourced from.
- Credits and thanks to @GrumpyGopher for the work he's put into making the project better
- Thanks to @damagedspline for the Hebrew translation file
muOS Discord Server:
Where to talk about this project: