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πŸ”† Compose Multiplatform Navigation library - 🌸 Pragmatic, type safety navigation for Compose Multiplatform. Based on Freeletics Khonshu Navigation. β™₯️ ViewModel, SavedStateHandle, Lifecycle, Multi-Backstacks, Transitions, Back-press handling, and more...


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solivagant πŸ”†

[🟒 ACTIVE] πŸ”† Compose Multiplatform Navigation library - 🌸 Pragmatic, type safety navigation for Compose Multiplatform. Based on Freeletics Khonshu Navigation. β™₯️ ViewModel, SavedStateHandle, Lifecycle, Multi-Backstacks, Transitions, Back-press handling, and more...

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  • Integrates with Jetbrains Compose Multiplatform seamlessly and easily.

  • Integrates with kmp-viewmodel library seamlessly and smoothly

    • Stack entry scoped ViewModel, exists as long as the stack entry is on the navigation stack, including the configuration changes on Android.

    • Supports SavedStateHandle, used to save and restore data over configuration changes or process death on Android.

  • The navigation stack state is saved and restored automatically over configuration changes and process death on Android. On other platforms, you can use a support class provided by this library to store the navigation stack state as long as you want.

  • Type safety navigation, easy to pass data between destinations. No more String route and dynamic query parameters. The Solivagant library uses NavRoutes and NavRoots to define routes that can be navigated to. Arguments can be defined as part of the route (a.ka. properties of the route class) and are type safe. Each NavRoute and NavRoot has a corresponding NavDestination that describes the UI (a.k.a @Composable) of the route.

  • Supports Multi-Backstacks, this is most commonly used in apps that use bottom navigation to separate the back stack of each tab. See Freeletics Khonshu Navigation - Multiple back stacks for more details.

  • Supports LifecycleOwner, Lifecycle events and states, similar to AndroidX Lifecycle library.


This library is still in alpha, so the API may change in the future.


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Docs & Installation


allprojects {
  repositories {


Snapshots of the development version are available in Sonatype's snapshots repository.
allprojects {
  repositories {
    maven(url = "")

dependencies {

Getting started

The library is ported from Freeletics Khonshu Navigation library, so the concepts is similar. You can read the Freeletics Khonshu Navigation to understand the concepts.

πŸ‘‰ Full samples are available here.

1. Create NavRoots, NavRoutes

data object StartScreenRoute : NavRoot

data object SearchProductScreenRoute : NavRoute


@Parcelize is provided by kmp-viewmodel-savedstate library. See kmp-viewmodel-savedstate for more details.

2. Create NavDestinations along with Composables and ViewModels

val StartScreenDestination: NavDestination =
  ScreenDestination<StartScreenRoute> { StartScreen() }

internal fun StartScreen(
  modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
  // kmpViewModel or kojectKmpViewModel can be used instead.
  viewModel: StartViewModel = koinKmpViewModel(),
) {
  // UI Composable

internal class StartViewModel(
  // used to trigger navigation actions from outside the view layer (e.g. from a ViewModel).
  // Usually, it is singleton object, or the host Activity retained scope.
  private val navigator: NavEventNavigator,
) : ViewModel() {
  internal fun navigateToProductsScreen() = navigator.navigateTo(ProductsScreenRoute)
  internal fun navigateToSearchProductScreen() = navigator.navigateTo(SearchProductScreenRoute)
val SearchProductScreenDestination: NavDestination =
  ScreenDestination<SearchProductScreenRoute> { SearchProductsScreen() }

internal fun SearchProductsScreen(
  modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
  // kmpViewModel or kojectKmpViewModel can be used instead.
  viewModel: SearchProductsViewModel = koinKmpViewModel<SearchProductsViewModel>(),
) {
  // UI Composable

internal class SearchProductsViewModel(
  private val searchProducts: SearchProducts,
  private val savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle,
  // used to trigger navigation actions from outside the view layer (e.g. from a ViewModel).
  // Usually, it is singleton object, or the host Activity retained scope.
  private val navigator: NavEventNavigator,
) : ViewModel() {
  fun navigateToProductDetail(id: Int) {

3. Setup

3.1. NavHost

Gather all NavDestinations in a set and use NavEventNavigator to trigger navigation actions.

private val AllDestinations: ImmutableSet<NavDestination> = persistentSetOf(
  // and more ...

fun MyAwesomeApp(
  // used to trigger navigation actions from outside the view layer (e.g. from a ViewModel).
  // Usually, it is singleton object, or the host Activity retained scope.
  navigator: NavEventNavigator = koinInject(),
  modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
) {
  // BaseRoute is the parent interface of NavRoute and NavRoot.
  // It implements Parcelable so that it can be used with rememberSavable.
  var currentRoute: BaseRoute? by rememberSavable { mutableStateOf(null) }

    modifier = modifier,
    // route to the screen that should be shown initially
    startRoute = StartScreenRoute,
    // should contain all destinations that can be navigated to
    destinations = AllDestinations,
    // when passing a NavEventNavigator to NavHost, NavHost will take care of setting up the navigator by calling `NavigationSetup(navigator)`
    navEventNavigator = navigator,
    destinationChangedCallback = { currentRoute = it },


When passing a NavEventNavigator to NavHost composable, the NavHost will take care of setting up the navigator by calling NavigationSetup(navigator).

If you don't pass a "global" NavEventNavigator to NavHost composable, make sure there are property calls to NavigationSetup(navigator). For example, we can call NavigationSetup(navigator) in each destination composable.

val StartScreenDestination: NavDestination = ScreenDestination<StartScreenRoute> {
  NavigationSetup(navigator = koinInject())

val SearchProductScreenDestination: NavDestination = ScreenDestination<SearchProductScreenRoute> {
  NavigationSetup(navigator = koinInject())

πŸ‘‰ Check out scoped navigator sample for more information.

3.2. Android

To display MyAwesomeApp on Android, use setContent in Activity / Fragment.

class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
  override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle) {

    // navigator can be retrieved from the DI container, such as Koin, Dagger Hilt, etc...
    setContent {

3.3. Desktop

To display MyAwesomeApp on Desktop, use androidx.compose.ui.window.application and Window composable:

fun main() {
  val lifecycleRegistry = LifecycleRegistry()
  val savedStateSupport = SavedStateSupport()

  application {
    val windowState = rememberWindowState()
    val lifecycleOwner = rememberLifecycleOwner(lifecycleRegistry)
      lifecycleRegistry = lifecycleRegistry,
      windowState = windowState,


      onCloseRequest = ::exitApplication,
      title = "Solivagant sample",
      state = windowState,
    ) {
      LifecycleOwnerProvider(lifecycleOwner) {
        // navigator can be retrieved from the DI container, such as Koin, Koject, etc...
        savedStateSupport.ProvideCompositionLocals { MyAwesomeApp() }


For more information please check out Desktop sample main.kt

3.4. iOS / tvOS / watchOS

To display MyAwesomeApp on iOS/tvOS/watchOS, use ComposeUIViewController (Kotlin - iosMain SourceSet) and UIViewControllerRepresentable (Swift - native code):

val AppLifecycleOwner by lazy { AppLifecycleOwner() }

fun MainViewController(savedStateSupport: SavedStateSupport): UIViewController {
  val lifecycleOwnerUIVcDelegate =
    LifecycleOwnerComposeUIViewControllerDelegate(hostLifecycleOwner = AppLifecycleOwner)
      .apply { bindTo(savedStateSupport) }
      .apply { lifecycle.subscribe(LifecycleObserver) }

  return ComposeUIViewController(
    configure = { delegate = lifecycleOwnerUIVcDelegate },
  ) {
    LifecycleOwnerProvider(lifecycleOwnerUIVcDelegate) {
      savedStateSupport.ProvideCompositionLocals { MyAwesomeApp() }
private struct ComposeView: UIViewControllerRepresentable {
  let savedStateSupport: NavigationSavedStateSupport

  func makeUIViewController(context: Context) -> UIViewController {
    MainViewControllerKt.MainViewController(savedStateSupport: savedStateSupport)

  func updateUIViewController(_ uiViewController: UIViewController, context: Context) { }

private class ComposeViewViewModel: ObservableObject {
  let savedStateSupport = NavigationSavedStateSupport()
  deinit {

struct ComposeViewContainer: View {
  @StateObject private var viewModel = ComposeViewViewModel()

  var body: some View {
    ComposeView(savedStateSupport: viewModel.savedStateSupport)
      .ignoresSafeArea(.keyboard) // Compose has own keyboard handler


For more information please check out iOS sample MainViewController.kt and iosApp sample ComposeView.swift

4. Use NavEventNavigator in ViewModel s / @Composable s to trigger navigation actions

// navigate to the destination that the given route leads to
// navigate up in the hierarchy
// navigate to the previous destination in the backstack
// navigate back to the destination belonging to the referenced route and remove all destinations
// in between from the back stack, depending on inclusive the destination
navigator.navigateBackTo<MainScreenRoute>(inclusive = false)



  • Add more tests
  • Add more samples
  • Add docs
  • Review supported targets
  • Polish and improve the implementation and the public API
  • Support transition when navigating (since 0.1.0).
  • Support more targets such as wasm, watchOS, tvOS, etc... (since 0.2.0).

🟒 Active status

This library is actively maintained and updated with new features and bug fixes.


                                 Apache License
                           Version 2.0, January 2004