This is an Awesome repository that collects free programming books officially made available by their authors or publishers. You can access them legally without violating copyright laws.
π This repository is available in multiple languages:
- πͺπΈ VersiΓ³n en EspaΓ±ol
- π¬π§ English Version (You are here)
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- π Data Science and Machine Learning
- Data Analysis
- Machine Learning
- Statistics
- Big Data
- Web Development (Frontend & Backend)
- Security and Ethical Hacking
- Databases and SQL
- Operating Systems and Networks
- 100% Free and legal content
- Verified high-quality resources
- Regularly updated
- Organized by technology and skill level
- Multi-language support
Eloquent JavaScript - Marijn Haverbeke
Learn JavaScript from fundamentals to advanced concepts, with interactive exercises. -
You Don't Know JS - Kyle Simpson
A series of books that explore JavaScript in depth. -
JavaScript for Cats - Max Ogden
A beginner-friendly introduction to JavaScript. -
JavaScript: The Good Parts - Douglas Crockford
An essential book that explores JavaScript best practices. -
Learning JavaScript Design Patterns - Addy Osmani
Clear explanations of design patterns in JavaScript. -
Functional-Light JavaScript - Kyle Simpson
Introduction to functional programming in JavaScript. -
JavaScript AllongΓ© - Reginald Braithwaite
A deep dive into JavaScript and its advanced features. -
Speaking JavaScript - Axel Rauschmayer
A book that teaches JavaScript to programmers from other languages. -
Programming JavaScript Applications - Eric Elliott
Scalable JavaScript applications. -
JavaScript Succinctly - Cody Lindley
A quick and clear introduction to JavaScript. -
Exploring ES6 - Axel Rauschmayer
A detailed explanation of ECMAScript 6. -
Understanding ECMAScript 6 - Nicholas C. Zakas
Key ES6 concepts explained simply. -
JavaScript 30 - Wes Bos
30 practical projects to improve JavaScript skills. -
Node.js Design Patterns - Mario Casciaro
Learn design patterns in Node.js.
Automate the Boring Stuff with Python - Al Sweigart
Learn to automate tasks with Python practically. -
Think Python - Allen B. Downey
An excellent book for learning Python from scratch. -
Python Crash Course (Free Sample) - Eric Matthes
A beginner-friendly introduction to Python with hands-on projects. -
Dive into Python 3 - Mark Pilgrim
Advanced Python 3 learning. -
Fluent Python - Luciano Ramalho
Deep dive into Python. -
Learn Python the Hard Way - Zed Shaw
A hands-on approach to learning Python.
[The C Programming Language (2nd Edition) - Kernighan & Ritchie (Not free officially)]
π This book is not free, but you can find alternatives like: -
Modern C - Jens Gustedt
C Programming for Beginners - R. Agapiev
Thinking in C++ - Bruce Eckel
A classic book on C++. -
C++ Primer - Stanley B. Lippman
A comprehensive reference on C++. -
C++ Concurrency in Action - Anthony Williams
A book on concurrency and parallelism in C++.
Think Java - Allen B. Downey and Chris Mayfield
A beginner-friendly introduction to Java. -
Java: The Legend - Ben Evans
History and evolution of Java. -
Effective Java - Joshua Bloch
Best practices for writing Java code. -
Java Concurrency in Practice - Brian Goetz
Advanced concepts on concurrency in Java.
- Frontend Development
- Backend Development
- Full Stack
- APIs & Microservices
Foundations of Data Science - Avrim Blum, John Hopcroft, Ravindran Kannan
Introduction to the mathematical and algorithmic foundations of data science. -
Data Science at the Command Line - Jeroen Janssens
How to perform data analysis using command-line tools. -
Python Data Science Handbook - Jake VanderPlas
A practical guide for data analysis in Python using NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and Scikit-Learn. -
Data Science for Business - Foster Provost, Tom Fawcett
Explanation of how to use data science for business decision-making.
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning - Christopher M. Bishop
A theoretical and practical introduction to machine learning models. -
The Elements of Statistical Learning - Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Jerome Friedman
A reference book on statistical learning with applications in machine learning. -
Deep Learning - Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, Aaron Courville
A comprehensive book on deep learning, written by leaders in the field. -
Understanding Machine Learning: From Theory to Algorithms - Shai Shalev-Shwartz, Shai Ben-David
A mathematical introduction to machine learning and its algorithms.
Think Stats - Allen B. Downey
Introduction to statistical analysis with Python. -
Think Bayes - Allen B. Downey
Learn Bayesian probability with Python examples. -
Introduction to Data Science - Rafael A. Irizarry
A clear and practical explanation of fundamental data science concepts. -
Data Wrangling with Python - Jacqueline Kazil, Katharine Jarmul
A guide to data cleaning and transformation with Python.
OpenIntro Statistics - David M. Diez, Mine Γetinkaya-Rundel, Christopher D. Barr
A complete introduction to statistics with practical applications. -
Statistical Learning with Sparsity - Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Martin Wainwright
Modern methods of statistical learning. -
An Introduction to Statistical Learning - Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani
An intuitive explanation of machine learning models using statistics. -
Mathematical Statistics - Jun Shao
A rigorous explanation of statistical and probability concepts.
Big Data: Principles and Best Practices - Nathan Marz, James Warren
Introduction to Big Data architecture and large-scale data processing. -
Mining of Massive Datasets - Jure Leskovec, Anand Rajaraman, Jeffrey Ullman
A classic book on techniques for handling large volumes of data. -
Introduction to Hadoop and Spark - Magda Balazinska
Explanation of how to use Hadoop and Spark for data processing. -
Fundamentals of Data Engineering - Joe Reis, Matt Housley
A reference guide on modern data engineering and its impact on Big Data.
- Cloud Computing
- Containers
- Infrastructure as Code
- The CS50x Course Materials - Harvard University's introductory computer science course, free and open to all.
- How to Think Like a Computer Scientist - Allen B. Downey - A fundamental introduction to computational thinking and Python.
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - Harold Abelson & Gerald Jay Sussman - A foundational book for understanding programming paradigms.
- Computer Science from the Bottom Up - Ian Wienand - A free book covering foundational computer science topics from low-level programming to high-level concepts.
- Algorithms, Part I & II (Princeton University) - Robert Sedgewick & Kevin Wayne - Free online courses covering essential algorithmic techniques.
- The Algorithm Design Manual - Steven Skiena - Covers both theoretical and practical aspects of algorithms.
- A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms - Jay Wengrow - A beginner-friendly book on algorithms and data structures.
- Open Data Structures - Pat Morin - A free and comprehensive introduction to data structures.
- Think Data Structures - Allen B. Downey - A beginner's guide to fundamental data structures using Java.
- Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures - Brad Miller & David Ranum - A free interactive book covering Python-based data structures and algorithms.
- Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java - Clifford A. Shaffer - A detailed introduction to data structures with Java.
Design Patterns Explained - Alan Shalloway & James R. Trott
A clear and accessible explanation of design patterns with examples in different programming languages. -
Game Programming Patterns - Robert Nystrom
A free book that explains design patterns applied to game development. -
Refactoring Guru: Design Patterns - Alexander Shvets
Detailed explanations of the most commonly used design patterns in software development.
Test-Driven Development by Example - Kent Beck
A practical introduction to test-driven development. -
Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests - Steve Freeman & Nat Pryce
Demonstrates how to build object-oriented software using automated tests. -
The Little Book of Testing - Johannes Link
A pragmatic approach to testing techniques and strategies in software development.
Computer Systems: A Programmerβs Perspective - Randal E. Bryant & David R. OβHallaron
Explores how hardware and systems impact software performance. -
Performance Analysis and Tuning on Modern CPUs - Agner Fog
Explains code optimization for modern CPU architectures. -
Efficient Python Programming - Maciej GΔbala
Advanced strategies for optimizing Python performance.
Software Architecture Patterns - Mark Richards
Introduction to the most common software architecture patterns. -
Clean Architecture - Robert C. Martin
Software architecture principles based on best practices. -
The Architecture of Open Source Applications - Various Authors
Explores open-source software architectures with real-world case studies.
Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms - Andrew S. Tanenbaum & Maarten Van Steen
Explains the fundamentals of distributed systems and architectures. -
Designing Data-Intensive Applications - Martin Kleppmann
Covers patterns and architectures for scalable databases and systems. -
Googleβs Site Reliability Engineering - Google SRE Team
Explains Google's practices for managing distributed infrastructure.
The Web Application Hacker's Handbook - Dafydd Stuttard & Marcus Pinto
A comprehensive guide to web application security. -
Crypto 101 - Laurens Van Houtven
A practical introduction to modern cryptography. -
Security Engineering - Ross Anderson
Explains security engineering principles applied to various systems.
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To the extent possible under law, contributors have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.
Thanks to all our wonderful contributors who make this project possible!
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Thanks to all authors who freely share their knowledge and to the community for their valuable contributions.
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