- Oakland, CA
- Pro
Indoor Cycling App for Structured Training
Use Commanded to build Elixir CQRS/ES applications
Perhap is an purely functional event store and service framework inspired by domain driven design and reactive architectures.
Simple deployment and server automation for Elixir.
The code for Particles and Parsers, which Scroll is built on.
The Unikernel & MicroVM Compilation and Deployment Platform
🔬 A Ruby library for carefully refactoring critical paths.
A thread safe, performant, feature rich image fetcher
outoftime / sunspot
Forked from sunspot/sunspotSolr-powered search for Ruby objects
holetse / ec2onrails
Forked from pauldowman/ec2onrailsEC2 on Rails - Deploy a Ruby on Rails app on EC2 in five minutes
holetse / linkedin
Forked from hexgnu/linkedinRuby wrapper for the LinkedIn API
(Old/dead) EC2 on Rails - Deploy a Ruby on Rails app on EC2 in five minutes