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Smoke Testing

⚠️ All configuration in this directory is for development and testing purposes. This is not an example of a production-ready Refinery deployment.

How Do I Even?

From the root of the project repo:

> make local_image

Then change to this directory and run docker compose:

> cd smoke-test
> docker compose up

Observe the log output of the services. Refinery ought to have connected to Redis to report and then find itself in the peer list.

Congratulations! You have applied power and the magic smoke was not released!

Shooting Trouble

Refinery warning: failed to upload metrics


The logs for the Refinery node contains:

failed to upload metrics: failed to send metrics to <A URL>: 401 Unauthorized

This message on its own is not a Refinery failure. The service is likely operating, but unable to send the telemetry concerning its internal operations on to the configured endpoint.


Double-check the LegacyMetrics and OTelMetrics sections of config.yaml are set to send telemetry to the destination you expect. Confirm that the API key provided there or in environment variables is correct for the intended destination.

Docker Error: No such image


The command docker compose up returns the following error:

Error response from daemon: No such image: ko.local/refinery:latest


The local image needs to be built. Run make local_target at the root of the repo.

Redis Error: SSL routines::wrong version number


The services for Redis and Refinery start, but the Redis log contains numerous entries like:

redis-1      | 1:M 19 Aug 2024 17:23:52.114 # Error accepting a client connection: error:0A00010B:SSL routines::wrong version number (addr= laddr=

This is a sign that Refinery is not using TLS to connect to Redis which is using TLS.


Check the config.yaml used by the Refinery container.

  • Is UseTLS set to true?
  • Is UseTLSInsecure set to true? (because we're self-signed locally)
  • Do we have a bug with TLS connections?