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Repository files navigation

Rafael Avalos' personal website

High level site organization

| - SpeedDialNavbar
| - HomePage
| - PortfolioPage
|   | - PortfolioCarousel
|   | - PortfolioSlideshow
|   | - Running
|   | - Engineering
|   | - Music
|   | - Writing
|   |   | - TypewriterText
|   | - Lego

Technologies used

Type Name
Language TypeScript
Framework React
Build tool Vite
Additional tools
Tailwind CSS Easier styling than pure CSS
Material UI Library of nicely designed UI components
Swiper Provides the fancy carousel/slideshow components
Motion Toolkit for building animations

Develop and run

  1. Install NPM
  2. Run npm install
  3. Run npm run dev
  4. In a browser, open the URL http://localhost:5173/

Making basic changes to the website

TailwindCSS is really handy for styling because it provides predefined CSS classes that apply styling for you. You can look through their website to find the class names, but it's honestly easier to ask ChatGPT.

Example: "What's the tailwind class for adding margin above the element?"

Text changes

All text can be found inside the HTML content of the corresponding *.tsx file

For example, to change the text on the Running page, look for it in Running.tsx

Adding/removing pages

Let's say we're adding a new Contact page.

  1. Create a new folder in pages/ called contact
  2. Create the contact component file in that folder. File should be something like pages/contact/ContactPage.tsx
  3. In App.tsx, add a new <Route /> element for ContactPage. The path parameter is the browser URL path.
  4. In SpeedDialNavbar.tsx, add a new item for Contact to navItems (icons can be found here)
  5. Build out the ContactPage.tsx component, and you should see it when you run the application

To remove a page, follow the steps in reverse, deleting instead of creating.

Adding portfolio projects

Let's say we're adding a new Lego page.

  1. Create a new folder in pages/portfolio/ called lego

  2. Create the lego component file in that folder. File should be something like pages/portfolio/lego/Lego.tsx

  3. In const/projects.ts, add a title for Lego to ProjectTitles, and an item for it to the projects variable

  4. In PortfolioPage.tsx...

    a. Add a ref entry to the projectRefs variable

    b. Add a <div /> element for Lego. Follow the existing examples.

    c. You can change the order of the projects on the page by rearranging the divs

Production build

npm run build

Built project can be found in the ./dist/ folder.

Manage hosting and domain

If you get stuck on any of these steps, ChatGPT should be able to help out pretty effectively. If that doesn't work, feel free to reach out.

Set up Git

  1. Create a new GitHub account (or use an existing one)

  2. Download and install GitHub Desktop

    a. Assuming you're on Mac, unzip the downloaded file and drag the GitHub Desktop application to the Applications folder

  3. Run GitHub Desktop and sign in

  4. Use default options to Configure Git

Download the project

  1. In a browser, open
  2. Click the green Code button, then Download Zip
  3. Unzip the file and move the folder to anywhere on your computer

Upload to your own repository

  1. In GitHub Desktop, click add existing repository from local drive
  2. For local path, choose the folder you just downloaded
  3. Click add repository. There will be an error.
  4. In the error message, click create a repository
  5. The repository name is important, you must set it to:

For example, if your github username is good-name, the repository name must be

  1. Leave all options at their defaults, and create repository
  2. At the top, click Publish repository
  3. Uncheck "keep this code private" (it must be public for GitHub Pages to work)
  4. Publish it

Now if you open up GitHub and login, you should be able to see the new repository.

Hosting on GitHub Pages

  1. Open your new repository on GitHub in the browser
  2. At the top of the page, open the Actions tab
  3. There should be a workflow called "Initial commit". If it's still in progress, wait for it to finish
  4. Once it's done, open the Settings tab
  5. In the left sidebar, click on Pages
  6. Under Branch, click the dropdown. There should be an option called gh-pages. Click that, then click save
  7. Wait for a bit as GitHub spins up the website. You'll know it's ready when a message appears saying "Your site is live at..." (you might have to refresh the page to see this)
  8. IMPORTANT: The URL it gives you should be http://<your-github-username> If you see a URL with more text appended after the, you likely didn't name your repository correctly. Rename the repository and make sure to follow the format detailed in the section above.
  9. All done! Congrats!


No description, website, or topics provided.






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Contributors 3
