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Multiplayer Game in Bevy on Kubernetes

MIT licensed Build Status Docker Mentioned In: This Week in Bevy

The networking client/server example was taken from the bevy_renet examples. I reduced the crates needed and made it so it could run in a container.

Warning: This is not production ready, but I hope to keep adding examples on how to scale out the game servers, maintain state, reduce reconnects, etc.

3d Example Example

2d Example Example 2d

Run it


just server # one window
just client # another window

Local docker

# Build
docker build -f server.Dockerfile -t multiplayer-bevy-server:latest . # build it yourself
docker pull hortonew/multiplayer-bevy-server:latest # or get from Dockerhub

# Run
docker run -it --rm -p 5000:5000/tcp -p 5000:5000/udp multiplayer-bevy-server:latest
cargo run -p client

# Use a different server/port
export SERVER_IP=a.b.c.d
export SERVER_PORT=5000
export MULTIPLAYER=true

cargo build --release -p server

cargo build --release -p client


# Apply the metrics server
kubectl apply -f

# Apply MetalLB load balancer and an IP Address pool
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f k8s/manifests/loadbalancer-pool.yaml

# Apply the gamedev namespace, statefulset, service, and pod autoscaler
kubectl apply -f k8s/manifests/multiplayer-game-service.yaml

Release new server version

  1. Create a new release
  2. Tag commit as vX.Y.Z
  3. Ensure release-container workflow completes successfully. (e.g. this v0.1.0 release)
  4. Pull down new version from dockerhub: docker pull hortonew/multiplayer-bevy-server:vX.Y.Z
  5. Confirm it runs with: docker run --platform linux/amd64 -it --rm -p 5000:5000/tcp -p 5000:5000/udp hortonew/multiplayer-bevy-server:vX.Y.Z

Next Steps

  • Hand off client state to new pods during reconnects (maintain state elsewhere). Thoughts: sidecar container with API that can get/put state. State could be stored in Redis, or similar services.
  • Terraform EKS build example
  • Work on a more realistic game example
  • CI/CD: Build release artifacts for Mac, Windows, Linux, Mobile