A small wrapper around html/template
. This is not optimized for performance, but optimized for using this library to write somewhat decent code.
Put your files into a templates/
The only required file is a layout.gotmpl
with appropriate blocks for the layout
and content
{{ define "layout" }}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<main class="container">
{{ template "content" . }}
{{ end }}
var (
//go:embed templates/*
tmplFS embed.FS
renderer := tpl.NewRender(tmplFS, "name")
... and pass it into your router/handlers.
Define a struct like this and assign data to it so your templates have something to show.
type tplData struct {
Data any
Output a template from your handler:
// filename.gotmpl
tpl.Render(w, "filename", tplData{
Data: allData,