Returns a list of running processes and the architecture they are running under.
Apple M1/Apple Silicon/arm64 macOS can run x86_64 programs via Rosetta and most M1 systems currently (~March 2021) very likely run a mix of x86_64 and arm64 processes.
Activity Monitor can show the architecture, but command line tools such as ps
and top
do not due to Apple hiding the details of the proper sysctl()
incantations necessary to get this info.
Patrick Wardle reverse-engineered Activity Monitor โ โ and I slapped that hack into a bare-bones command line utility archinfo
It returns columnar output or JSON (via --json
) โ that will work nicely with jq
โ of running processes and their respective architectures.
Build from source, grab from the releases, or use homebrew
brew install hrbrmstr/tap/archinfo
$ archinfo
5949 arm64 /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/AudioComponentRegistrar
5923 arm64 /System/Library/CoreServices/
5901 x86_64 /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Desktop Common/IPCBox/
5873 arm64 /Applications/Utilities/Adobe Creative Cloud Experience/CCXProcess/
5863 arm64 /bin/sleep
5861 x86_64 /Applications/
5855 x86_64 /Applications/Elgato Control Control Center
5852 x86_64 /Applications/
5849 arm64 /System/Library/CoreServices/
$ archinfo --pid $(pgrep keyboardservicesd)
60298 x86_64 /usr/libexec/keyboardservicesd
$ archinfo --json --pid $(pgrep keyboardservicesd)
archinfo --json | jq -r --slurp 'group_by(.arch)[] | { arch: .[0].arch, count: length } | [ .arch, .count ] | @tsv'
## arm64 382
## x86_64 12