My personal settings and installed packages to make Sublime Text 3 better.
Install Package Control.
Clone the repository into the Sublime Text 3 User Package folder.
git clone git:// ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/User
When an update is available, simply navigate over to "~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User"
and type git pull
- BracketHighlighter - Bracket and tag highlighter
- EditorConfig - Helps developers maintain consistent coding styles between different editors
- Emmet - Greatly improves HTML & CSS workflow
- SublimeLinter - Interactive code linting framework
- GutterColor - Displays a colored icon for all lines which contain a color
- CSScomb - A coding style formatter for CSS
- LESS - Provides syntax highlighting for .less files, along with snippets and completions
- Sass - Adds syntax highlighting and tab/code completion for Sass and SCSS files
- SassBeautify - Beautifies Sass files
- SqlBeautifier - Formats SQL
- DashDoc - Dash integration
- DocBlockr - Simplifies writing DocBlock comments in Javascript, PHP, CoffeeScript, Actionscript, C & C++
- Package Control - A full-featured package manager
- SideBarEnhancements - Provides enhancements to the operations on Sidebar of Files and Folders
- SyncedSideBar - Syncs the project sidebar (folder view) with currently active file
- Handlebars - Adds template support for Handlebars.js
- HTML5 - Add HTML5 syntax mode & snippets
- Jade - A comprehensive bundle for the Jade template language
- Ruby Slim - A bundle for Slim, based on the Handcrafted Haml bundle
- Better CoffeeScript - Syntax highlighting and checking, commands, shortcuts, snippets, watched compilation and more
- JSHint Gutter - Checks your JavaScript code for nasty errors, coding conventions and other goodies
- Pretty JSON - Makes JSON pretty
- PHP Code Sniffer - Adds PHP CodeSniffer, PHP Code Beautifier and Fixer, PHP Coding Standards Fixer, the PHP Linter, PHP Mess Detector, Scheck support
- WordPress - A collection of WordPress snippets and autocompletions
- ApacheConf.tmLanguage - Syntax highlighting for Apache config files
- FileDiffs - Shows diffs between the current file, or selection(s) in the current file, and clipboard, another file, or unsaved changes
- GitGutter - Shows an icon in the gutter area indicating whether a line has been inserted, modified or deleted
- PrettyYAML - Makes YAML pretty
- cobalt2 - A refined colour scheme that is easy on the eyes and takes small UI elements into account. Includes full sublime theme (sidebar, search, tabs, etc...) as well as support for SublimeLinter, git diffing and a growing number of plugins