[ci] [python-package] use ruff, enforce flake8-bugbear and flake8-com…
[ci] [python-package] use ruff, enforce flake8-bugbear and flake8-com…
[ci] [python-package] fix mypy errors about Dataset._set_init_score_b…
[ci] [python-package] fix mypy errors about Dataset._set_init_score_b…
[python-package] [docs] complete type annotations for scikit-learn fi…
[python-package] [docs] complete type annotations for scikit-learn fi…
[python-packages] [docs] add type hints and define 'array-like' for X…
[python-packages] [docs] add type hints and define 'array-like' for X…
[python-package] fix mypy errors about missing annotations and incomp…
[python-package] fix mypy errors about missing annotations and incomp…