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Hugging Face Hub Client library

Download files from the Hub

The hf_hub_download() function is the main function to download files from the Hub. One advantage of using it is that files are cached locally, so you won't have to download the files multiple times. If there are changes in the repository, the files will be automatically downloaded again.


The function takes the following parameters, downloads the remote file, stores it to disk (in a version-aware way) and returns its local file path.


  • a repo_id (a user or organization name and a repo name, separated by /, like julien-c/EsperBERTo-small)
  • a filename (like pytorch_model.bin)
  • an optional Git revision id (can be a branch name, a tag, or a commit hash)
  • a cache_dir which you can specify if you want to control where on disk the files are cached.
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download
hf_hub_download("lysandre/arxiv-nlp", filename="config.json")


Using hf_hub_download() works well when you know which files you want to download; for example a model file alongside a configuration file, both with static names. There are cases in which you will prefer to download all the files of the remote repository at a specified revision. That's what snapshot_download() does. It downloads and stores a remote repository to disk (in a versioning-aware way) and returns its local file path.


  • a repo_id in the format namespace/repository
  • a revision on which the repository will be downloaded
  • a cache_dir which you can specify if you want to control where on disk the files are cached


Internally, the library uses hf_hub_url() to return the URL to download the actual files:


  • a repo_id (a user or organization name and a repo name separated by a /, like julien-c/EsperBERTo-small)
  • a filename (like pytorch_model.bin)
  • an optional subfolder, corresponding to a folder inside the model repo
  • an optional repo_type, such as dataset or space
  • an optional Git revision id (can be a branch name, a tag, or a commit hash)

If you check out this URL's headers with a HEAD http request (which you can do from the command line with curl -I) for a few different files, you'll see that:

  • small files are returned directly
  • large files (i.e. the ones stored through git-lfs) are returned via a redirect to a Cloudfront URL. Cloudfront is a Content Delivery Network, or CDN, that ensures that downloads are as fast as possible from anywhere on the globe.

Publish files to the Hub

If you've used Git before, this will be very easy since Git is used to manage files in the Hub. You can find a step-by-step guide on how to upload your model to the Hub:

API utilities in

You don't need them for the standard publishing workflow (ie. using git command line), however, if you need a programmatic way of creating a repo, deleting it (⚠️ caution), pushing a single file to a repo or listing models from the Hub, you'll find helpers in Some example functionality available with the HfApi class:

  • whoami()
  • create_repo()
  • list_repo_files()
  • list_repo_objects()
  • delete_repo()
  • update_repo_settings()
  • create_commit()
  • upload_file()
  • delete_file()
  • delete_folder()

Those API utilities are also exposed through the huggingface-cli CLI:

huggingface-cli login
huggingface-cli logout
huggingface-cli whoami
huggingface-cli repo create

With the HfApi class there are methods to query models, datasets, and Spaces by specific tags (e.g. if you want to list models compatible with your library):

  • Models:
    • list_models()
    • model_info()
    • get_model_tags()
  • Datasets:
    • list_datasets()
    • dataset_info()
    • get_dataset_tags()
  • Spaces:
    • list_spaces()
    • space_info()

These lightly wrap around the API Endpoints. Documentation for valid parameters and descriptions can be found here.

Advanced programmatic repository management

The Repository class helps manage both offline Git repositories and Hugging Face Hub repositories. Using the Repository class requires git and git-lfs to be installed.

Instantiate a Repository object by calling it with a path to a local Git clone/repository:

>>> from huggingface_hub import Repository
>>> repo = Repository("<path>/<to>/<folder>")

The Repository takes a clone_from string as parameter. This can stay as None for offline management, but can also be set to any URL pointing to a Git repo to clone that repository in the specified directory:

>>> repo = Repository("huggingface-hub", clone_from="")

The clone_from method can also take any Hugging Face model ID as input, and will clone that repository:

>>> repo = Repository("w2v2", clone_from="facebook/wav2vec2-large-960h-lv60")

If the repository you're cloning is one of yours or one of your organisation's, then having the ability to commit and push to that repository is important. In order to do that, you should make sure to be logged-in using huggingface-cli login, and to have the token parameter set to True (the default) when instantiating the Repository object:

>>> repo = Repository("my-model", clone_from="<user>/<model_id>", token=True)

This works for models, datasets and spaces repositories; but you will need to explicitely specify the type for the last two options:

>>> repo = Repository("my-dataset", clone_from="<user>/<dataset_id>", token=True, repo_type="dataset")

You can also change between branches:

>>> repo = Repository("huggingface-hub", clone_from="<user>/<dataset_id>", revision='branch1')
>>> repo.git_checkout("branch2")

The clone_from method can also take any Hugging Face model ID as input, and will clone that repository:

>>> repo = Repository("w2v2", clone_from="facebook/wav2vec2-large-960h-lv60")

Finally, you can choose to specify the Git username and email attributed to that clone directly by using the git_user and git_email parameters. When committing to that repository, Git will therefore be aware of who you are and who will be the author of the commits:

>>> repo = Repository(
...   "my-dataset",
...   clone_from="<user>/<dataset_id>",
...   token=True,
...   repo_type="dataset",
...   git_user="MyName",
...   git_email="me@cool.mail"
... )

The repository can be managed through this object, through wrappers of traditional Git methods:

  • git_add(pattern: str, auto_lfs_track: bool). The auto_lfs_track flag triggers auto tracking of large files (>10MB) with git-lfs
  • git_commit(commit_message: str)
  • git_pull(rebase: bool)
  • git_push()
  • git_checkout(branch)

The git_push method has a parameter blocking which is True by default. When set to False, the push will happen behind the scenes - which can be helpful if you would like your script to continue on while the push is happening.

LFS-tracking methods:

  • lfs_track(pattern: Union[str, List[str]], filename: bool). Setting filename to True will use the --filename parameter, which will consider the pattern(s) as filenames, even if they contain special glob characters.
  • lfs_untrack().
  • auto_track_large_files(): automatically tracks files that are larger than 10MB. Make sure to call this after adding files to the index.

On top of these unitary methods lie some useful additional methods:

  • push_to_hub(commit_message): consecutively does git_add, git_commit and git_push.
  • commit(commit_message: str, track_large_files: bool): this is a context manager utility that handles committing to a repository. This automatically tracks large files (>10Mb) with git-lfs. The track_large_files argument can be set to False if you wish to ignore that behavior.

These two methods also have support for the blocking parameter.

Examples using the commit context manager:

>>> with Repository("text-files", clone_from="<user>/text-files", token=True).commit("My first file :)"):
...     with open("file.txt", "w+") as f:
...         f.write(json.dumps({"hey": 8}))
>>> import torch
>>> model = torch.nn.Transformer()
>>> with Repository("torch-model", clone_from="<user>/torch-model", token=True).commit("My cool model :)"):
..., "")

Non-blocking behavior

The pushing methods have access to a blocking boolean parameter to indicate whether the push should happen asynchronously.

In order to see if the push has finished or its status code (to spot a failure), one should use the command_queue property on the Repository object.

For example:

from huggingface_hub import Repository

repo = Repository("<local_folder>", clone_from="<user>/<model_name>")

with repo.commit("Commit message", blocking=False):
    # Save data

last_command = repo.command_queue[-1]

# Status of the push command
# Will return the status code
#     -> -1 will indicate the push is still ongoing
#     -> 0 will indicate the push has completed successfully
#     -> non-zero code indicates the error code if there was an error

# if there was an error, the stderr may be inspected

# Whether the command finished or if it is still ongoing

# Whether the command errored-out.

When using blocking=False, the commands will be tracked and your script will exit only when all pushes are done, even if other errors happen in your script (a failed push counts as done).

Need to upload very large (>5GB) files?

To upload large files (>5GB 🔥) from git command-line, you need to install the custom transfer agent for git-lfs, bundled in this package.

To install, just run:

$ huggingface-cli lfs-enable-largefiles

This should be executed once for each model repo that contains a model file

5GB. If you just try to push a file bigger than 5GB without running that command, you will get an error with a message reminding you to run it.

Finally, there's a huggingface-cli lfs-multipart-upload command but that one is internal (called by lfs directly) and is not meant to be called by the user.

Using the Inference API wrapper

huggingface_hub comes with a wrapper client to make calls to the Inference API! You can find some examples below, but we encourage you to visit the Inference API documentation to review the specific parameters for the different tasks.

When you instantiate the wrapper to the Inference API, you specify the model repository id. The pipeline (text-classification, text-to-speech, etc) is automatically extracted from the repository, but you can also override it as shown below.


Here is a basic example of calling the Inference API for a fill-mask task using the bert-base-uncased model. The fill-mask task only expects a string (or list of strings) as input.

from huggingface_hub.inference_api import InferenceApi
inference = InferenceApi("bert-base-uncased", token=API_TOKEN)
inference(inputs="The goal of life is [MASK].")
>> [{'sequence': 'the goal of life is life.', 'score': 0.10933292657136917, 'token': 2166, 'token_str': 'life'}]

This is an example of a task (question-answering) which requires a dictionary as input thas has the question and context keys.

inference = InferenceApi("deepset/roberta-base-squad2", token=API_TOKEN)
inputs = {"question":"What's my name?", "context":"My name is Clara and I live in Berkeley."}
>> {'score': 0.9326569437980652, 'start': 11, 'end': 16, 'answer': 'Clara'}

Some tasks might also require additional params in the request. Here is an example using a zero-shot-classification model.

inference = InferenceApi("typeform/distilbert-base-uncased-mnli", token=API_TOKEN)
inputs = "Hi, I recently bought a device from your company but it is not working as advertised and I would like to get reimbursed!"
params = {"candidate_labels":["refund", "legal", "faq"]}
inference(inputs, params)
>> {'sequence': 'Hi, I recently bought a device from your company but it is not working as advertised and I would like to get reimbursed!', 'labels': ['refund', 'faq', 'legal'], 'scores': [0.9378499388694763, 0.04914155602455139, 0.013008488342165947]}

Finally, there are some models that might support multiple tasks. For example, sentence-transformers models can do sentence-similarity and feature-extraction. You can override the configured task when initializing the API.

inference = InferenceApi("bert-base-uncased", task="feature-extraction", token=API_TOKEN)